Title: Tips for Instructing Adult and K-12 Learners
1Identifying and addressing Learner Characteristics
2Identifying and addressing Learner Characteristics
Identifying and addressing Learner
Characteristics Adam Horton Master of Education
in Teaching American Public University System
EDUC621 Professor Gregory Mandalas May 24, 2023
- There are many characteristics of adult and
K-12 learners. Such characteristics described
above impact classrooms and as a result,
educators must create, and develop and utilize
processes that address such characteristics.
Online learning is more complex and the processes
that educators utilize to address characteristics
of adult and K-12 learners changes. Thus, this
presentation will discuss characteristics of
Adult and K-12 learners, the impact of such
characteristics in online classrooms and
processes that are utilized by educators to
address such characteristics.
4Identifying and addressing Adult Learner
5Identifying and addressing Adult Learner
- In identifying and explaining some current
characteristics of adult learners and how
educators address such characteristics, such
aspects are as follows - 1. The need for a proper learning
environment - Educators must help students establish a
proper learning environment at their home that is
peaceful for their online learning (Simonson et
al., 2014). Also, educators must utilize
strategies that allow engagement among learners
in active learning experiences to further the
efficiency of their online learning environment
(Simonson et al., 2014).
6Identifying and addressing Adult Learner
- 2. The need for organizational structure
- Educators must create organizational
structure that provides participatory learning
by, for example, creating groups that allow adult
learners to provide and share input on what is to
be learned and on learning activities (Simonson
et al., 2014). - 3. The need for differentiated instruction
- Educators must provide differentiated
instruction that is mainly based on
differentiating felt and aspired needs (Simonson
et al., 2014). Educators must also plan
instruction that works for diverse adult
learners. For example, educators must utilize
best practices that meet the needs of diverse
adult learners (Hollister, 2020).
7Identifying and addressing Adult Learner
- Some of the best practices that educators
must utilize for planning instruction for diverse
adult learners are having meetings with faculty,
developing pedagogy and accessibility, and
universally designing courses. Educators must
also facilitate emails, conduct discussion forums
and provide feedback for adult learners who are
diverse (Hollister, 2020).
8The Effect of Adult Learner Characteristics
- In describing how the characteristics of
adult learners described above affect online
classrooms, such affects are as follows - 1. Without the proper online learning
environment that adult learners need, such
learners will endure distractions and their
performance in online education will decrease. - 2. Lack of participatory learning results in
adult learners not participating in their online
education as well as they should. - 3. Without proper differentiated
instruction, the differentiated needs of diverse
students will not be met efficiently.
9Identifying and addressing K-12 Learner
10Identifying and addressing K-12 Learner
- In identifying and explaining some of the
current characteristics of K-12 learners, and how
educators address such characteristics, such
aspects are as follows - 1. The age of students
- Educators must address issues in addressing
the age characteristics of students, such as
addressing the difficulty level that increases as
the age of K-12 learners decrease (Simonson et
al., 2014)
11Identifying and addressing K-12 Learner
- 2. The need for differentiated instruction
- Educators must provide differentiated
instruction for K-12 learners to ensure the
diverse needs of such learners are met (Simonson
et al., 2014). Educators must also understand the
individual needs and learning styles of K-12
students when they plan K-12 assignments
(Simonson et al., 2014). For example, educators
must plan a K-12 assignment to address the
sharing and understanding of the cultural
background of such K-12 students.
12Identifying and addressing K-12 Learner
- 3. The need for more motivation'
- Educators must motivate adult learners in
online education by personalizing learning,
rewarding, providing feedback, monitoring,
setting goals, encouraging collaboration, and
providing learning in variety (Edly, 2022).
13The effect of K-12 Learner Characteristics
- In describing how the above K-12 learner
characteristics affect online classrooms, such an
effect is as follows - 1. Without educators addressing the age
characteristic of K-12 learners, lesson planning
for such learners will not be efficient. - 2. Without differentiated instruction,
educators addressing the needs of K-12 diverse
learners will not be efficient, causing the
cultural needs of K-12 learners, for example, to
not be met. - 3. Without motivation, K-12 students will
not be properly motivated in online education,
which causes K-12 students to not do well in
their education performance in online classrooms.
- It is concluded by the author that students
are the main focus in online education and
learning experiences. There are many forms of
characteristics among Adult and K-12 learners and
there are many different difficulty levels among
such characteristics that educators must face
when addressing such characteristics.
Furthermore, quality learning and experiences in
online education are very important and educators
must ensure learning is of quality. Thus, in
ensuring quality learning and experiences in
online education, educators must address and
enhance the characteristics of online learners
with as much efficiency as possible.
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Image credit, 1 - https//www.eschoolnews.com/educational-leadership
/2023/03/17/the-purpose-of-a-k-12-education/ - Edly, 2022). How to Motivate Learners in an
Online Learning Environment, 1 - https//edly.io/blog/how-to-motivate-learners-in-a
n-online-learning-environment/ - Gcu.edu. (2018). The Essential Characteristics of
Adult Learners, Image credit, 1 - https//www.gcu.edu/blog/doctoral-journey/essentia
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Quality Online Learning, Image credit, 1 - https//www.nsqol.org/
- Simonson, Michael., Smaldino, Sharon., Zvacek.
(2014). Teaching and learning at a distance,
Foundations of Distance Education, Part 2,
Chapter 7, The Student and Distance Education,
K-12 learners, 190 - https//web-s-ebscohost-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/ehos
f4dd4ce0c340redisvid0formatEB - Simonson, Michael., Smaldino, Sharon., Zvacek.
(2014). Teaching and learning at a distance,
Foundations of Distance Education, Part 1 Chapter
2, Definitions, History, and Theories of Distance
Education , Andragogy, Malcolm-Knowles, 48 - https//web-s-ebscohost-com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/ehos
04e11d686040redisvid0formatEB - Simonson, Michael., Smaldino, Sharon., Zvacek.
(2014). Teaching and learning at a distance,
Foundations of Distance Education, Part 2 ,
Chapter 6, Teaching and distance education,
Instructional Methods, 175
- Simonson, Michael., Smaldino, Sharon., Zvacek.
(2014). Teaching and learning at a distance,
Foundations of Distance Education, Part 1 Chapter
2, Definitions, History, and Theories of Distance
Education , Andragogy, Malcolm-Knowles, 48 - https//web-s-ebscohost-com.ezproxy1.apus.edu/ehos
04e11d686040redisvid0formatEB - Simonson, Michael., Smaldino, Sharon., Zvacek.
(2014). Teaching and learning at a distance,
Foundations of Distance Education, Part 2 ,
Chapter 6, Teaching and distance education,
Instructional Methods, 175