Title: About Insel Island
1About Insel Island
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3I'm always thinking about the German publisher
Insel-Verlag Stefan Zweig mentioned in The Word
of Yesterday. Since it was established in 1899,
it has made the criterion for the publication of
a work not its commercial value but its content.
To accept only works of the purest artistic
expression in its purest form was the motto of
this exclusive publishing house. It at first
depended on a small clientele of real
connoisseurs. With conscious pride in its
isolation it called itself Die Insel (the Island)
and, later, the Insel-Verlag.
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6The Insel-Verlags colophon implied, at first for
thousands and later for hundreds of thousands,
not only a guarantee of textual quality, but also
exemplary perfection of everything pertaining to
the printers art. Our store is deeply inspired
by Insel-Verlag and named after it. We hope to
carry forward their spirit selecting,
presenting, and selling what I genuinely believe
and appreciate. I hope it becomes not just a
store, but a gallery and a community where people
can share and connect.
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We are passionate about discovering emerging
handmade, authentic, eco-friendly, organic, and
ethical-made brands, artisans, and designers. And
share their work with the world.
We want to build a community that comes with
passion and trust to connect our designers,
artists, artisans, and users, share ideas, and
make friends.
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We would love to support the artists, designers,
and artisans working with us to grow their market
and collaborate. We handle the exhibitions,
payment, and logistics all in one place.
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14For more update , visit us