Title: How to Sleep with Occipital Neuralgia?
14 Tips to Help You Sleep Better with Occipital
2A good night's sleep is essential for health and
well-being, but if you have occipital neuralgia,
it can be difficult to get the rest you need. In
this presentation, we'll discuss 4 tips to help
you sleep better. Let's get started!
31) Choose the Right Pillow
42) Avoid Bending the Neck
53) Use a Cold Pack
64) Avoid Caffeine or Alcohol Before Bed
7You don't have to suffer from occipital neuralgia
pain any longer. Get in touch with APAC, the pain
management center in Indiana, today. Our pain
specialists will work with you to find the best
solution for your needs and get you the pain
relief you deserve.
to know more
8Reach Us At
APAC Center For Pain Management
11456 S. Broadway, Crown Point, Indiana 46307
(219) 488-0154