Mastering BigCommerce Theme Development: Essential Tips and Tricks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mastering BigCommerce Theme Development: Essential Tips and Tricks


Learn about the trade secrets of BigCommerce theme development with the help of professional advice! Take a look at this in-depth guide for BigCommerce developers to learn more and become an expert at building amazing online stores. Learn useful information from this blog, which BigCommerce enthusiasts should read to advance their competence. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Mastering BigCommerce Theme Development: Essential Tips and Tricks

Mastering BigCommerce Theme Development
Essential Tips and Tricks
Presently, around 45,341 live stores are running
on BigCommerce. It is a powerful ecommerce
platform that empowers merchants to craft and
manage online stores in an efficient manner. One
of the most important aspects that facilitates
boosting the visual appeal and functionality of a
BigCommerce store is theme development. So, if
you want to get the best outcomes, it is always
recommended to go for BigCommerce theme
development and BigCommerce API integration
services. In this detailed blog post, we will
have a close look at the essential tips and
tricks that you should follow to elevate your
BigCommerce store to new heights. So, let's have
a look What are BigCommerce Themes? BigCommerce
themes refer to pre-designed templates or layouts
that define the visual appearance and overall
design of an ecommerce store built on the
BigCommerce platform.
  • These particular themes are known to play a vital
    role in crafting a consistent and engaging user
    experience for customers. Not only that, but
    these also define how category pages, product
    pages, the shopping cart and other elements are
    presented to visitors.
  • So, each theme typically consists of different
    components like stylesheets, templates and
    configurations that work collectively to create a
    cohesive design.
  • What are the Key Benefits of Using BigCommerce
  • Here are discussed some of the crucial advantages
    that you can reap by making use of BigCommerce
  • Professional Appearance With BigCommerce themes,
    you can provide a professional and polished look
    to your ecommerce store. These are known for
    offering eye-striking layouts that facilitate
    building credibility and trust in the minds of
  • User-Friendly Navigation Well-designed themes
    help effectively improve customers' navigation
    experience. With intuitive layouts and clear
    design elements, you can make it easier for
    visitors to discover products and complete
  • Optimised Performance Typically, the BigCommerce
    themes are well-optimised for performance. These
    are structured in such a fashion that they load
    swiftly, which contributes to swifter page load
    times. So, it contributes to boosting the user
    experience and positively impacts the search
    engine rankings.
  • Ease of Implementation Another significant part
    of BigCommerce themes is that these can be
    implemented effortlessly and activated by
    merchants without any technical know-how. It
    allows store owners to promptly update the
    appearance of their stores so that it
    effectively matches shifting trends or seasonal
  • Tips to Follow While Carrying Out
    BigCommerce Theme Development
  • Now, let's explore the tips and tricks that you
    should focus on following to get best-in-class
    outcomes while conducting BigCommerce theme

  • Understanding BigCommerce Structure
  • One of the best ways to ensure effective theme
    development involves comprehending the structure
    of a BigCommerce theme well. By getting
    well-conversed with different files and
    directories, you can successfully navigate,
    customise and extend the functionality of the
  • Explore Theme Files It becomes vital for you to
    dive into the core files and directories of a
    BigCommerce theme. Also, you should make sure to
    find out the purpose of files, which includes
    stylesheets, templates and configuration files.
  • Learn Theme Components Another essential thing
    is to get a clear idea about the role of integral
    components like category templates, product
    templates and global templates.
  • Whenever you have a solid understanding of the
    structure of BigCommerce, you can make
    well-informed decisions while carrying out theme
    customisation. Thus, it ensures a streamlined
    development procedure.
  • Using Stencil CLI
  • Stencil CLI is considered a robust tool that
    helps ease out different aspects of theme
    development. It ranges from crafting a new theme
    to deploying updates. You could boost both your
    productivity and efficiency by mastering Stencil
  • Install Stencil CLI Start by installing Stencil
    CLI on your development machine.
  • Useful Commands For crafting an entirely new
    theme, it is suggested to explore commands like
    'stencil init'. Similarly, you can use commands
    such as
  • stencil start for local development and
    stencil push for deploying changes.
  • So, you would be able to ensure a smoother
    development workflow by gaining proficiency with
    Stencil CLI. As a result, it facilitates
    effective management of themes and allows you to
    implement changes in a seamless manner.

  • Prioritising Responsive Design
  • It is imperative to focus on responsive design
    as, currently, a vast majority of users are
    accessing websites from different devices like
    mobile phones, tablets, etc. With a responsive
    theme, you can improve the overall user
    experience as it effectively adapts to different
    screen sizes.
  • Mobile-First Approach You should design your
    theme with a mobile-first approach. It helps
    ensure a solid experience even on smaller
  • Media Queries You can implement media queries in
    your stylesheets to effectively adjust styling
    and layout depending on the characteristics of
    the device.
  • This way, you can guarantee that your BigCommerce
    theme appears and functions well across a diverse
    range of devices, which helps you cater to a
    broader audience. You can hire a reputed
    BigCommerce developer, as they can help you come
    up with a responsive design.
  • Optimising Images for Performance
  • One of the crucial aspects of BigCommerce theme
    development involves image optimisation, which is
    known to have a direct impact on performance.
    Large image files can considerably slow down page
    load times. Thereby, it could lead to a
    suboptimal user experience.
  • Use Compression You can rely on image
    compression techniques to reduce file sizes. The
    best part is that, in this case, the quality is
    not compromised.
  • Lazy Loading You can implement lazy loading for
    deterring the loading of off-screen images. So,
    it ensures that only the images visible to the
    user are loaded initially.
  • Thus, by focusing on optimising images, you can
    get a boost in SEO score, faster page load times
    and a more enjoyable and responsive shopping
  • Customisation Best Practices
  • Customisation is the key to crafting a unique and
    branded ecommerce store. However, it becomes
    essential to follow best practices to ensure your
    customisations are sustainable and comply with

  • Avoid Direct Modification You should refrain
    from directly modifying core files. Instead, you
    need to make use of custom files and overrides.
  • Documentation Make sure to thoroughly document
    your customisations. You will find this
    documentation helpful for you and other
    developers who may work on the project.
  • Thus, by adhering to these customisation best
    practices, you can make your themes more
    maintainable and less susceptible to any sort of
    concerns during updates. Make sure to opt for
    BigCommerce API integration services to receive
    the best assistance.
  • Version Control with Git
  • Implementing version control with Git is
    considered a fundamental practice in any
    development environment. It also includes
    BigCommerce theme development. Git lets you
    effectively track changes, collaborate with
    others, and roll back to past versions if
  • Initialise a Git Repository You can start by
    initialising a Git repository in your theme
  • Branching Another thing you can do involves
    utilising branches for various features or bug
    fixes, which helps isolate changes. It also helps
    in facilitating collaboration.
  • Thus, version control with Git is known for
    offering a safety net that lets you experiment
    with confidence and easily manage your codebase.
  • Setting Up Local Development Environment
  • One of the best ways to ensure an efficient and
    error-free theme development process involves
    establishing a local development environment.
    This step lets you thoroughly test changes before
    deploying them to a live store. As a result, it
    helps in ensuring a smoother transition to
  • Employ a Local Server You should focus on
    setting up a local server environment to mimic
    the condition of a live BigCommerce store.
  • BigCommerce CLI You can even use the BigCommerce
    CLI or Command Line Interface to streamline tasks
    like crafting themes, synchronisation, etc.

  • With the aid of a local development environment,
    you can lower the chances of the occurrence of
    any concerns that may impact the live store. It's
    because it offers a controlled space for testing
    and debugging. You can opt for BigCommerce
    development services to get related aid.
  • Documentation Practices
  • Thorough documentation is known to be another
    best practice that considerably contributes to
    the collaboration and maintainability aspects of
    BigCommerce theme development.
  • Code Comments One of the significant
    documentation practices you should follow is to
    include comments in your code, as it can help
    explain the functionality and purpose of
    different sections.
  • External Documentation You can also focus
    on creating external documentation that
    offers a brief overview of the theme
    structure, key components and any other
  • With comprehensive documentation, you can ensure
    that you and other developers can understand and
    effectively work with the codebase.
  • Integration of Third-Party APIs
  • Another best thing you can do to boost the
    overall functionality of your BigCommerce store
    is to integrate third-party APIs. It could
    typically include shipping services, payment
    gateways or other external tools.
  • API Authentication One of the effective ways to
    ensure secure authentication with the third-party
    API is by employing correct credentials.
  • Error Handling You can focus on implementing
    robust error handling for managing situations
    where the API may not be accessible.
  • So, you can expand the abilities of your
    ecommerce store by integrating third-party APIs.
    With this, you could also provide extra features
    to your customers. To learn more, you can reach
    out to an agency that is dedicated to offering
    BigCommerce API integration services.

  • Customising Checkout Process
  • The checkout procedure is an integral component
    of the customer journey. So, tailoring it can
    considerably impact both user satisfaction and
    conversion rates.
  • Branding Elements It is crucial for you to make
    sure that the checkout procedure effectively
    aligns with the overall branding and design of
    your store.
  • Reducing Friction You can simplify the checkout
    steps and minimise the number of required fields
    to reduce friction for customers.
  • By tailoring the checkout process, you would be
    able to create a positive and cohesive shopping
    experience for your customers.

Final Verdict Thus, incorporating all the above
tips into your BigCommerce theme development
practices can create a solid foundation for
building secure and high-quality ecommerce
stores. We hope that you have gained valuable
insights through this guide. If you face any
difficulties in this aspect, you can approach a
professional BigCommerce development agency. They
possess related experience, so they can assist
you effectively by offering BigCommerce theme
development services. Title Mastering
BigCommerce Theme Development Essential Tips and
Tricks Meta Description Boost your online
store's performance with our expert big commerce
theme development services. Optimize your store's
design and increase conversions.
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