Title: Ragini Vecham: A Social Entrepreneur and Her Initiatives
1R agini Vecham A Social E ntrepreneur and Her
Initiatives Bringing any change is never an easy
task. However, if every person initiates an
inventive solution, converting the world into a
better place wont be a difficult task. Well,
all of it begins with the choice of coming up
for others, and Ragini Vecham has done it with
her non-profit organization.
Being a social entrepreneur, R agini Vecham has
founded Intership4Teens. This non-profit
organization makes use of social business and
technology for connecting students from high
school to work, particularly in indigent
communities. She has offered her services on
boards of different non-profit organizations.
She has intended to bring advancement in their
functions. She has worked with
TiE Silicon encouraging volunteered
Valley, which stays dedicated to also of
entrepreneurship. She her services on the
has boards
GuruShraddha Dance Academy. In addition to
being a social entrepreneur, Ragini is also a
Strategic Digital Marketing Advisor. She applies
her vision at BotSprint as the Chief Executive
Officer. In this firm, she has effectively
executed different strategies with the purpose
of increasing revenue and lessening the expenses
for an improved bottom line. In her professional
life, she has earned a great name for her
proficiency, passion, and integrity for
Marketing, Sales, and MA Strategies. R agini
Vecham - Digital Marketing Specialist