Title: Best Graphics and Animation Studio in Chicago, USA
1Best Graphics and Animation Studio in Chicago, USA
Discovery is our map to get us to the end result
and learn how we will measure our success. We'll
discuss the tone of the video, audience,
deliverables, and any guidelines for the project
to make sure your video is on-brand. The outcome
of this diagnostic phase is two parts findings
and recommendations.
We'll decide on the proper story device to uphold
the tone while meeting the goals of the brief.
Then we write and write until we get it all down.
This where we take complex ideas and explain them
in a way thats easy to understand. Find the core
message and connect emotionally.
After the story is approved by you and your team,
we assemble the framework. We create style frames
that dial in the look of the project, source
music, audition actors for voice-overs and get
everything ready to go for production.
Once the style is approved we create custom
assets that are ready-to-animate. Then we
flesh-out the project into a full storyboard,
pairing imagery with each scripted scene. This
allows us to identify any gaps in the story and
refine them.
With the style and storyboard signed-off, we
record the voice talent and begin the animation.
We take your custom assets and illustrations and
bring them to life, based on the storyboards and
timing of the voice over.
Whether it ends as a broadcast spot on TV, on the
web, or used internally, well make sure its
delivered with a proper color grade, voice-over,
music, and sound design. We understand the
importance of compression, encoding, marketing,
and good SEO.