Title: Tools and techniques for managing a project successfully
2Using different project management techniques are
helpful to minimize the disturbance that can come
in business activities. Skills required for this
purpose are according to the specification of a
project, and the resources available at that
particular time period. The more alteration
either the customer or the project owner makes in
completing defined objectives, the greater chance
it gets for project failure.
3The four key phases of project management are
relevant regardless of which process one follows
- Project Initiation
- Project Planning
- Project Execution
- Project Completion
Project management techniques in the project
initiation phase
- Getting to know more about the customer
- Defining the scope and objectives of the project
- Organizing the team members
- Developing procedures to handle task activities
- Collection of tools needed for the project
4Project planning phase
Project execution phase
- Setting timelines and assignments for the project
- Making a plan for communication
- Recognizing potential risk and their outcomes
- Set up a primary budget planned for expenses
- Detailed planning for the further project phases
- Considering the content and complexity of the
project - Breaking down the work for arranging all the
- Manage any necessary change required for the
project - Hold informal meetings on adhoc basis
- Maintaining a record of performed work
- Invoicing regularly
- Sharing the project plan and project status with
all team members
5Project completion phase
- Carry out user acceptance review meetings
- Notify all concerned parties about the project
completion - Close-down work on task level
- Prepare final billing and invoicing
- Post-project review for determining strengths and
weakness - Ensure that all contract terms have been met
- These techniques allow a project management team
to - Develop project objectives according to customer
needs - Help to create a high performance team for
project - Model breakdown structures for the project
6Project management as a process is quite a
challenging task to carry out, especially with so
many stakeholders today no longer all working for
the same firm. However, there are fortunately
some tools available that can play role of
assisting the various project team members to
complete their tasks successfully and execute
them on time.
Acteamos goal is to help the project manager to
avoid spending too much time on learning
traditional project management, rather on
planning their teams capacity to handle the
project process. Acteamo is continuously evolving
with respect to providing the best user interface
for its users.