Title: Moving and Handling Bariatric Patients Safely | Bariquins
1Unique Tips For Moving and Handling Bariatric
Patients Safely in Hospitals
2Bariatric equipment is designed for the larger
person, with enhanced weight capacities,
heavy-duty supports, and broader dimensions to
accommodate the individual's needs. These kinds
of equipment help in Moving and Handling
Bariatric Patients Safely and with ease.
3Tips For Moving and Handling Bariatric Patients
Always utilize the proper equipment Staff should
be educated on how to handle bariatric
patients Perform a risk assessment Create a care
plan and concentrate on patient
discharge Effective communication is
essential Offer emotional support
4Bariquins offer safe and effective care for
bariatric patients by employing suitable
equipment, teaching personnel about proper
handling procedures, doing a risk assessment,
and devising a thorough care plan. With
Bariquins, healthcare professionals can now
confidently provide the necessary support, all
while prioritizing patient safety.
5Get in touch with us
enquiries_at_bariquins.com 44(0)1616466160 www.ba