Title: Significance of Gibb’s Reflective Cycle
1Significance of Gibbs Reflective Cycle
2Several people believe that they learn best from
their experience. Nevertheless, it will be tough
for them to learn anything if they do not
reflect on their past experiences and think
consciously about how to do better next time.
This is for what gibbs learning cycle is
beneficial. In business, you can utilize it to
help your employees make sense of circumstances
at work in order to recognize what they did fine
and what they could improve in the future. It is
compatible with the Coaching practice,
particularly when people are willing to work on
what could be called liability behaviors.
3Gibbs learning Cycle
Gibbs learning Cycle was established by Graham
Gibbs in 1988 to offer structure to learning from
experience. It provides a framework for
inspecting experiences, and considering its
cyclic nature lends itself specifically well to
repetitive experiences, letting you learn and
plan from things that either have gone well or
have not gone well. This model includes six
4Six Stages of Gibbs Model
Description Ask the individual to describe the
situation in detail. Feelings Reassure him to
speak about what he felt and thought during his
experience. Evaluation Encourage him to look
accurately at which methods worked and which did
not. Analysis Involves making sense of what
occurred and developing an understanding. Conclus
ion Help him draw conclusions about the
situation. Action plan Plan how to deal with
similar situations in the future or normal
changes you may find suitable.
5Pros and Cons of Gibbs Reflection
The pros for gibbs reflection are that they can
be a good starting point for people who are new
to reflection. They can also be done rapidly,
which is beneficial in several circumstances. A
probable con of Gibbs' model is that it might
lead you to superficial reflection with lesser
potential for professional or personal
- Reflective practice has great benefits in
enhancing self-awareness, which is a vital
element of emotional intelligence, and in
developing a good understanding of others. It can
also support you to develop imaginative thinking
skills and inspires active participation in work