RV University Brochure - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RV University Brochure


With eight decades of rich legacy of RV Educational Institutions (RVEI), RV University is set off to impart high-quality education of global standards in India. We endeavor to impart quality education to all strata of society, through our three schools 'School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 'School of Design' and 'School of Economics and Finance'. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: RV University Brochure

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A Legacy of Eight Decades in Nation-Building
through Education
Our founder, late Sri M.C. Sivananda Sarma
believed that educati on is the only tool that
can help individuals ful fil their aspirations.
Deeply inspired by the pioneers of the freedom
struggle in 1940, he embarked 011 the task of
providing education to the future citii ens of a
free India by starting his first school with one
classroom and six students. Since i ts inception,
RVEI has evolved significantly with 21 institut
ions from preschool to post - graduation and
beyond, enabli ng learn ers from all sections of
societ y to access af fo rdab le and quality
education in all spheres of knowledge includ ing
Arts, Humanities, Basic Sciences, Technology,
Management, Teacher Education, Heal th Sciences
and l egal Stud ies.
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Achievementsof RV Educational Institutions
RVCE is rated one amongst the top ten self- fi
nancin g Engi neering Institut ions in the
country RVCE has established the Centre of
Excellence in El ectr ic Mobility in partnership
with Ampere Electric Vehicles - a unit of
Greaves Cotton Limited in 2020 RVCE has
established industrial collaborations, among
others. with Cognizant Technology Solutions.
Bosch Rexr oth, Inte l Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Infosys Lt d.. ICICI Bank and NDRF NMKRV College
for Women was recognised with the "College with
Potenti al for Excell ence" title by the UGC in
2010 and is an autonomous college NMKRV College
for Women was ranked among the top 50 colleges
in India for Science and Commerce by the Week-
Hansa Research Survey 2019 RV College of
Architecture was ranked as one of the country's
top 20 Archit ecture coll eges by Outlook
Magazine, 2019
Since its inception, RVEI has Evolved
Genesis of RV University
RV Educational Insti tut ion s (RVEI), governed
by Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust (RSST), is
recognised among the few value - based and
quality - oriented educational groups in the
country. The Trust endeavours to impart quality
education to all strata of Society. RV
University (RVU) is a State Pri vate Uni versi ty
which has been established in Karnataka State
with RSST as the sponsoring body through Act
No.34 of 2019, passed by the Karnataka
Legislature . The Mission of RSST and RV Univer
si ty is "Excell ence in Education with Societal
Be a World- Class Un iver si ty with
  • Orientation for research and innovation,
    imparting quality education on par with global
    standards. benefiting all
  • Linkages with industries and civil society
  • Focus on holistic, sustainable and inclusive

Significance of the RV University Logo
RV University 's logo is based on three
elements Firstly, RVU aims to provide a
platform to sow a seed that gives you a fresh
star t t owa rds a bright fu tu re. Secondly, RVU
is a place where you study to strengthen your
knowledge and nurture the seed that you sowed.
Thirdly, by nurturing the seed you turn it into
a tree which becomes the reason for your growth.
The logo seeks to integrate these three elements
seamlessly to signi fy education. The Sun in the
logo symbolises creation and ideas while the
book symbolises knowledge and learning. The tree
signifies growth and development. The Sanskrit
word Pr agn aha refers to a person who is a
seeker of knowledge wisdom or supreme knowledge
or understanding, int elligence, intell ect
while Dheer aha re fers to jnan, scholar, ocean
(of knowledge), mountain, int elligent, clever,
serious, constant mind, i mmovable and
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Aligned to our vision of preparing responsible
global citizens,the curriculum is cognisant of
building an India- centric awareness towards
making learning relevant to the context of its
unfolding. Being located in one of India's truly
global cities that has produced some of the
country's best scientists, art ists, scholars
and entrepreneurs, will further enrich student
experience through opportunities of interaction
and mentoring by the accompli shed.The liberal
we ll - curated foundation will significantly
enrich their qualit y of li fe and relationsh
ips, at home and the world outside, along with
thenature of their engagement with leisureand
public service.
Come and join us to build a life that you desire
and a career that's desirous of you.
Hence, higher education has to become
preparatory for li fe based on students' ability
and passion.
model has produced notable global leaders,
thinkers, scientist s, writers, poets, teachers
and philosophers, both in ancient civili sations
and the modern world. Today, many successful
entrepreneurs, business leaders, fi lmmakers,
data scientists, digital artists, social media
influ encers, motivational speakers, content
creators, consultants, policy makers, actor s,
media editors, bloggers, environmentalists,
administrators, communicators, managers and
educators have had an educational background
that's been liberal and interdisciplinary in it
s learning opportunities. In a bill ion plus
nation of tr ill ion plus dreams, the possibil
it ies to shine forth are aplenty. Once students
settle into the campus li fe, the courses are
designed to create a strong foundation in
intellectual and emot ional growth through
critical learning, creative thinking and the
nurtur ing of empathetic communication skill s.
Laying of th is
The School of Liberal Arts and Scienceswill
facilit ate th is process through an eclectic and
essential curriculum of majors, minor s and
foundation courses, led and designed by
academics with global experience and ongoing
contributions to research, industry and
practice. Our faculty student ratio of 115,
is envisioned to lend a mentor - learner dynamism
to the tradit ional teacher- student model,
through a pedagogy of participatory learning,
where students will be intro duced to a range of
subjects from the Humanities, Arts (visual and
performing), and the Sciences (physical, social
and behavioural), before making an informed
choice for aptitude-driven majors and minor s.
Dear Students, Parents and Friends,
I am pleased to welcome you to the School
of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the RV Universit
y, Bengaluru. The invitation is part of a
transformat ive journey that will impart
essential li fe skills and knowledge to the
graduates of tomorrow to successfully navigate
th rou gh the pro fessional worl d. In our
rapidl y changing era, educat ion is witnessing
a churn where no longer the conventional
approach to learning and careers hol d
relevance. The tecton ic shifts have led to the
evolution of a new thinking around education.
employment and employability . The
constant evolving of pro fessional opportunities
- existing and emerging, technical and ar
tistic - is rathe r going to be the norm. This
will bepropelled by pursuits for personal ful
filment in neo- mill ennial job- li fe.
We, at RV University would like to invite you
and welcome you to the wonderful 'World of
drawing from the knowledge of other schools of
the University and facilitate learning from
other discip lines essential fo r addressing the
issues faced by human being and our planet. Let
me welcome the design aspirants to the world of
design at RV Univer sity where one would
inculcate a habit of li felong learning and
inquiry. leading to the advancement of one's well
- b eing. We shall create and promote the
culture of co-creation where mentors
modern perspectives, while retaining the
core strengths of design pedagogy that
and students would find and build solutions
together. We shall ensure continuity of the
projects lead ing to it s completion stage to be
useful to the human kind. In this journey.
having active engagement of students with the
Industryon or off the campus would be very
design as a discipline distin ctly from art and
Dear Students,
Design does not operate in isolation. Designers
do more than create beautiful or ugly products
they also contribute positive or negative
influences in our lives. This makes it necessary
for design curricula to provide inter
disciplinary and multidisciplinary exposure to
gear up students to tackle design problems with
holistic approach and to make things work within
practical constraints.
  • During the last two decades there has been
  • considerable happenings in the design education
    scene in the country. Many IITs. NITS, IIITs.
    SPAs. State Universities. Deemed Uni versities.
    Private Universities as well as standalone
    institutes have started bachelor's level as well
    as mast er's level programmes in various
    disciples of design over last two decades or so.
    Design education has come a
  • long way since its evolution at Bauhaus during
    the age of Industrial Revolut ion. Most
    universities and insti tu tes of design
    education around the globe have evol ved their
    curricula to suit the requirements of an
    ever-changing global and local scenario in
  • which designers operate. Design educators across
    the globe acknowledges the need for design
  • curricula to be contextualized and integrated with

Because design needs to be taught as an
integrated discipline. the School of Design at RV
University would ensure that the learning takes
place from different disciplines. contexts. and
methodologies, The school would network with
agencies in other fields. so that students are
presented varied experiences to learn from. The
process here would be multidisciplinary. The
design curriculum would be
We believe in the three pill ars of a st udent's
learning Journey - Know ing. Doing Being. We
are li ke a startup and hence welcome you to be
part of this exciting journey to be the Founding
Batch of this Universi ty. We seek
entrepreneurs, thinkers, doers,
My Dear Students,
Welcome to RV Uni versity. It is a new age
Welcome to RV University. Come, let's change the
place full y committed to create a unique
platform for teachers, students, industry and
civil society. Learning
is a li felong process and we are truly committed
to provide this opport uni ty to all our
stakeholder s. The
creators. We want to nurture talent across domains
and bring a truly mul ti - disciplinary liberal
education to the masses. We truly believe that
a good education is the only way to create
nation builders and we want to
School of Economics and Finance is not a typical B
School. It is in fact a mult i- disciplinary
place which will work at the intersection of t
echnology, busin ess,
contribut e towards that endeavour.
economics, public policy, creativity and
design thinking. Our Undergraduate and
Postgraduate Programmes will be co-created and
co- delivered with the Industry and draw inputs
from Government as well as Not For Profi t
Sectors .
RVU w ill b eg in it s
a ca d e n1ic programmes with effect from Aug us
2 0 2 1
I t i s proposed to begin with eight programmes
fr om undergraduate to postgraduate degrees. In
the fo llowing years, the physical in fr ast
ructure will beaugmented in a big way by ini t
iating more
pr ogrammes catering to the educational needs of
societ y.
Our goal is to become a leading centre
of excellence for teachin,g researc,h community
engagement and capacity building. We aim to
produce master learner s - who with exemplary
staf f will be able to provide answers to our
society's most complex and chall enging pr
Scl1ool of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
The Bachelor of Science in Libera l Arts
and Sciences (B. Sc.) is a degree programme
of three-year duration off ering the following
speciailsat ions
The School of Liberal Arts and Sciences at RV
Uni versit y addre sses the above needs through
Environmental Science Physics Psychology
and Mind Sciences Fil mmaking
curriculums designed with a 'touch of life' by
practicing academics with global experience.
to mentor students towards contributions that are
relevant. responsible. moral and ent repr
History lndology Philosophy and Ethics
Polit ical Science and Leadership Studies
Of all tested and avail able higher education
Literat ure and Languages Theat re and Per
for ming Arts
templates prevalent in India today, the Liberal
and Sciences study model comes closest to
the above goals by aligning the plural,
With Additional Minors from the School of Design
and School of Economics
all- encompassing spirit of the Indian civili sat
Tagged along with it is the cherished
and Finance
western/European renaissance worldviews of '
humanism. individualism, secularism. scepticism.
The future of education is creative and visual,
and cl assicism and well - roundedness towards
the processes of skill acquisi tion is per
formative and
classicism and well-roundedness' towards the nurt
uring of free- thinki ng. responsible global
experiential. with a skew towards mindsets that
citizens in a fast changing wor ld with increasing
explor ative and liberal.
connect ivity. dependence and influence.
Wh y B.Sc . (Hons.) at RV University ? - High
quali ty global education at an affordable cost
Students can avail the oppor t uni ty to assi
st faculty on ongoing research andcreative
Experience pr act ic e- based lear ni
ng opportunities through 'Expl ore Ind ia' work
and travel expedit ions
- A 21st century skill s- imparting
curriculum with focus on disciplines fr om
Sciences (Physical. Social and Behaviour al)
St at e- of - t he- ar t infrastructure that
inspires imaginat ion andself- reflection with
ample creative spaces for exploring co-
curricular act ivit ies, sport s, yoga.
mindfulness and personal fitness
- Students will be int roduced to a diversity of
subject clusters from Arts and Sciences to
choose and design their own major - minor
combinat io ns leading to a B.Sc. degree in
li beral Art s
A vibrant campus that encourages est abli
shment of t hematic st udent - led societies for
personal express ion in variou s arts, hobbies,
games and talents t owards the building of car
eer netw orks and fr iend ships for li fe
Int er n at io nal university collabor ations
semester long exchange opport unit ies
- Personalised ment orship and a high
f acultyst udent rat io of 110 - A dynamic
curriculum of global reckon with
necessary focus on India, where classroom know
ledge is tested and reviewed across
disciplines in the relevanceof student designed
outputs to their immediat e and larger context
- W orl d class faculty with global
connect, research and influence footprint
Majors Fil m Studies History lndology
Literature and Languages Philosophy and Eth
ics Theatre and Per for ming Arts Poli tical
Science and Leadership
Of all tested and available higher
education templates prevalent India today, the
Liberal Arts and Sciences study model comes cl
osest to achieving the above goal s by
aligning the plural, all- encompassing spirit of
the Indian civili sati on. Tagged along with it
is the cherished western/European renai
ssance worldview s of humani sm, individualism.
secularism. scepticism. classicism and well -
roundedness towards the nurturing of free-
thinking. responsible global citizens in a fast
changing wor ld with increasing connectivity.
dependence and inf luence.
En vironment al Science Physics Psychology
With Additional Minors from the School of Design
and School of Economics and Fina11ce
The future of educati on is creative and visual.
and classicism and well- roundedness towards the
the processesof skill acquisition is
performative and experiential, with a skew
towards mindsets that are explor ative and
liberal. The School of Liberal Arts and
Sciences at RV University addresses the
above needs through curriculums designed with a '
touch of lif e' by practicing academics with
global experience, to mentor students
towards contributions that are relevant.
responsible. moral and entrepreneurial.
Wh y B.A. (Hons.) at RV Un ive r s it y? - Hi
gh qu ali t y glob al ed uca t ion at an
Students can avail the oppor t uni ty to assi
st faculty on ongoing research andcreative
pro ject
affordable cost
- A 21st century skills-imparting curriculum
with focus on disciplines from Social Sciences
Humanities with Minors from Fine Performing
Experience pract ic e- based learn i ng
op por t u nit ie s through 'Expl ore Ind ia'
work and
travel expedit ions
Arts, Design, Economics , Bus iness and Sciences
St at e- of - t he- ar t i n fr ast r uct u re
that inspires
imagination and self- refl ection with ample
- Students will be int roduced to a div er si
t y of
spaces for exploring co- curricular
activities. sports, yoga, mind fulness and per
sonal fitness
subject clusters from Arts and Sciences to
choose and design their own major - minor
combin ations leading to a B.A. degree in Liberal
Art s
A vibrant campus that encourages est abli
shment of t hematic st udent - led societies for
expression in variou s arts, hobbies, games and
Int ern at io nal univer sit y co l lab or at io
ns with semester long exchange opport unit ies
talents towards the building of career
networks and friendships for life
- Personalised ment orship and a high f
acultyst udent rat io of 110
- A dynamic curriculum of global r eckon with
necessary focus on India, where classroom
know ledge is tested and reviewed across
disciplines in the relevanceof student designed
outputs to their immediat e and larger context
- Wo rl d class faculty with global
connect, research and influence footprint
School of Design
The Bachelor of Design (B.Des.) is a
degree programme of fo ur- year dur ation
offering the following speciali sations Pr
o du ct D esig n and In no va t io n
Sensit i vity to Aesth etics, Know ledg e of
Humans and
Information and Gr aphic Design
t heir behavior, Society, Culture and
Environment. The programme will enable students
to ident i fy
User Experience Design
significant contemporary pr oblems, incu lcate
cri tic al thinking, critique convent ional
solut ions, and
Spatial Design
The curiculum would offer a Major in one of
challenge the st atus- quo to arrive at creative
the design specialisations and a minor in one
solutions through collaborat ive team efforts.
of the specialos,tions offered by the School of
L,ber,I Arts Sciences and the School of
Economics Finance a ong with other
specialisations offered by the School of
Working in collaborative, dedicated studio
spaces, students would acquire hone skills and
learn design theor ies. methods and processes
that would help develop and refine their ideas w
hich would address the pr oblem identi fi ed in
a holistic manner.
Design. In addition, there will befew
electives offered by all the three schools. All
thespecialisations would focus on Design- led En
t rep reneur ship as w ell as placement. Our cur
r icu lum w ou ld emphasize on Hand Skill s. Digi
t al Skill s. speciali sation Specific Skill s.
User Research. Knowledge of Making. Mat
erials, Processes,
Why B.Des. at RV University"?
Incubation center through which students gain
hands-on experience in innovation
and entrepreneurship while being nur tured and
encouraged by f acult y and industr y exper
ts Lo c at io nal advantage of studying in
Bengaluru which is regarded as the Sil icon
Valley of India and is considered as one of the'
Next Decade's Fastest - Growing Cities' by Forbes
  • Highly qualified Faculty with tremendous
  • academic and indust ry experience having quali
    fications from some of the best Design School
    s of the world including NID, IDC IIT
    Bombay), etc.
  • High qualit y, affordable global design
  • education
  • World class infrastructure of studios,
    workshops, labs, prototyping and incubat ion
  • Design pedagogy that facilitates i nt egr at i ve
    learning through a mul t idi scipli nary pr
  • Experiential learning through short andlong
    internships, programs to discover explor e
    your sel f, your neighbourhood and your country
  • Sel f - assessment, where students assess their
    own work first and only then it is assessed by
    jur ies and expert faculty
  • Int er nat io nal collaborations, master cl asses
  • Ex p er i en ce d and p r act ici n g fa cu l
    t y with excell ent tr ack record

The Master of Design (M.Des.) is a
degree programme of two-year duration offering
following speciali sations Int er ac t io n
Workingin collaborative, dedicated studio spaces.
Inf ormati on Design
students would acquire hone skills and learn
Our M.Descourse curriculum would emphasi ze on
design theories, methods and processes that
would help develop and re fine their ideas which
would address the problem identified in a
holistic manner.
creating Product leaders, Design managers,
Strategists. Team leaders. and Design Researchers.
All the specialisat ions would focus on Design-
The cu riculum would offer aconcentration
Entrepreneur ship as well asplacement.
1n your chosen design specialisation and
few electives from the School of Liberal Arts
Sciences and the School of Economics Finance
courses. There would be group projects
(University and Institute Projects)
across all the schools of the University. The
programme will enable students to identify signi
ficant contemporary problems. inculc ate
critical thinking. cri t ique convent ional solu
tions . and challenge the status-quo to arri ve
at creative solutions through collaborative team
Wh y M.D e s. at RV Un iversit y ?
Loc at io nal advantage of studying in Bengaluru
which is regarded as the Silicon Valley of India
and is considered as one of the 'Next Decade' s
Fastest - Growing Cities' by Forbes Magazine
- Highly qualified Faculty with tremendous
academic and industry experience having quali
fications from some of the best Design Schoo
ls of the world including NI D, IDC (IIT
Bombay), etc.
- High quality, affordable global
design education
- World class infrastructure of studios,
workshops, labs, proto typing and incubat ion
- Design pedagogy t hat facilitates
integrative learning through a mul t idi
sciplinary pr ocess
- Exp er i en t i al le ar nin g through
short andlong internships. programs to discover
explor e your sel f, your neighbourhood and
your country
- Sel f - assessment, where students assess
their own work first and only then it is
assessed by jur ies and expert faculty
- Int ern at io nal collaborations, master
- Experienced and practicing faculty with excell
ent tr ack record
- Incubation center through which students gain
hand s- on experience in innovation and
entrepreneurship while being nurt ured and
encouraged by facul ty and industry experts
(No Transcript)
In this programme. students will gain
knowledge essential for compr ehending the
complex issues that shape t oday' s global
market place. Our
programme also provides them with excellent
Incubation center through which students gain
hands on experience in innovation and
entrepreneurship w hil e being nurtured and
encouraged by facul ty and industry experts
preparation for post graduate study in fields such
as law. pol i tical science. history. criminal
anthropo logy. sociology. and economics. Plus.
ind ependent research opportunities
abound through seminar courses. ind ependent
- Lo cat io nal advantage of studying in one of
best colleges for B.A. Economics in
Bengaluru which is regarded as the Silicon Valley
of India it is con sid ered as one of the
'Next Decade's Fastest
inter nships.
Option to choose additional electives from
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences School of
- Growing Citiesby For bes Magazine
Why B.A. (Hons.) at RV Un ivers ity? H ig h q
ua l i t y g l ob al education at anaf for dable
A uniq ue research and action ecosystem
Experiential Learning - Internships
Data Analytics Lab
Int ernational exchange programs collaborations
B.B.A. (Hons.) at RVU focus on skills
like problem-solving, critical thi nking,
innovation. and creative ability to deal with
complexi ty and ambiguity, communication, tr ade
skills, data
analysis data science. Unli ke the
conventional Business School Mod,el the pr
ogramme offers an opportunity to the student to
work closely wi th all stakeholder s, Industry ,
Govt. policymakers, researcher s, think tanks and
globa l organi zation s. The Prog ramme focuses
on Fin ancial World, Applied Tech world
Creative World with Global linkages and Global
Advisory Board.
Specialisat ions
En t rep reneur ship
Finance with career tr acks in FinTech, Value
Investin g. Banking and Insurance
Marketing with career tr ack in Digital
Marketing, Luxury Marketing, Retail E- Com
Business Anal ytics
Option to choose additional electives from the
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences and School
of Design.
Why B. B.A. (Hons.) at RV University? - H igh
quality global education at an affo rdable cost
Consulting Firm oncampus
Experient ia l Learning - Internships in the
B.B.A. degree
- International exchange programs
Center fo r Mu lt i - Disci plin ary
Research Entrepreneurship and Incubation
Lab Locational advantage of studyingin one of
the best colleges for B.B.A. (Hons.) in
Bengaluru which is regarded as the Silicon
Valley of India i t is considered as one of
the 'Next Decade's Fastest - Growing Cities' by
Forbes Magazine
Accounting is truly the language of business.
From financial reporting to strategic planning.
to tax reporting and regulatory compliance. one
common thread that underlies all business
decisions is the use of accounting inf ormation
. Student 's Centre for Mult i - Di sci pl in
ar y Research
considering postgraduate study in law.
business and public policy are well prepared with
Entrepreneurship and Incu bat ion Lab
undergraduate degree in Account ing. Oppor t uni
Availabili ty of Add- On programme
to add addit ional professional qualifications
- Locational advantage of studying in the best
college of Bengaluru which is regarded as the
Option to choose addit1ona1 electives from
Valley of India it is consid ered as one of the
'Next Decade's Fastest - Growing Cities by
Forbes Magazine
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences Scliool of
Wh y B.Com (Hons.) at RV Univers ity? - Hi gh q
ua li t y glo b al education at anaffordable
- Consul ting Fir m on Cam pus
Ex per i en t ial Learn i ng - Int ernships
- I nt ern at ion al exchange programs coll
M.A. (Economics) i s a two-year
postgraduate programme designed to enable
students to gain knowledge essential for
comprehending the complex issues that shape t
oday' s globa l market place. Plus, independent
research opport unities abound through seminar
courses, independent studies int ern ships are
also available in our Masters in Economics
Students can chose to work in Corporates, Banks,
Think Tanks or move towards a career in
academia through a Ph.D. programme.
Why M.A. (Economics) at RV Un iversity'? Created
a unique r ese ar ch and action ecosystem
Experiential Learning - Internships
- In t ern at i on al exchan ge p rogr am s
co ll abo r at io ns with other top Economics
School s
in the country and other countries
Study in
Na mma Bengaluru Welcome to Bengaluru, The
Silicon City and the Innovation Hub of the
country. This metropolitan city is known for its
modern outlook, acceptance of diver se cultures,
great infrastructure and the most talked about
wonderful weather. The blend of traditional and
modern life style, and the progressive attitude
of the youth makes it one of the best places to
stay, study and begin a prosperous li fe.
  • The Melting Pot of Cultures
  • The beauty of Bengaluru lies in the fact that it
    is the bed of coexistence of various languages
    and cu l tur es. It blends the elements of both
    traditional and modern lifestyle, without
    overshadowing any of their values. With the large
    spectrum of communities residing in the city
    together, be assured to get a taste of kaleido
    scopic living in one of the most happe ning
    cities of India.

AmazingJob Oppor tunities Bengaluru is the r ight
place for young dreamers who want to make it big
in lif e and live the car eer that they always
dreamt of. Being recognized as the IT capital of
India, the city has laid the foundation for
esteemed organizations and booming indust ri es.
It is said that there's a job for every individ
ual here . Be it electronics, telecommunications.
banking and finance or food processing. garments
and te xtil es and digita l marketing. the list
of job opportunities is endless.
RazorPay Chu1n b a k rap,do Rapido Dunzo
The online payment The popular gifting The t ravel - based Designed and
gateway for credit brand among startup that created a developed to help
cards, debit cards, youngsters, very conve nient people in daily task
net banking and Chumbak has grow n solutio n for individual s management, Dunzo
popular wal let s that from being just a commuting during delivers Various
is now souvenir shop to a peak traffic hours with commodities, with
revolutionizing the lif estyle brand with the best use of 80 of the job being
payment space in physical stores in innovative ideas and automated without
the Indian mar ket. various cit ies. modern technology. human intervention.
Places to Visit
Bengaluru is just not about industries, but it is
also a famous tourist destination. The lush,
green spaces and the scenic beauty of the city
has earned it the name of 'Garden City'.
Cubbon Park I Bannerghatta National Park I
Commercial Street UB Cit y I Wonderla I Lalbagh
Botanical Garden I Bangalore Palace M.G.Ro ad I
Tipu Sultan Summer Palace I Inn ovative Film Cit y
Things to Do Dive into Indian history, explore
new places, hang out with your friends or get
into the mood for some adventur e, Bengaluru has
multip le opt ions that w ill never let you
feel bored.
L I! lt l_
fil tl j
Explore Shopping Malls
Visit Historical Places
Sunrise Tr ek
Taste the St reet Foods
Have fun at Amusement Parks
Go for night camping
Enjoy Wat erspor ts
Take a Vineyard Tour
Transportation Bengaluru is well- connect ed via
roads, metros, railways and air. Intra city
commute modes i nclude tax,is auto rickshaw s,
BMTC and pr ivat e buses. All ways of commute
are easily available throughout the city at al l
hours of the day.
t, Metro
Auto rickshaw s
Meaningful Collaborations
  • RVU and its Schools have establish ed contact
    wit h over 300 top class institut io ns across
    the wor ld to implement the following types of
  • coll aborat ions.
  • Student Exchange
  • Faculty Exchange
  • Joint Research
  • Present Collabo ra tio ns
  • Joint Conferences
  • Joint Training
  • Summer School
  • Winter School

The objective is to provide students and facult
y members with a range of opport unities for
further learning.
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