Title: keerthi2301 (2)
SQL, is the standard language used to communicate
with databases. Knowing SQL lets you update,
organize, and query data stored in relational
databases, as well as modify data structures.
Statistical programming languages, like R or
Python, enable you to perform advanced analyses
in ways that Excel cannot. Being able to write
programs in these languages means that you can
clean, analyze, and visualize large data sets
more efficiently.
Machine learning, a branch of artificial
intelligence (AI), has become one of the most
important developments in data science. This
skill focuses on building algorithms designed to
find patterns in big data sets, improving their
accuracy over time. STATISTICS AND
PROBABILITY Statistics refers to the field of
math and science concerned with collecting,
analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data.
That might sound familiarit closely matches the
description of what a data analyst does.
Data management refers to the practices of
collecting, organizing, and storing data in a
way that is efficient, secure, and cost
effective. While some organizations will have
roles dedicated to data managementdata
architects and engineers, database
administrators, and information security
analystsdata analysts often manage data in some
capacity. ECNOMETRICS With econometrics,
analysts apply statistical and mathematical data
models to the field of economics to help
forecast future trends based on historical data.
Understanding econometrics is key for data
analysts looking for jobs in the financial
sector, particularly at investment banks and
hedge funds.
5Tips for learning data analysis skills
Data analysts leverage these and other technical
skills to help inform decisions at their
organizations. Putting in the time and effort to
learn these skills can set you up for a
successful career as a data analyst. Here are a
few quick tips for getting started Set aside
time to regularly work on your skills Learn from
your mistakes Practice with real data projects
Join an online data community Build your skills
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