Title: CX System Visibility and Transparency - Blackchair
1Blackchair HQ, Clarendon House, 2nd Floor, 52
Cornmarket Street, Oxford. OX1 3HJ.
Need to ensure business integrity of design and
that day-to-day business is running at peak
performance? Our solutions can help! Blackchair
brings multiple CX technologies together under a
single, easy-to-use interface to attain complete
CX system visibility.
2Blackchair HQ, Clarendon House, 2nd Floor, 52
Cornmarket Street, Oxford. OX1 3HJ.
Need to ensure business integrity of design and
that day-to-day business is running at peak
performance? Our solutions can help! Blackchair
brings multiple CX technologies together under a
single, easy-to-use interface to attain complete
CX system visibility.
3Blackchair HQ, Clarendon House, 2nd Floor, 52
Cornmarket Street, Oxford. OX1 3HJ.
Need to ensure business integrity of design and
that day-to-day business is running at peak
performance? Our solutions can help! Blackchair
brings multiple CX technologies together under a
single, easy-to-use interface to attain complete
CX system visibility.
4Blackchair HQ, Clarendon House, 2nd Floor, 52
Cornmarket Street, Oxford. OX1 3HJ.
Need to ensure business integrity of design and
that day-to-day business is running at peak
performance? Our solutions can help! Blackchair
brings multiple CX technologies together under a
single, easy-to-use interface to attain complete
CX system visibility.
5Abbey House, 1650 Arlington Business Park,
Theale, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 4SA
Call us 44 845 456 6751
E-mail enquiries_at_theblackchair.com
Blackchair is a provider of voice, data and
contact center services and solutions.