Title: blind charity organization
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2The Dos and Donts of Helping a Blind Person
- There are a lot of misconceptions around
blindness. Many people are hesitant to interact
with blind people and despite an underlying
desire to help, they hold themselves back to
avoid an awkward encounter. Here are some simple
ways you can assist blind people on a day-to-day
basis, and some strategies you might want to
steer clear of.
31. Do Include them
- The most important thing you can do for a blind
person, or any person really, is to be friendly,
include them socially and engage in conversation
with them. Unfortunately, even the most outgoing
and friendly blind people, cannot always initiate
conversation. Theres nothing worse than leaving
someone out of a conversation just because they
cannot see nonverbal cues.
2. Dont assume they are helpless
While blind people may require assistance in
certain circumstances, dont always assume that
because they cannot see, they are incapable.
Blind and visually impaired people learn to do
some amazing things without their sight and they
are often more independent than you think. Dont
assume they need help with basic tasks that you
would rely on your sight to perform.
43. Do communicate clearly with them
- Because of their inability to interpret body
language, it is very important to communicate
clearly with your words when speaking to people
who are blind. In regular conversations,
significant information and subliminal messages
are often conveyed through the movement of our
hands and the expressions on our face. Thus, it
is crucial to compensate for this by using clear
words and effective intonation.
54. Dont do stupid things
- Dont shout at them, they are not deaf. Dont
touch them excessively, nobody likes being
touched by strangers. Dont ask stupid questions
like why do you even bother getting your hair
styled? Dont give them backhanded compliments
like you dont look blind. In short, apply some
common sense and basic sensitivity when
interacting with blind and visually impaired
5. Do speak directly to them
When you want to communicate with them, speak to
them, not the person they are with. There is
nothing that frustrates blind people more than
people thinking they are non-verbal or incapable
of having a conversation. Non- sighted people do
not enjoy being treated as if they are
incompetent, so speak directly to them, rather
than their companion.
66. Dont speak to or pet their guide dog without
consulting them first
- Guide dogs are at work and they can be
the difference between life or death in certain
situations. They are trained to ignore outside
distractions to focus solely on the job. No
matter how cute, dont try put them off their
game by touching, whistling or speaking to them.
77. Do raise their awareness to new technologies
- There has been rapid development in vision
innovation technology, that is able to provide
blind and visually impaired people with greater
independence. Do tell them about new
technologies, but remember theyre probably more
of an expert in technologies and support aids
than you are. Nonetheless, there is no harm in
discussing technology devices such as OrCam
MyEye, Dot or Blitab, which may be able to
instill their lives with greater independence.
8. Dont compare
Blindness is just a single trait. It doesnt
dictate personality, or character traits or
hobbies. Just because someone who is blind can do
something independently or likes audio books or
dresses in a certain way, does not mean that
someone else does as well. Even within the
non-sighted community, there is great diversity,
so dont pool them all into a single basket.
89. Do lend a hand where appropriate
- Getting into a car, taking the stairs, moving
through tight spaces or crowded areas, are all
opportunities to offer a guiding arm. The key
here is to offer help, which they will accept or
refuse. Dont go overboard in pushing them to
accept your assistance if they do not want it.
910. Dont avoid common phrases unnecessarily
- Despite popular opinion, phrases such as see you
later or it looks like are not going to offend
a blind person, and in fact they use the same
phrases themselves. You do not have to follow up
these expressions with an outlandish and
meaningless apology.
11. Do give directions carefully
If a blind person asks you for directions, do not
use gestures to explain the way. Rather, try to
help according to the way they are facing
directions. You can also ask them if they are
familiar with the area and street names. This is
the best way to assist blind people on the
streets, ensuring their way is secured.
1012. Do not grab while waiting for lights
- Helping a blind man cross the street is the most
anxious time for others. When you see a blind man
waiting for the green light, do not grab him to
cross the street. Many locations have systems for
blind and visually impaired people, such as
talking traffic lights. If you want to guide a
blind person, mention it by saying Oh, finally a
green light to yourself.
1113. Do not feel sad when rejected
- Kindly asking May I assist you? to a blind
person is the most preferred way to show you
care. Blind people do not need support all the
time, and when they reject your assistance, dont
let it get you down. It is a clear sign that the
blind person knows the area and does not need
further assistance. Do not take this personally
or as an insult. - Well there you have it- a few simple tips on how
to interact with blind people. By taking a small
step outside your comfort zone, you may well make
someones day. And you know what? You might just
find yourself a new friend as well.
- Its beginning was made by respected Shri
Ballubhai Desai who was an active work of Satya
Sai Seva Samiti and who recognized the need of
readers, audio cassettes, etc. felt by blind
college students. It was a challenge and Shri
Ballubhai accepted to meet the demand. He has
been active in the field for last ten years or
more . Shri Kantibhai who received education and
benefitted from Blind Donation Organization has
not joined this noble mission with zeal. He has
taken over from Shri Ballubhai who has got 5000
cassettes made for the blind, but on account of
his old age was unable to continue to serve and
mange the updkeep of the cassettes, which work
would otherwise be done by some registered
organization. So Shri Kantibhai offered blind
charity organization for the same. - Shri Kantibhai himself is also one who has lost
his eyesight. He came to Ahmedabad for studies
from a village and has been devoted to serve the
blind students. He has his own experience of the
difficulties faced by blind young boys and girls
(brothers-sisters) who come for studies. He felt
inspired and wanted to help others so that they
could be spared from the troubles faced by
himself. He had realized that education alone
gave one self respect and honor and status in
society as he had himself benefitted from
studying in schools and colleges run by society
as a result of which he determined to establish
an organization offering facilities and living
accommodation to the blind students who come to
study here as well as other employed blind people
and that intuition in our NAVJYOT ANDHJAN
13Donations Eligible Under Section 80G and 80GGA
- Many of us at some point in our lives have
contemplated giving to charity and doing our bit
for society. It is a commendable thing to donate
to a cause that you sincerely believe in, and
make a difference. Given the nobility of this
gesture, the government extends its full support
towards charitable services. Section 80G of the
Indian Income Tax Act allows you a tax deduction
on donations made to any blind charity
organization. - Section 80G
- Contributions made to certain relief funds and
charitable institutions can be claimed as a
deduction under Section 80G of the Income Tax
Act. All donations, however, are not eligible for
deductions under section 80G. - Only donations made to prescribed funds qualify
as a deduction. This deduction can be claimed by
any taxpayer individuals, companies, firms or
any other person.
14Blindness is also one form of Godliness or God.
To help in overcoming the miseries caused by such
a natural (God Given) defect we have begun as a
part of activity to our best capacity, this
Address Khodiyar Chok , Nr. Khodiyar Temple,
B/H Atul Singtel, Paldi Gaam, Paldi,
Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380007.Phone
9726884422Email navjyotandhjanmandal_at_gmail.com