Title: Management- Introduction and Basics
Introduction Basics
A complete Guide to Management
2Table of Contents
Introduction to Management Characteristics
of Management Levels of Management Functions of
3Introduction to Management
The process of organising and planning the
activities and resources of an Organization to
acquire desired goals effectively is called
4Characteristics of Management
Dynamic process Management changes according to
the change in environment. Management makes
changes as per the changing external environment
such as political, economical, technical or
social. Multi-Dimensional Management is a
multi-dimensional process that includes the
work, people and operations. Management is not a
single activity but a muli-faced process.
Management always focuses at achieving the
objectives set by the organisation. It aims to
achieve the determined goals effectively.
Intangible Management cannot be seen or touched
physically but the presence can be seen by
coordination in the working environment.
Management is not limited to a certain type of
organization. It is required for functioning of
all types of organizations. The concept of
Management is used worldwide. Continuous
Process Management is a never ending process.
All the tasks and functions of management are
performed continuously by the managers.
7Levels of Management
Managerial, Administrative level of management
consists CEO, managing Directors.
Executive level of management. It connects tops
level to bottom level and vice-versa.
This is the operative level of management that
includes supervisors, operation team.
8Functions of Management
- Planning is the basic and most important
function of Management. It frames out the
roadmap for all the steps in managerial process.
In this process you need to evaluate the
strategies you will progress to acquire your
Organizing is the process of bringing financial,
physical and human resources together and
develop productive relationship amongst all. It
is the process where you put your plan to action.
- Staffing is the process of recruiting, training,
developing, evaluating and compensating
employees and maintaining proper workforce in
the organization. The main purpose is to put
right person to the right job for a better
Directing is concerned with supervision,
motivation, leadership and communication so the
employees can work more effectively to achieve
organizational goal.
The process of controlling involves the
activities that are undertaken to make sure the
task are being performed as per the roadmap
that has been prepared. Also, controlling helps
in prediction of upcoming difficulties and take
suitable actions.
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15Management is Efficiency in climbing the ladder
of success leadership decides whether
the ladder is leaning against the
right wall. -Stephan Covey
16Management is Efficiency in climbing the ladder
of success leadership decides whether
the ladder is leaning against the
right wall. -Stephan Covey