Title: Rakesh Rajdev Family – Serve The Society And Encourages Humanity
1Rakesh Rajdev Family Rakesh Rajdev Family Serve
The Society And Encourages Humanity
Rakesh and his family encourage serving humanity.
This family is located in Western India and has
proven to be the best supporting hand for
society. Rakesh is a humble guy who is leading a
great family. He supports the needy and
distressed families and persons in
society. Rakesh Rajdev is the owner of the
Rajdev family which consists of his mother, wife,
and two kids. Philanthropy is the inherited
character which penetrates the whole
family.imlaben Rajdev is the mother of Rakesh.
2Nowadays, his brooding kids also follow in his
footsteps. More or less, everyone in the
family is indulged in social welfare activities.
They offer a helping hand to the poor and
needy people as much as they can so that the
families can lead a better life. Nobody will
sleep hungry is the slogan under which the family
runs now. The efforts taken by Rakesh
Rajdev are highly appreciated at the national
level up to a great extent.
After dedicating his full life to the service
spirit, he passed away in the year 1996. To carry
on with this great mission, Rakesh Rajdev started
a social welfare organization namely
Kanuda Mitra Mandal.
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