Title: CYB 360 Education Specialist |tutorialrank.com
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2CYB 360 Extraordinary Success/tutorialrank.com
CYB 360 Week 1 Wireless Network Needs and
Requirement For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Write a 1- to 2-page
report for the Director of IT describing the
requirements you are considering as your team
implements the wireless network. Include the
following Design requirements that must be
addressed Justification to use different
frequencies, channels, and antennae in the
3CYB 360Extraordinary Success/tutorialrank.com
CYB 360 Week 2 Wireless Site Survey For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Perf
orm a basic assessment of a familiar environment
(e.g., your home, work, or a local business).
Identify the following
4CYB 360Extraordinary Success/tutorialrank.com
CYB 360 Week 3 Configuring a Secure Wireless
Network Part 1 For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Your office has
implemented a WLAN and needs you to configure the
WLAN environment with three Cisco Meraki MR62
wireless a
5CYB 360Extraordinary Success/tutorialrank.com
CYB 360 Week 3 Configuring a Secure Wireless
Network Part 1 For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Your office has
implemented a WLAN and needs you to configure the
WLAN environment with three Cisco Meraki MR62
wireless a
6CYB 360 Extraordinary Success/tutorialrank.com
CYB 360 Week 4 Configuring a Secure Wireless
Network Part 2 For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com An unsecured network
poses risk of internal and external compromises.
Users in human resources typically transmit
sensitive information across the network. The
network should encrypt HR data in transit.
7CYB 360Extraordinary Success/tutorialrank.com
CYB 360 Week 4 Team Encryption and WIPS/WIDS
Implementation For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com This week your team
is presenting recommendations to your director on
implementing, securing, and monitoring the
network for data security assurance.
8CYB 360 Extraordinary Success/tutorialrank.com
CYB 360 Week 5 Attack Vectors and Wireless
Network Hardening For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com This week you are
reporting possible security threats to your
network, how the network is hardened against such
threats, and recommendations to harden the
network further. As a team, discuss likely th
9CYB 360 Extraordinary Success/tutorialrank.com
CYB 360 Week 5 Packet Capture Analysis For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com You
are analyzing packet captures from a wireless
network to assess if the captures pose a threat,
what risks, if any.
10CYB 360 Extraordinary Success/tutorialrank.com
CYB 360 Week 1 Python LAB 2.31 Expression for
calories burned during workout For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com CYB 360
Week 1 Python LAB 2.31 Expression for calories
burned during workout The following equations
estimate the calories burned when exercising
11CYB 360 Extraordinary Success/tutorialrank.com
CYB 360 Week 1 Python LAB 2.32 Using math
functions For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com CYB 360 Week 1
Python LAB 2.32 Using math functions Given three
floating-point numbers x, y, and z, output x to
the power of z, x to the power of (y to the power
of z), the absolute value of (x minus y), and the
square root of (x to the power of z).
12CYB 360 Extraordinary Success/tutorialrank.com
CYB 360 Week 2 Discussion Code Structure For
more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175
words This week you will learn about basic
code structure. The term structure, as it relates
to programming, refers to the decisions you make
to d
13CYB 360 Extraordinary Success/tutorialrank.com
CYB 360 Week 2 Python LAB 3.11 Input and
formatted output Right-facing arrow For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com CYB
360 Week 2 Python LAB 3.11 Input and formatted
output Right-facing arrow Given input characters
for an arrowhead and arrow body, print a
right-facing arrow.
14CYB 360 Extraordinary Success/tutorialrank.com