Priyanshi mishra (4) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Priyanshi mishra (4)


Major groups of microorganisms in sewage – PowerPoint PPT presentation

Number of Views:10
Slides: 16
Provided by: Priyanshi mishra


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Priyanshi mishra (4)

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  • Microbes have massive impact on us and our
  • They are essential in human culture and health,
    and in wastewater treatment serves as valuable
    tool to treat sewage and produce enzymes and
    other bioactive compounds.
  • Microorganism mix with water in the activated
    sludge process and meet biodegradable material in
    waste water, which they then consume as food.
  • They metabolize the biodegradable organics,
    convert them in the carbon dioxide (CO2), water
    and energy for there growth and reproduction.
  • Microbes are present in the treatment vats, grows
    and moves with sewage water.
  • The biological treatment system must provide
    these microorganisms with enough oxygen,
    comfortable home, suitable temperature and and
    adequate contact with organic material.

  • Microorganism are present in sewage water
    treatment vats and composing -
  • Bacteria,
  • Algae,
  • Fungi,
  • Protozoa,
  • Viruses.
  • Some used during treatments to remove pollutants
    but finally all will removed and kill.

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  • Bacteria at sewage can be classified according to
    their roles.
  • These are of two types According to their roles-
  • Harmful bacteria,
  • Beneficial bacteria.

Beneficial bacteria
  • Biofilm forming bacteria are present in the
    system of secondary treatment, consider to be
    beneficial in the removal of organic material.
  • This include aerobic bacteria such as Pseudomonas
    zooglea, Chromobactor and flavobacterium and
    anaerobic bacteria such as belellovibrio
    bacteriovores and bracelets anammoxidans.
  • Nitrogen removing bacteria such as
    desulfotomacillum and desulfovibrio.
  • Bacteria are removed in tertiary treatment of the

Harmful bacteria
  • Various and broad strain of bacteria can cause
    countless human, plants and animal diseases
    through ingestion of contaminated food and water.
  • Bacteria of such capabilities include- E.coli ,
    vibrio cholera, and helicobater pylori.
  • These bacteria are present right from the start
    of treatment vats due to their arrival with
    sewage water.
  • E.coli strain are removed after biological
    treatment by UV radiation, ozonation and
    chlorination. While vibrio is eradicated by high

  • Enterovirus and rotavirus are excellent indicator
    of humans fecal contamination in wastewater.
  • Enteroviruses and rotaviruses are detected in
    sewage using living cells as host due to the fact
    that viruses are intracellular parasite which
    need living cells to be able to replicate.
  • These viruses are detrimental to human if
  • Life threating diseases such as polio and
    hepatitis-A is caused by enterovirus.
  • Life threatening forms of diarrhoea are caused by
  • Viruses are removed from water through ozonation,
    a process by disinfection.
  • Viruses can also be found throughout the process
    of sewage water treatment.

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  • Several types of protozoans are present in
    sewage water such as amoeba, ciliates and
    flagellates throughout the process.
  • The importance of protozoans in wastewater
    treatment is to maintain a slime layer within the
  • They also play a predator role in removing
    bacteria, other protozoans and several small
    particles .
  • Protozoans can be determined to humans if
    ingested, and can contribute to human mortality
    and morbidity.
  • Protozoans are removed by the process of dual
    media filtration.
  • Larger forms of amoeba eat ciliates and
    flagellates as well as smaller amoeba feed
    primarily on bacteria.

  • Cont..
  • Girgardia lamblia is a water borne pathogen found
    in sewage water , enters the water supply through
    contaimination by fecal matter. It is a parasite.
  • Cryptosporidium is waterborne pathogenic
    bacterium found in wastewater.

Algea - cyanobacteria
Members of cyanobacteria are photosynthetic
bacteria. Before their prokaryotic cell
structure was recognized , they were Considered
to be blue green algae. Cyanobacteria may be
found as individual cells (chlorella) or a chain
of cells ( oscillatoria). Some of cyanobacteria
occur in the activated sludge process and may
contribute to settle ability problems.
Examples- Anabena, chlorella, Eugene, and
  • Saprophytic organism.
  • Classification according to mode of reproduction.
  • Obtain their nourishment from degradation of dead
    organic matter.
  • Most fungi are free living and include yeast,
    molds, and Mushrooms .
  • In sewage filamentous fungi is found, such as-
    Penicillium, Trichoderma and spiraling.
  • Produce phosphatase an enzyme that release
    orthophosphate from phosphorus containing
    compounds, which are readily available phosphorus
    nutrients for bacterial growth and energy

  • Yeast
  • the presence of large amount of yeast in sewage
    can indicate a low pH, the existence of
    Fermentative conditions, or a severe phosphorus
    deficiency raising the pH above 7 will usually
    make the yeast dissappear.

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