Title: Immigration (1)
1The UKs point- based immigration system
2Anyone traveling to the UK for work must meet a
specified set of standards for which they will
receive points under the points-based
immigration system, except for Irish citizens.
Those who earn enough points are then granted
This system allows UK firms to hire qualified
individuals from all around the world through a
variety of immigration methods.
- To hire most e ligible employees from outside the
UK, you'll require a sponsor license. Before
applying to be a sponsor, make sure the jobs you
intend to fill match the standards for sponsoring
work visas. - This article gives an overview of the
points-based immigration system and the
procedures that employers should take to adjust
to their business. - 2
3The British Labour Market
The points-based system is part of a larger
package of interventions that comprise our
long-term approach to the labour market and our
strategy to rebuild our economy, assisting your
business's growth and assisting people to return
to work. The point-based system allows you to
connect with people and talent from all over the
world. Employers are encouraged to first
consider domestic recruitment options within the
4O u r P l a n f o r J o b s i n c l u d e s s e v
e r a l p r o g r a m m e s , s o m e o f w h i
c h p r o v i d e f i n a n c i a l i n c e n t i
v e s t o e m p l o y e r s w h o a r e t h i n
k i n g a b o u t h i r i n g n e w e m p l o y e
e s , o f f e r i n g w o r k e x p e r i e n c e
, o r u p s k i l l i n g e x i s t i n g e m p
l o y e e s . T o b e a b l e t o a p p l y f o
r w o r k i n t h e U K , y o u m u s t h a v e
a t o t a l o f 7 0 p o i n t s
5T h e S k i l l e d W o r k e r r o u t e c o v
e r s m o s t U K j o b s t h a t a r e e l i g
i b l e f o r o v e r s e a s r e c r u i t m e n
t , o f f e r i n g a s i m p l e a n d f l e
x i b l e w a y t o t a p i n t o t h e g l o b
a l t a l e n t p o o l . A n y o n e y o u w a
n t t o h i r e f r o m o u t s i d e t h e U K u
n d e r t h e S k i l l e d W o r k e r r o u t
e m u s t d e m o n s t r a t e
6The Global Talent Route
The Global Talent route allows the most highly
skilled individuals who can obtain the required
number of points to enter the UK without a job
offer if they are endorsed by a recognised UK
body that has been approved by the Home
Office. If they have won an eligible award,
applicants can also work in the UK on a Global
Talent visa. The Global Talent endorsing bodies
have identified these prizes as demonstrating
exceptional talent. To hire a migrant through
the Global Talent route, you do not need to be a
licenced sponsor.
7The current list of approved endorsing bodies as
of January 2021 is as follows
This path is intended to attract recognised
global leaders as well as promising individuals
in science, humanities, engineering, arts, and
digital technology. Top scientists and
researchers may benefit from a streamlined
approval process as part of a STEM fast track
- The Royal Society, for science and medicine
- The Royal Academy of Engineering, for
engineering - The British Academy, for humanities
- UK Research and Innovation, for science and
research - Tech Nation, for digital technology
- Arts Council England, for arts and culture
8The Graduate Route
The Graduate route enables international students
who have been awarded their degree to stay in
the UK and work, or look for work, at any skill
level for two years, or three years for doctoral
students. It is an unsponsored route, meaning you
do not need a sponsor license to hire someone
with a Graduate visa. Graduate visa holders can
work flexibly, switch jobs and develop their
career as required. They cannot extend their
visa, however they can switch to a different
visa, for example a Skilled Worker visa, once
they have found a suitable job.
9 The Intra-company Transfer
The Intra-company visa enables multinational
corporations to facilitate temporary moves into
the UK for key business personnel via their
subsidiary branches, if ICT sponsorship
requirements are met. The route requires
applicants to be in RQF 6 (graduate level
equivalent) roles and is subject to a different
minimum salary threshold than the main Skilled
Worker route.
10The Intra-Company Graduate Trainee Visa The
Intra-Company Graduate Trainee route is for
employees who are being transferred by their
employer to work in the UK as part of a
structured graduate training programme, with
clearly defined progression to a managerial or
specialist role within the organisation. Intra-co
mpany routes will be phased out in favour of a
single, sponsored Global Business Mobility
route. We hope to open the new route in the
spring of 2022.
11The Start-up and Innovator
The Start-up and Innovator routes are intended to
bring to the UK entrepreneurial talent and
innovative, scalable business ideas. Start-ups
are those who are starting an innovative
business for the first time, while Innovators
have industry experience and at least 50,000 in
funding. Individuals or groups may apply.