Title: Mohammed Al-Madadi - A Gifted and Versatile Individual
1Mohammed Al-Madadi
Deputy Chief of Mission - Embassy of the State of
Qatar in Berlin, Germany
2(No Transcript)
3Mohammed Al-Madadi is a versatile professional
with a strong track record of achievements and
service. At Amiri Yachts, Mohammed Al-Madadi was
the Assistant to the Secretary-General and Head
of HR. He oversaw international hiring
initiatives, led organizational restructuring
initiatives, and effectively automated HR
4Mohammed Al-Madadi has also held prominent
positions, including that of Deputy Chief of
Mission at the State of Qatar's Embassy in
Singapore and Malaysia, where he oversaw the
welfare of Qatari nationals seeking medical care
overseas, established the electronic visa system,
and performed risk assessments for potential
5During his tenure at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, State of Qatar, from December 2016 to
July 2021, Mohammed Al-Madadi demonstrated a
strong commitment to efficiency and excellence.
In this role, he oversaw cross-departmental
projects, effectively managed the Office of the
Secretary-General, and played a pivotal role in
diplomatic missions.
6Boasting a strong foundation in project
management, he has effectively executed digital
HR systems, restructured internal operations, and
managed IT initiatives.
7Mohammed Al-Madadi has a Master of Science in
Information Systems Technology from George
Washington University and a Bachelor of Arts in
Computer Information Systems from Marymount
University. He speaks Arabic and English well.
Find out more about him at his official site