Title: Olivier Palazzo | An Executive Chef
1Olivier Palazzo An Executive Chef
2Olivier Palazzo As a Chef
Olivier Palazzo is an experienced chef who draws
upon his vast experience in the culinary world to
create a unique tasting experience for his guests.
3Work Experience
Olivier Palazzo's first experiences of working in
the culinary world were as a teenager in Paris,
France. After leaving France for the United
States, Olivier Palazzo began to cook in New York
for chef Jean Georges in two of his different
4Food Traveler
Olivier Palazzo considers himself to be a food
traveler. His visits around the world are fueled
by a passion for exploring new cuisines that he
can bring into his repertoire. Olivier Palazzo
has traveled to France, England, Portugal,
Africa, and South America sampling local cuisine
and indulging in his other passion in life -
5Olivier Palazzos Hopes
Olivier Palazzo is an experienced chef who hopes
to one day open his own restaurant. He has been
working in the culinary field since he was 15
years old and has picked up a wide range of
skills from some of the world's best chefs.
6Visit To Know More
7Olivier Palazzo