Anti-Aging Tips - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Anti-Aging Tips


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Title: Anti-Aging Tips

Anti-Aging Tips
  • Discover what doctors want you to know about
    anti-aging and keeping that youthful glow.
  • What most of us wouldnt give to be a teenager
    again, from the lack of bills to the youthful,
    line-free faces we once enjoyed. While, short of
    moving back in with our parents, theres little
    we can do about the former, stopping the aging
    process in its tracks may be more feasible than
    youd imagine.
  • Every day, were engaging in habits that can make
    our skin and overall health suffer, aging us in
    the process. From the food we eat to the way we
    wash our faces, these seemingly minor decisions
    can end up making us years older than our
    chronological age in the long run.

So, whats the solution?
  • Before you start shelling out tons of cash on
    every dubious pill and potion at your local
    pharmacy, find out what the pros know about
    staying youthful by discovering these
    doctor-approved anti-aging tips. No matter your
    current age, you can start feeling more energetic
    and vibrant today!

A sound Mind through Hypnosis
  • Use the Mindhealth program Hypnosis for
    Anti-Aging to strengthen your inner mind to
    accept all the tips below and build the daily
    routine you need for anti-aging. You might be
    able to follow the list perfectly, but get your
    entire mind and soul in sync to all your body to
    perform as one and keep you young.

Add Some Vitamin A to Your Anti-Aging Routine
  • One of the easiest ways to turn back the clock
    for anti-aging is to make topical retinoids part
    of your skincare arsenal. While they can be
    irritating to certain individuals with sensitive
    skin, they can also provide a serious line of
    defense against wrinkles. An easy at-home
    regimen would be using a retinol cream, says Dr.
    John Kahan, a surgeon who treats patients at
    Beverly Hills Med Spa. Retinol is a form of
    vitamin A and it helps with fine lines, uneven
    skin tone, dark spots, and texturized skin.
  • Dr. Ayelet Mizrachi-Jonisch, a dermatologist at
    New York-based CareMount Medical, echoes his
    sentiments, noting that these vitamin A-based
    treatments can stop the aging process before it
    starts. A prescribed retinoid is always a good
    idea for maintenance of good skin health and
    prevention of photo aging, she says.

Avoid Excess Weight Gain
  • Dont let those little indulgences turn into
    extra pounds. If you do, you might just find
    yourself looking older than you actually are.
    Weight gain is also perceived as aging in
    several areas, says Dr. Joshua D. Zuckerman, MD,
    FACS, a board-certified plastic surgeon
    practicing in Manhattan. For example, submental
    fat, which is located below the chin,
    significantly changes how the lower face is

Skip the Sugary Stuff for Anti-Aging
  • Sugar does more than just rot your teeth. Its
    also a major contributor to the loss of firmness
    in the skin, which can age you significantly.
    Focus on a balanced diet with plenty of lean
    protein and vegetables and avoid sugar, suggests
    Dr. Fred Pescatore, a natural health physician.
    Poor diets that are high in sugar have been
    linked to advanced glycation end products (AGEs)
    which cause wrinkles and loss of collagen and

Hydrate for Anti-Aging
  • Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout
    the day can help keep your skin healthy and
    youthful-looking. The amount of water you need
    depends on your size and activity level. However,
    sipping water throughout the day and never
    letting yourself get thirsty is a good guideline.
  • Not drinking enough can result in an increased
    appearance of wrinkles and lines and creates more
    dry areas and dullness, says clinical
    nutritionist Ariane Hundt. Drinking enough is
    key to keeping a healthy glow and that dewy

Skip the All-Nighters for Anti-Aging
  • Those late nights you pulled in college are doing
    no favors to your skin. In fact, they could be
    the reason youre looking a little worse for
    wear. Sleep is one of the most important
    physiological processes, says Sarah Greenfield,
    a registered dietician and Director of Nutrition
    and Education for HUM Nutrition. While we are
    sleeping, our bodies are repairing, detoxifying
    and our hormones are being balanced. The lining
    of the GI tract is turning over to ensure your
    body can absorb all the nutrients you are eating
    to keep your skin healthy and happy. Adequate
    sleep improves circulation around the eyes
    decreasing puffiness and dryness.

Take Sun Damage Seriously
  • Every sunburn counts. In fact, many studies show
    that repeated sunburns as a child lead to much
    higher cases of skin cancers and skin damage as
    an adult, says Dr. David Shafer, founder of
    Manhattans Shafer Plastic Surgery. Therefore,
    take every trip into the sun with the same
    precautions. Doing so might just fend off those
    early signs of aging youre trying to avoid.
    Beginning from when youre a young kid, it is
    important to focus on prevention. Such as using
    an adequate sunscreen or protective clothing,
    explains Dr. Shafer. For more ways to stop the
    clock, turn to these 20 Zero Belly Habits For

Protect Your Skin with Proper Clothing For
Anti-Aging Effects
  • The best offense is a good anti-aging defense
    when it comes to staving off wrinkles. Like Dr.
    Shafer mentioned previously, getting adequate sun
    protection is one of the best things you can do
    for your skin when it comes to slowing down the
    aging process. The first line of defense is
    prevention, says Dr. Shafer. Either wearing
    sunscreen or physical protective barrier clothing
    and hats are essential for protecting the skin.

Wash After a Workout
  • Think you can skip the shower after the gym?
    Think again. Washing your face post-workout can
    help keep dead skin and other grime from settling
    into your pores, making them look larger, a sure
    sign of aging. Wash your face twice daily,
    especially after sweating heavily while working
    or exercising, says Dr. Ross Levy, MD, FAAD, a
    dermatologist with New Yorks CareMount Medical.

For Anti-Aging Skip the Smokes
  • It probably comes as no surprise that smoking is
    bad for your health. It increases your risk of
    cancer and other serious health issues. But not
    everyone realizes what a major impact it can have
    on your appearance. Meanwhile, even if you only
    smoke occasionally, youre making yourself look
    older and sicker with every puff. Choices such
    as smoking have a profound effect on the skin as
    the smoke and nicotine starve the precious cells
    of oxygen and nutrition, says Dr. Shafer.

Never Too Late To Start Anti-Aging Care For
Develop a Solid Anti-Aging Skincare Routine
  • Dont assume that youre already too late to fix
    the signs of aging late is better than never.
  • While it is never too late, the sooner one
    starts, the better, says Dr. Adam Kolker, a
    Manhattan-based plastic surgeon. When one begins
    to address issues too late in life the solutions
    may be less effective.
  • Whether youre at the point where youre ready to
    start having fillers or are just looking to
    maintain your current appearance, the way you
    take care of your skin can make a major
    difference. Its essential to have a good
    at-home skincare routine which can help improve
    the skin, says Dr. Shafer. As a result, you can
    even help the procedures your dermatologist or
    surgeon performs last longer, he says.

Skip the Harsh Scrubs
Start From the Inside Out
  • While you do want to keep your face clean,
    scrubbing it may exacerbate existing
    dermatological issues, including wrinkles. Did
    you know that scrubbing away at your skin can
    cause aging? says Dr. Ben Johnson, MD, founder
    of holistic beauty brand Osmosis Pur Medical
    Skincare. By over exfoliating youre actually
    removing the only protective barrier that your
    skin has.
  • Anti-aging creams can be helpful. On the other
    hand, if you want meaningful change in the health
    and appearance of your skin, start with your food
    choices and work outward.
  • Most Americans want a cream that you can slap on
    and look great and never age, says Functional
    Nutritionist Susan Barendregt. We need to go the
    whole way and heal from the inside.

Say No to Tanning
Add in Some Anti-Aging Omega-3s
  • That golden glow isnt worth it in the long run.
    If youre trying to turn back the hands of time,
    tanning is a serious no-no. Skin ages
    prematurely each time a person gets a tan,'
    says Dr. Levy. If you cant brave the beach in
    your current pale state, opt for a sunless tanner
    instead. Likewise, get healthy and stay that way
    starting today with the 50 Foods That Slash Your
    Cancer Risk!
  • Fatty fish and omega-3-rich seeds can help your
    skin turn over a new leaf, leaving you looking
    younger in no time. Omega-3 fats found in fish
    and fish oil, flaxseed, chia seed and walnuts are
    a key component of cell membranes. And your body
    needs them to renew your skin cells. So, many
    people go on low-fat diets, and then miss out on
    these healthy fats and end up with dry, flaky or
    inflamed skin as a result, says Samantha
    Scruggs, a registered dietician. Omega-3s arent
    the only way to turn your health around in a
    hurry the 40 10-Second Health Fixes will have
    you looking and feeling better in an instant.

Increase Your Antioxidant Intake
  • Bulking up on antioxidants, whether through fresh
    fruits and vegetables or supplementation, can
    make your skin healthier. Moreover, it will be
    more resilient, and have you looking younger in
    no time.
  • Adding antioxidants and supplements to your
    daily nutrition promotes anti-aging elasticity
    and hydration. I recommend products that feature
    the super-antioxidant, Pycnogenol, to support
    skin health, says Dr. Pescatore. Research shows
    this proprietary extract from French maritime
    pine bark helps reduce the appearance of fine
    lines. In conclusion, it promotes skin hydration
    by encouraging the bodys natural production of
    collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Get a Posh Anti-Aging Pillowcase
Go Nuts For Anti-Aging
  • Switching up your pillowcase can do more than
    just ensure a better nights sleep. Sleeping on a
    silk pillowcase can also help fend off fine
    lines. Silk pillowcases can help your skin
    retain its natural moisture and reduce the
    appearance of facial wrinkles. I didnt fully
    appreciate the benefits until I started using one
    myself, says Dr. Nina Watson, a board certified
    diagnostic radiologist practicing in New York.
  • Fatty fish isnt the only way to increase your
    intake of skin-firming omega-3s walnuts are also
    a good choice for those who avoid animal-based
    proteins. The omega-3s in walnuts help improve
    the elasticity of the skin. Walnuts also boost
    collagen production, says Dr. Faisal Tawwab, MD,
    a board-certified physician in Orlando. Make
    healthy protein a priority in your diet by adding
    the 25 Best Protein Snacks at to your shopping

Opt For Anti-Aging Oils
  • You dont have to be afraid of healthy oils in
    your food, and you dont have to be afraid of
    them in your skincare routine, either. In fact,
    oil-based products can keep your skin hydrated
    and reduce your risk of damage.
  • I love oils to hydrate the skin, says Dr. Dendy
    Engelman, dermatologic surgeon at Manhattan
    Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery. They penetrate
    deeply in the skin and hydrate beautifully
    without leaving a greasy feel. Look for oils with
    Vitamin E and Pro-Vitamin B5 to hydrate and lock
    in moisture immediately so even though you are
    rinsing the product off you are still able to
    benefit from it. Additionally, it is less drying
    as with oil facial cleansers, the oil binds to
    oil (sebum) without stripping natural oils from
    your skin so its much gentler than a soap

Use a Gentle Anti-Aging Cleanser
Baby Your Skin
  • It may seem counterintuitive, but over-cleansing
    your face can speed up the aging process, and the
    oily creams used to combat dryness can cause
    breakouts. One of the most common mistakes is
    using a soap thats too harsh for their skin,
    drying it out and then reaching for heavy
    moisturizers, says Dr. Cynthia Bailey, a
    dermatologist and founder of,
    noting that the most effective cleansers are
    often the mildest ones.
  • Think skipping your skincare routine is no big
    deal? Unfortunately, it can actually expedite the
    aging process. Hygiene is another factor which
    can either help or hurt your skin as neglected
    skin shows signs of aging and trauma much faster
    than someone who treats their skin with respect,
    says Dr. Shafer.

Ditch the Nightcap
Dont Fear Fat
  • While the occasional glass of red wine can be a
    heart-healthy choice, booze, in general, is the
    enemy of healthy, line-free skin. If you want to
    look younger, drinking less alcohol is the way to
    go, says Dr. Levy.
  • While past generations skimped on dietary fat
    whenever possible, new research suggests that
    enjoying enough healthy fat can improve your
    cardiovascular health, boost circulation, and
    keep your skin looking young. Eating lots of
    healthy fats is really important for skin. Skin
    cells renew very frequently, so they are very
    much affected by what you eat, and quickly. One
    of the first changes I see in people who change
    their diet, especially increasing fat intake
    (dont be afraid of fat!) is improvements in
    their skin looking more radiant, younger,
    healthier and just having an appearance of a
    healthy glow. You should make sure you
    incorporate a healthy fat into every meal, says

Dont Be Picky
Drizzle on Some Honey
  • If you want to avoid pock marks and scarring that
    can make you look older, stop picking at your
    skin pronto. Stop picking at those pesky
    breakouts and let them come out on their own or
    use natural products to help eliminate them,
    says Dr. Johnson. Any time you pick or pull at
    your skin youre causing damage and creating,
    irritation, scars, and yes even wrinkles!
  • Candy isnt going to do any favors for your skin,
    but that doesnt mean you cant enjoy something
    sweet from time to time. In fact, honey might
    just help plump your skin and maintain your
    ageless look. This sweet treat is a natural
    humectant, meaning it attracts water. When it
    comes to your skin, consuming honey helps draw
    water from the mineral tissues to the surface of
    the skin, keeping it moisturized, supple and
    flake-free, says Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O, a
    New York-based osteopathic physician certified in
    family medicine and anti-aging medicine.

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