Amore by Ioannis Dalaklis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Amore by Ioannis Dalaklis


Invent the wheel again – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Amore by Ioannis Dalaklis

The Voice Introspective thoughts
A thought within a thought
It is really beautiful, mathematics, describing
everything around us and how beautiful the forms
are, but only in different language.
Today I have an inner drive that tries to make me
sleepless. Actually, writing now is a way of
capturing my zeitgeist, and even more to actually
communicate to myself. I try to develop the best
habits possible!
-Not good enough, improve on your selectivity on
and evaluate things, as means towards the end.
Being a student takes time, and absorbing
information that tries to make room in my brain
is a difficult task, but easier as I get better
in putting a value on that information. What is
good information and knowledge? This creates lots
of other questions in turn, but I let my brain be
the manager for the moment otherwise, I would
end up writing lengthy passages on those
questions. Can anything worthy of gold be taught,
or do you have to explore yourself and learn?
What is a fact, or are there any facts? Or does
it depend on how one understands and interprets
something? My outlook on life has changed more
this year than it has any other year in my past.
-Do not be slave of the passions, take control of
that god damn horse and become the master.
A day without a night, happiness without sorrow?
Balance the darker sides, experience them and
feel how wonderful they are. This makes happiness
twofold! Deconstructionism seems interesting, the
method of analyzing texts, based on the notion
that our language is unstable and varies and
that the reader rather than the author is central
to determine the meaning. Know thyself, as the
inscription at the Oracle of Delphi reads. But
know others, and it may be easier to know thyself
he would say. He would also tell me to avoid
disturbances to avoid all this turbulence which
they cause, and avoid forms of bondage so that I
me free myself from those chains. Again, less to
worry about? Find calm and show patience and
endurance when things are hard. Most of the books
available can be worthless unless I reflect on
them and they can give me a means of reflection.
I would say that they need that special
philosophical taste. I have acquired a small
philosophical library, which can give me that
joyful mirror I sometimes need.
-You sit on a large rock which orbits a gigantic
I know, at least I think I know. I also know that
I found that pearl I was looking for as a
teenager. I have dived and searched in the great
depths of the ocean, and finally I found beauty
beyond imagination. Or she practically found me,
and then we found each other. It is not only
beauty, but as a characteristic beauty of the
soul, as I would not feel this towards another
person with the same body. Does one love a person
because she is beautiful, or is a person
beautiful because one loves her? I prefer the
-I know.
But is it not weird that a lot of people have
forgotten about the heavens, about the meteors
and stars and about concepts larger than our
day-to-day life?
-The meaning of life is life itself. Take
responsibility of your life and as Socrates might
say, the unexamined life is not worth living.
Thanks, you are that inner partner I can
communicate with.
Why Agnosticism and not Christianity? Do people
believe a person who said that he was the son of
-Human beings who had or have a miserable
lifelong for a better life. Create heaven for
that purpose and inflict fear in people by
creating hell as well. Religion raises dust in
front of people and most people fall blind and
accept it.
But you did not do that. You refused to
acknowledge the fact that there is not more to
it, you are unafraid of walking without the sight
of the eyes and you create and examine the
reality around you.
-I know that you are mortal.
There were many other religions and gods before
Christianity and other large religions today, and
they have all passed away. Christianity cannot
survive for an eternity, sooner or later its
shadow will vanish into the dark sky. Let us get
rid of it, like old coins lose their worth and
just in case, let us melt it so people can form
new thoughts of possibilities.
-And what makes you think that people will not
invent new gods? This progression has been with
us in our history.
As the universe unfolds and our knowledge of it,
we need to grow as well, and not let go of the
possibility that there are several
interpretations of it. Remember, language and
things on earth have all been created by us human
beings. Time and space are only part of our
experience as we think it is, and that does not
mean that it is reality. It is only the
experienced reality. This is the way temporal
human beings experience the world, in terms of
one thing related to another (space), and their
temporal existence. Imagine something that is
beyond our experience, beyond time and space?
-Well, imagine what you cannot imagine. Another
advice I have is do not be afraid. You cannot be
afraid of things that you do not know anything
of, otherwise you would have to worry about all
sorts of things.
Engaging in philosophical inquiry is a delight.
The more one engages in the golden road of truth,
the more one person realizes that it may be the
wrong way to reach the golden palace but at
least one is on the golden road and not outside
of it.
-Terminate the people by laughing, just laugh at
the absurdity of existence!
What has god achieved in these billions of years
behind us? God is probably quite disappointed
with us. Does he laugh at us while we pray for
Him, or should we laugh at our mistake of
creating Him in the first place? By the way, as
Heraclitus said, one cannot step twice into the
same river Because neither the person nor the
river is the same. We need different words for
each moment in time.
What about morals, can a divine entity tell us
what to do, and what is right and wrong? That
authority is the author himself, or authors that
think they have personal experience with God,
including the blind followers of these people who
try to hold on to those messages for new
generations. In different places and in different
times, what is moral and immoral depends on
exactly those people experiencing those events.
-Society is shaped by death my friend. How do you
know that other entities are not conscious, other
human beings or other living things, like
animals? They may have a mind that is beyond our
comprehension, the way we have a mind that is
also beyond our comprehension.
I want to know more.
-People and events that they have contributed to
have become thousand times stronger when people
have been united, perhaps for something they love
or even stronger for something they hate.
I wonder what events could have been avoided
without all that hate or perhaps sentimental
I need you to open the window, I want to escape
to other worlds. Friends and the relation people
have to each other, would there actually be
friends if all people knew what one says of the
-I need to add that you should keep away from
people that are zombies. They only exist for the
sake of following others. Not conscious...
Does that mean that I should not follow in others
footsteps towards the golden palace, but create
my own footsteps?
-That's right.
A strange feeling I have in the morning when I
wake up is that I feel happy for being alive, the
way the sun rises every day, I rise from by
bed. Another hard-to-explain feeling is that I
enjoy silence sometimes, but not total silence. I
mean nature, in combination with different sounds
when I walk outside. The beauty of the experience
lies in my mind.
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