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8Rail Gear Component Weights Rail gear unit weight
each end 285 lbs. Typical Mounting bracket kit
each end 25 lbs. Single Power Unit 50
lbs. Options Cartridge Style Rail
Shunts Mitchell Rail Gear Cartridge style Rail
Shunts adapt to all Mitchell Rail Gear systems
for the purpose of either allowing track signals
to be set off or not. The rail shunts can be
controlled by a switch in the cab. When the rail
shut system is in the on position there is a
direct connection between the rail wheels left to
right that allows a direct circuit between the
right side and left side rail. When the Rail Gear
vehicle gets close to the crossing the crossing
circuit will be triggered and the crossing lights
will go on and the gate will go down. The
Cartridge Style Rail Shunt assembly is directly
attached to the rail wheel axles so the shunts
move with the rail wheel. The Shunt mechanism has
a spring loaded cartridge that makes direct
contact against each rail wheel. Composite rail
wheels are required when ordering rail shunts.
9Toll Free 1-888-553-5047 Telephone
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Lovitt_at_Mitchell-Railgear.com www.mitchell-railgea