Title: High Street Kensington Bars - Romulo Cafe
1A Unique And Unforgettable Taste Of The
High Street Kensington Bars
2Showcasing Filipino Cuisine In A Way London Has
Never Seen Before
3Ambience and Décor
We have conceptualized a space that could have
been the residence of our late grandfather,
should he have lived in the heart of Kensington.
The outcome is an elegant space that bridges
Filipino culture with the local character,
revealing a rich sense of personal and family
history. while giving you the sense of an
elegant, exotic and buzzing family home.
4Where Every Drink Has A Story To Tell
In keeping with the ethos and heritage of Romulo
Café Restaurant, our bar is a place where every
drink has a story to tell. Our signature
cocktails are inspired by our heritage, Filipino
flavours and ingredients and are unique to Romulo
Café Restaurant. Our friendly and knowledgeable
staff will happily create something exclusively
for you. Enjoy and pretend you are on a white
sand beach in the Philippines!
5A Menu That Will Surprise Delight
Filipino cuisine beautifully combines flavours
from both East and West, with influences from the
Pacific Rim, Malaysia, China, South America and
Spain. Our food is a unique blend of savoury
richness and fresh flavours that surprise and
delight the palate.We generously cater for
Vegetarians, Vegans and Gluten Intolerances and
offer smaller tasting portions, signature sharing
plates and a 5-Course Food and Wine Pairing Menu,
perfect for your various dining occasions.
6The Inspiration Behind Our Restaurant
General Carlos P. Romulo was Philippine
Ambassador to the United States, President of the
United Nations General Assembly (his signature is
on the UN charter) and the longest serving
Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines.
He was also the first Filipino to win a Pulitzer
Prize and awarded the highest American civilian
award, the Medal of Freedom.
7Romulo Café Restaurant London,343 Kensington
High Street,London W8 6NW