Title: PanchakarmTreatment (1)
1Parjatak Ayurveda Offers Best Paralysis Treatment
2What is Paralysis
Paralysis is a disorder in which one side of the
body is paralyzed. When the body reacts to
certain conditions, the nerves stop transmitting
information, preventing any action from taking
place. The condition is classified as a Vata
vyadhi disorder in Ayurveda.
3What causes Paralysis
- Extreme physically demanding works.
- Inability to sleep.
- Brain channel obstruction.
- Nutritional deficiencies.
- Anxiety and depression.
- Blood pressure that is too high.
- Disorders of the nervous system.
4Symptoms of Paralysis
- Muscle cramping.
- Severe pain in muscles after minor exercise
- Permanent weakness.
- Feeling tingles.
- Attacks of muscle weakness that stay longer
5Ayurvedic Management and Treatment of Paralysis
Nowadays most ayurvedic doctors rely on
laboratory tests and other systems of diagnosis
and treatment from the allopathic school.
However, the most method of best ayurvedic
treatment for paralysis is with herbs and
minerals which should be administered or
prescribed only by a professional ayurvedic
6Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Paralysis
In paralysis treatment in Ayurveda along with the
Panchakarma therapies, oral herbal and mineral
medicines also are prescribed and administered.
The therapies like Abhyangaswedam, Karnapooranam,
nasyam, virechana, snehapana, shirovasti,
sarvangadhara, etc. are used to cure the patient
or simply manage the ailment.
7Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment at Parijatak
The main advantage of ayurvedic treatment is that
it aims to cure the ailment which isn't possible
in the case of allopathic treatment. Then again,
the side effects of best ayurvedic treatment for
paralysis are negligible compared to the
8For More Information
Visit Us https//parijatak.com/paralysis/ Email
ID -Info_at_parijatak.com Phone No -91 92091077