Title: Avery Grauer - A Real Estate Professional
1Avery Grauer
A Real Estate Professional
2Graduated From Yale Medical School
Avery Grauer graduated from Yale Medical School
and is currently a real estate professional in
her hometown in Greater New Haven. She grew up
in a family of multi- generational real estate
3A Stellar Communicator
Avery Grauer is a stellar communicator with a
love for architecture and acumen for business.
She has established her career as a real estate
professional, following in the footsteps of much
of her family.
4A Lifelong Learner
Avery has long supported her local community and
enjoys spending time with her family. A
lifelong learner, she graduated from Yale
Medical School and is currently pursuing a
career in real estate
5A Member Of The Appalachian Mountain Club
Avery Grauer is a graduate of Yale Medical
School and lifelong learner.She is a member of
the Appalachian Mountain Club and enjoys
supporting her community and taking on legacy-
building projects.
6An Architecture
Avery Grauer graduated from Yale Medical School
and is currently pursuing a career in real
estate. She has an uncanny eye for detail and a
love for architecture that serve her well in
real estate.
- https//www.behance.net/averygrauer
- https//www.pexels.com/_at_avery-grauer-368299951/
- https//open.spotify.com/show/4foa9yG2nCdltITNmqRu
Ij https//www.reddit.com/user/averygrauer/commen
ts/11 - f0eii/avery_grauer_real_estate_professionals/
8Thank you !
Avery Grauer