Most Popular Tableau Interview Questions & Answers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Most Popular Tableau Interview Questions & Answers


Tableau Interview Questions You must know these all. Data has become the new currency of trade and every organization big or small wishes to have a bite of it. In these fast-paced times and the ever-expanding domain of the data industry, predicting trends by analyzing data has become of the utmost importance. The analysis of huge data sets using Data visualization tools has become all the more imperative and the need of the hour, with a shortage in the demand for professionals who are skilled in this art of data analytics and their demand on a constant rise over the last few years. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Most Popular Tableau Interview Questions & Answers

Most Popular Tableau Interview Questions
Answers By Analytics Training Tub
  • Tableau Interview Questions You must know these
    all. Data has become the new currency of trade
    and every organization big or small wishes to
    have a bite of it. In these fast-paced times and
    the ever-expanding domain of the data industry,
    predicting trends by analyzing data has become of
    the utmost importance. The analysis of huge data
    sets using Data visualization tools has become
    all the more imperative and the need of the hour,
    with a shortage in the demand for professionals
    who are skilled in this art of data analytics and
    their demand on a constant rise over the last
    few years.
  • Data Visualization has started a new trend in the
    data industry with the demand for skilled
    individuals soaring sky-high. It allows the
    professional to make a smarter decision-making
    process with the least granular data that they
    can get or scrub all the Noisy Data to gain
    meaningful insights into the business. Companies
    are ready to compensate any professional who can
    analyze the companys data and put it on the path
    of growth and success. This blog will extremely
    be helpful to anyone who has completed a
    certified course in Tableau and wishes to start
    looking for a good-paying job that uses Tableau
    as it is core competence software. Make certain
    to go through the most frequently asked tableau
    interview questions-
  • Q1. What is Tableau?
  • Is a business intelligence Software
  • tfelps in creating a link between datasets
  • Aids in visualization and creating interactive
  • Q2. What are the different sub-products of
  • The different sub-products of Tableau are-

  • Tableau Desktop This is a premium version
    of Tableau software. There are
  • 2 plans for the software. The first one is
    for 999 for personal use for a
  • year. The second option is 9,999 for
    professional use for a year. In both versions,
    the user using the Tableau desktop can create
    visualizations, all listed data sources can be
    connected using the app, access can be restricted
    to certain individuals, and many other features.
  • Tableau Online tfelps the user publish
    dashboards/reports in real-time with colleagues
    for easier and faster business intelligence
    solutions, with complete access to colleagues to
    leave ideas on the dashboard with their color
    tags without changing the original data.
  • Tableau Public This product of Tableau allows
    the user to create visualizations but does not
    allow the document to be saved anywhere except
    the Tableau server where once the workbook is
    posted it is available for public viewing
  • Tableau Reader It is a free desktop application
    that allows the user to view visualizations and
    dashboards, without access to edit or interact
    with the visualization created.
  • Tableau Server This is enterprise-level
    software that allows the user to upload or save
    a visualization or dashboard in the cloud server
    allocated for the company.
  • Q3. What are the different data types in
  • Tableau supports the following data types-
  • Boolean TRUE / FALSE
  • Date Date values ( December 14, 2020)
  • Date Time Date Timestamp values ( December
    14, 2020, 1812 PM)
  • Geographical values geographical mapping (New
    York, France, India,
  • Singapore)
  • Text / String Text or string values (Welcome to

  • Number (Decimal) Decimal numbers (5.0000)
  • Number (Whole) Whole numbers (6)
  • Q4. What are Measures and Dimensions?
  • Measures are numeric metrics or quantifiable
    quantities of data, which are evaluated by
    dimension tables. Numbers are stored in a table
    whose keys refer uniquely to the associated
    dimension tables. The table supports data
    storage at molecular levels and thus allows
    multiple records to be inserted at the same
    time. E.g., the Sales table can have a product
    key, customer ID key, several units sold key,
  • Dimensions are definitive attribute values for
    multiple dimensions of each attribute, defining
    multiple characteristics. A dimension table can
    have the reference of the key product from the
    table which may consist of the product name,
    size, color, type, etc.
  • Q5. Difference between .twb .twbx extensions?
  • .twb is a .xml document that includes all the
    selections data that the user may have used in
    a Tableau workbook, it does not include any
  • .twbx is a zipped file consisting of a .twb and
    any other file that may have been used by the
    user like extracts, background images, etc.
  • Q6. What are the varieties of joins used in
  • They are a lot similar to the joins one finds in
    SQL, it is a joining method for combining data
    on a common key
  • Inner join the resulting table consists of
    values that have matches in both the tables

Left join The table consists of all values from
the left table and corresponding matches from
the right table. Right join It is the other
way around to the left join with the
corresponding matches from the left table. Outer
join The table consists of all values from both
the tables Union Join This is another style of
merging two or more tables by attaching rows of
data from one table to another. Q7. Describe the
distinction between Joining blending. Merging
data from two or more different sources is data
blending. E.g., data from multiple sources i.e.,
MS Excel, SQL Server, Oracle, etc are pooled into
one Tableau workbook. In data blending, each
data source consists of its own set of
dimensions measures. Joining is when two or
more tables from the same data source are
amalgamated into one workbook. The combined
tables or sheets consist of a common set of
dimensions and measures. Q8. Is there a
difference between groups and sets in Tableau? A
Tableau group is a one-dimensional representation
of data, used to create a higher-level category
by using lower-level category members. Tableau
sets can have several conditions and may be
grouped across multiple dimensions/measures. The
key disparity here is that all the groups will
comprise the same customers even if their
profits change later on. In the case of sets, if
the profit changes then the top five and bottom
five customers will change accordingly. Did you
  • We cannot use groups in calculated fields, but we
    can use sets.
  • Q9. In Tableau what is a Parameter?
  • A parameter is a dynamic value that a user may
    choose, and also use to replace constant values
    in calculations, filters, and reference lines.
  • Q10. Difference between Heat maps TreeMaps?
  • tfeat Maps are used to compare categories using
    color and size. Using this method, the user may
    distinguish between two measures.
  • Tree Maps are used to represent hierarchical
    data. The space in this view is divided into
    rectangles that are sized and ordered by a
  • Q11. What is the Tableau worksheet, dashboard,
    story workbook?
  • Much like MS Excel, Tableau uses a workbook and
    sheet file structure.
  • A workbook consisting of sheets may be referred
    to as a worksheet, dashboard, or story.
  • A worksheet includes a single view along with
    shelves, legends, and a data pane.
  • A dashboard is an assortment of views from
    numerous worksheets.
  • A story is a categorization of worksheets or
    dashboards that work together to communicate
  • Q12. What do you understand by blended axis?
  • A blended axis is used for merging two measures
    that share the same axis when they have the same

  • Q13. What is the use of a Dual-axis?
  • This feature allows the user to compare measures
    that are useful when the user wishes to compare
    two measures that have different scales.
  • Q14. What is the difference between a Blended
    axis and a dual axis?
  • The difference between a blended axis and a
    dual-axis chart is that the blended axis uses
    the same scale, while a dual axis can have two
    different scales or two mark cards.
  • Q15. What is the rank function in Tableau?
  • Based on a measure, ranking is assigning a
    position within a category.
  • Q16. How can one schedule a Workbook in Tableau,
    and post its publication?
  • After signing into the Tableau server-
  • go to Content gt data sources or Content gt
    Workbooks, depending on the type of content the
    user wishes to refresh.
  • Choose the checkbox for the data source or
    workbook The Operator intends to refresh, and
    then pick Actions gt Extract Refresh
  • In the Refresh Extracts dialog, opt for Schedule
    a Refresh and
  • complete the subsequent moves
  • Pick the schedule The Operator wishes for.
  • If offered, specify whether The Operator would
    like a complete or incremental refresh.
  • Q17. How to deal with Null and other special

  • If the field comprises vacant values or if there
    are zeros or negative values on a logarithmic
    axis, Tableau would not be able to plot them.
    Tableau flashes an indicator in the lower right
    corner of the view, which once the user clicks
    are displayed the following options to choose
  • Filter Data
  • Omits all the null values from the visualization
    using a filter. In that case, the unimportant
    values are also omitted from any further
    calculations used in the visualization.
  • Show Data at Default Position
  • Displays the data at a default location on the
  • Q18. How to embed a webpage in a Dashboard?
  • By following these steps any user can embed a
    webpage in a dashboard
  • Go to dashboard
  • Double click on the Webpage alternative
    available in the Objects option
  • Enter the URL of the webpage in the dialog box
    that appears
  • Q19. How to display the webpage as an
  • Start by bringing up the map into view, which
    will showcase the states name
  • Go to the dashboard.
  • Double click the Webpage option available under
  • Do not feed in a URL in the dialog box that
    appears and click on Ok.
  • Click on the Dashboard in the menu and choose

  • Now, when The Operator clicks on any state, it
    will bring up the webpage of that state and this
    is how a dashboard is made dynamic.
  • Q20. How to optimize the performance of a
  • There are many ways to enhance the performance of
    a dashboard
  • By maximizing the number of fields and records.
    The user can exclude unused fields from the
    visualization or use extract filters.
  • By restricting the number of filters used, by
    preventing quick filters
  • and applying action parameter filters instead.
    These filters are accountable for diminishing
    query loads.
  • Use Min/Max instead of using the Average function
    because average functions require more
    processing time than Min/Max.
  • The use of Boolean or numerical calculations aids
    computers, as they can process integers and
    Boolean much more rapidly than strings.
  • Q21. What visualization solutions would be used
    in the given scenarios?
  • To show the average sales totals across a range
    of product categories and sub-categories
  • To demonstrate the period of events or activities
    the Gantt Chart
  • To display quarter-wise growth Waterfall Chart
  • Q22. How many tables can The Operator join in
  • A maximum of 32 tables can be merged in Tableau.
  • Q23. What are the different connections a user
    can make with their dataset?

  • The user can either connect live to their data
    set or extract data onto Tableau.
  • Live Connecting live to a data set directly
    impacts the softwares computational processing
    and storage functions. Fresh queries will go to
    the database and will be reflected as new or
    updated within the data.
  • Extract An extract will make a dummy file of the
    data to be used by Tableaus data engine. The
    dummy file of the data can be refreshed on
  • a recurring schedule as a whole or incrementally
    attached data. One way is to set up these
    schedules is via the Tableau server.
  • The advantage of using Tableau extract over a
    live connection is that extract may be used
    anywhere without any connection and The Operator
    can build their visualization without connecting
    to the database and impacting the functionality
    of the system.
  • Q24. What are Shelves in Tableau?
  • They are designated areas in Tableau software,
    where the user may place the fields or the data
    with which The Operator chooses to create a
  • Q25. What is the Tableau Data server?
  • Tableau server functions as the mediator between
    Tableau users and data. Tableau Data Server
    permits the operator to upload and communicate
    data extracts, sustain database links, as well
    as recycle calculations and field data. This
    means that any changes that the user makes to the
    dataset, calculated fields, parameters, aliases
    or definitions can be saved and shared with
    others. Permitting a centrally secured, managed,
    and standardized dataset. Additionally, the user
    may choose to pull up from the servers resources
    to run queries on extracts without having to
    transfer them to the system in use.
  • Q26. Define the Tableau data engine.
  • Tableau Data Engine is a spectacular feature in
    Tableau. It is an investigative database
    designed to achieve instant query response, and

  • performance, and integrate seamlessly into
    existing data infrastructure with zero
    limitations to loadable data. If the user works
    with a large amount of data, it does not take
    time to import or create indexes and sort out
    data and after that speeds up the process.
    Tableau Data Engine is not in-memory technology.
    Post analysis the data is stored in a disk after
    being imported and the RAM is liberated for
    further tasks.
  • Q27. What are the different types of Filters in
    Tableau and how are they different from each
  • Filters in Tableau are used to restrict data from
    the database. The different types of filters
  • Normal Filter-It is used to restrict data based
    on selected dimensions or measures from the
    database. A traditional filter can be created by
    just dragging the field onto the Filters shelf.
  • Quick Filter- This filter helps view the filter
    or the filtering options used in each worksheet
    on a dashboard whilst changing a few values
    dynamically during runtime.
  • Context filter This is used to filter the data
    that is transferred to each worksheet. When a
    worksheet queries a data source it generates a
    provisional table which it utilizes to compute
    the chart. These provisional tables comprise all
    the values that are not sorted out by either the
    Custom SQL or the Context Filter.
  • Q28. What is Aggregation Disaggregation of
  • The process of viewing numeric values or measures
    at higher and more concise levels of the data is
    called Aggregation. When the Operator places a
    measure on a shelf, Tableau automatically
    accumulates the data, usually by summing it. The
    Operator can easily determine the aggregation
    applied to a

field because the function always appears in
front of the fields name on being placed on a
shelf. For example, Sales becomes SUM(Sales).
The Operator can aggregate actions using Tableau
only for relational data sources.
Multidimensional data sources contain aggregated
data only. In Tableau, multidimensional data
sources are supported only in Windows operating
systems. Disaggregating the data allows the user
to view every row of the data source which can
be useful when The Operator is evaluating
countermeasures that The Operator may want to
use both independently and dependently in the
view. E.g., The Operator may be evaluating the
results from a product gratification survey with
the age of applicants along one axis. The
Operator can aggregate the Age field to
determine the average age of participants or
break down the data to determine what age
participants were most satisfied with which of
the products. Q29. What are Extracts Schedules
in a Tableau Server? Data extracts are the
primary copies of the original data from the data
sources. The workbooks which use data extracts
instead of using live database connections are
quicker as the extracted data is imported to the
Tableau Engine. After mining data, the operator
can publish the workbook which also publishes
the extracts in Tableau Server. Nevertheless, the
workbook and extracts will not refresh until the
operator applies a scheduled refresh on the
extracted data. Planned Refreshes are the
programmed tasks put in place for data
extraction refreshers so that the data is
refreshed automatically while publishing a
workbook with extracts. This also removes the
trouble of republishing the workbook every time
the concerned data gets updated. Q30. How to view
underlying SQL Queries in Tableau? To view SQL
queries, Tableau provides two options- 1.
Create a performance recording
  • 2. Review the Tableau desktop logs
  • Q31. How to do performance testing in Tableau?
  • Performance testing is an integral part of
    imparting Tableau in the users work culture.
    This can be done by load testing the Tableau
    server with TabJolt.
  • Q32. Name the components of a Dashboard.
  • Horizontal tforizontal component allows the user
    to group worksheets and dashboard components
    left to right across the page and makes changes
    to the right of all elements simultaneously.
  • Vertical Vertical containers allow the operator
    to club worksheets and dashboard elements from
    top to bottom whilst editing the width of all
    elements at once.
  • Text All text-related fields.
  • Image Extract A Tableau workbook is in an XML
    format. To extract pictures, Tableau applies
    certain codes to mine an image that can be
    stored in XML format.
  • Web A URL measure is a hyperlink that directs
    the user to a Web
  • page, file, or other web-based resources outside
    of Tableau. The
  • Operator can use URL actions to link to more
    information about the data that may be hosted
    outside of The Operators data source. To make
    the link relevant to The Operator data, The
    Operator can substitute field values of a
    selection into the URL as parameters.
  • Q33. From a Tableau auto-filter, how can one
    eradicate All options?
  • The auto-filter provides an option for removing
    All options by simply selecting the down
    arrow in the auto-filter heading. The Operator
    can also scroll down to the Customize section
    in the dropdown and then uncheck the Show All
    value attribute. It can be activated by checking
    back the field again.

  • Q34. How to add custom color to Tableau?
  • Adding a custom color refers to the use of a
    power tool in Tableau. On saving the .tps file
    restart The Operator Tableau desktop. From the
    measures, the pane drags the desired color onto
    the Colour pane. From the color legend menu
    arrow, select Edit Colours. Once the dialog box
    opens, select the color The Operator wishes to
    customize The Operator Tableau in.
  • Q35. What is a TDE file?
  • A .tde file is an extension file that consists of
    data being extrapolated from external sources
    like MS Excel, MS Access, etc. There are two
    features of the TDE fabrication which make them
    perfect for data discovery analytics. The
    features are-
  • It is a columnar storage structure
  • The structure is solely responsible for the way
    they are loaded in
  • Tableau. TDEs are architecturally aware and make
    the best use of each component of the computer
    hardware ranging from the RAM to
  • the hard disk to perfectly fit its computing
  • Q36. How to automate reports in Tableau?
  • To automate reports in tableau, the user would
    need to
  • Publish a report to the Tableau server
  • Whilst doing so the user will find an option for
    scheduled reports
  • The operator needs to Select the frequency in how
    many minutes or hours he/she wishes to refresh
    the data.
  • Q37. Describe Assume Referential Integrity.

  • Q38. What is a default Data Blending Join?
  • Data blending join allows the user to extract and
    compile data without the use of any special
    coding from several data sources into one Tableau
    Visual. A default data blend join functions as a
    left outer join but by switching the primary
    data source or by perforating the nulls it
    becomes possible to mimic left-right and inner
  • Q39. In Tableau what does the term Story
  • The term Story implies a sheet that consists of
    a sequence of worksheets or dashboards that work
    in tandem to convey a message. The user may
    create stories to show links between facts,
    provide context, showcase decision- making
    outcomes or simply make a compelling argument.
    Every single sheet in a story is known as a
    story point.
  • Q40. Describe the distinction between Discrete
    and Continuous in Tableau.
  • Discrete Continuous dimensions are the two
    types of data roles present in Tableau
  • Discrete data roles are distinct and separate
    values and can only take up individual values in
    a range. These values are shown as blue-colored
    pills on the shelves and blue-colored icons on
    the visualization window.
  • Continuous data roles are continuous data
    measures and can take on
  • any value within an infinite or finite interval.
    Continuous variables behave similarly and are
    shown as green pills on the sheet.
  • Q41. How can you create stories in Tableau?
  • There are several ways of creating stories in
    Tableau. Every story point can either be viewed
    on the same visualization or can be based on a
    distinct dashboard or visualization which can be
    seen at different stages with various

  • annotations and marks filtered added to them. You
    can use stories to make a business argument or
    narrate an order of events. To create a story in
    Tableau the user may follow the following steps-
  • Click on the New Story tab
  • From the lower left-hand corner choose from a set
    of pre-defined or custom sizes for your story in
  • By default, you would notice your story taking
    the name of the sheet
  • attached to it.
  • To edit the title, double-click the title and
    make changes to the font, color, and alignment
    of the text and then click on Apply to view the
  • changes made.
  • To start building your story, drag the sheet from
    the story tab on the left and drop it in the
    center of the visualization
  • Click on Add a Caption to review the story
  • To focus on the key idea of the story for the
    viewers, the user may either drag a text object
    to the story worksheet and type in a comment or
    change a filter and then save the changes by
    clicking on
  • the Update button above the navigator box.

Q42. Describe the DRIVE program methodology.
Also, referred to as Tableau Drive, it is a
methodology for clambering out self-service
analytics. Tableau Drive is based on some of the
best practices and successful enterprise
deployments. The process relies on a much more
precise, iterative, and responsive technique
which is swift and efficient than the old school
long cycle implementations.
between and Tableau-
Q43. Describe the distinction
  • embedded data sources published data sources.
  • Published data source

  • It consists of connection information that is
    independent of any workbook and may be used in
    multiple workbooks.
  • Embedded data source
  • It consists of connection information related to
    the workbook.
  • Q44. Mention the different Tableau files.
  • There are primarily 5 types of Tableau files
  • Workbooks tfold one or more worksheets or
  • Bookmarks Consists of a single worksheet and
    makes it easy to share the sheet.
  • Packaged Workbooks These holds a workbook and
    any supporting
  • data or images related to the workbook.
  • Data Extraction Files These files are a copy of
    the subset of the entire data source.
  • Data Connection Files It is a minute .xml file
    with multiple connection info.
  • Q45. How to insert views on a Webpage?
  • As an operator Tableau allows you to insert
    infographics in blogs, webpages, web
    applications, wiki pages, and intranet portals.
    Inserted visualizations refresh and get updated
    as the foundation data changes, or the workbook
    is updated on the Tableau server.
  • As the user following steps may be followed to
    insert visuals and adjust their appearance-

  • Use the Tableau JavaScript API Web developers
    often use Tableau JavaScript API in web
    applications. To gain access to the API,
    documentation, code examples, and the Tableau
    developer community. Check out the Tableau
    Developer Portal.
  • Q46. Fabricate a visual in a map so that if a
    user were to select any state, the cities under
    the state should show profit and sales.
  • As per the requirement, the data set should
    consist of fields about the state, city, profit,
    and sales fields. The next step is-
  • Double-click on the state field
  • Tug on the city and drop it into the Marks card
  • Tug on the sales and drop it into size
  • Tug on the profit and drop it onto the color
  • Click the size legend to expand the size
  • Right-click on the state field and opt for show
    quick filter
  • Choose any state and view the visual.
  • Q47. Does Tableau work for a strategic
  • Certainly, Tableau provides the user with data
    understanding to an extent other tools might not
    be able to. Also, it helps the user to strategize
    and point out inconsistencies and innovate the
    process for the benefit of the firm.
  • Q48. Can a user place an Excel file in a shared
    location and use it to generate a report and
    refresh it at regular intervals?
  • Yes, the user is allowed to do so using Tableau.
    But for higher performance using Extract is
    highly recommended.
  • Q49. Is Tableau available for macOS?

Tableau Desktop is obtainable for both Windows
and Mac operating systems.
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