Title: Breast Milk Vs Formula Milk
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- Telephone 91-0172-5088088, 2604613
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2 Breast Milk Vs Formula Milk
Meaning of breast milk - a milk produce by the
womans breasts after every child birth and that
milk is taken as a food by her child. Human milk
contains a balance nutrients that closely matches
the all requirement of the babies.
Meaning of formula milk - A babies liquid food
based on cows milk and some essential protein in
powdery form given to the babies in substitute
of breast milk. Formula milk is also know as
powder milk.
Difference between breast milk and formula milk
- Now a days as developing science is taking
place there is little difference in breast milk
and formula milk . Although its not fixed that
formula milk is giving to those child whose
mother cant able to produce breast milk. The
little bit difference in milk are as follows
3- Ingredients missing in formula milk Although
breast milk is best for your baby to provide him
or her all the nutrients and also protect your
baby from viruses, bacteria and other harmful
germs by making antibodies where as formula milk
is not that powerful in making antibodies fir
your baby. Formula milk is also lack that
nutrients which are only transfer by breasts milk.
4- Digestive enzyme Breast milk have all that
digestive enzyme which should be provided to your
child for digestion where as by feeding formula
milk to your baby will not create a best
digestive process in you child body.
- Growth factors formula milk or powdery milk and
lack of breast feed will lack the speed of your
baby growth factor such as to help intestine
mature , guide development of blood cells , bones
, nervous and other body parts.
- Cytokines formula milk is lack in cytokine .
Cytokine important for immune system . While
breast milk have Cytokine due to which baby have
good immune system . Although babies having
formula milk will also develop good immune system
but it may take more time for them.
- Stem cells used to develop variety of tissue.
Breast feeding will provide stem cells which are
require by your baby to develop tissues. stem
cell are missing in powder milk.
- Diseases prevention breast milk feeding to your
babies will prevent your baby from various
diseases such as cold, cough, fever etc. and also
create antibodies for your child to protest
himself or herself from upcoming diseases. While
formula milk feeding doesnt have power of making
antibodies for your baby.
5- Baby suffer from by formula milk your baby
suffer from upset stomach, gas problem and
Provide formula milk only when if you have
problem in producing breasts milk. Some woman are
jib addicted due to addiction to job they used to
give formula milk to there baby although they can
produce breast milk. Dont ever do this with your
child. By doing this your baby may lack all tge
essential nutrients, antibodies etc..
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