Title: Emdr Therapist
1EMDR Therapy For Anxiety
2 EMDR Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing
When life becomes overwhelming, we often dont
stop to reflect on whether an experience or the
circumstances in our life have created a trauma
for us. Thus we may not consider ourselves
someone who is dealing with trauma. EMDR therapy
can help you regain a sense of control over your
life and overcome the blocks that have been
created by traumatic life experiences.
3EMDR therapy is an eight-phase treatment which
comprehensively identifies and addresses
experiences that have overwhelmed the brains
natural resilience or coping capacity, and have
thereby generated traumatic symptoms and/or
harmful coping strategies. EMDR therapy may help
if you are experiencing any of the
following Panic Attacks, Phobias,
Fears Depression, Anxiety, Grief Irritability,
Anger, Hopelessness, Self-sabotage Low
Self-esteem, Chronic pain, Chronic Stress
4Treatment Description
EMDR therapy involves attention to three time
periods the past, present, and future. The focus
is given to past disturbing memories and related
events. Also, it is given to current situations
that cause distress, and to developing the skills
and attitudes needed for positive future actions.
With EMDR therapy, these items are addressed
using an eight-phase treatment approach. Phase
1 The first phase is a history-taking
session(s). The therapist assesses the clients
readiness and develops a treatment plan. Phase
2 During the second phase the therapist ensures
the client has several different ways of handling
emotional distress and may teach the client a
variety of imagery and stress reduction
techniques to use during and between sessions.
Telechats Adress (1) Newport Beach, CA , US
Adress (2) Corona, CA , United States, (92616)
Phone (949) 229-3115 Email info_at_telechats.com