Title: Dolphin Engineer Bridge Survey
1Surveying bridges and highways in Varisliganj,
Bihar, to evaluate infrastructure, enhance
safety, and support sustainable development.
2National Highway Suívey
The National Highway Survey collects public
perspectives on, and satisfaction with,
Highway and Transport Services in Local Authority
areas. It is a unique, standardized,
collaboration between Highway Authorities across
the country enabling comparison,
knowledge sharing, and the potential to improve
efficiencies by the sharing of good
practice. The survey conducted by Dolphin
engineers is precise and largely data oriented.
The quality check team analyses the entire site
personally and based upon the data
gathered, the results are generated.
It gives paíticipating Authoíities
A better understanding of how they are
A consistent datum for setting service
Access to the best performers and the
Full transparency of data
3Bíidge Suíveys
Bíidge Suíveys aíe on conducted only by ceítified
Aids Veíifieís who have been
tíained in the new bíidge píogíam. Foí Aids
Veíifieís who weíe tíained píioí to the
initiation of the new bíidge píogíam in 2006, an
AV Woíkshop coveíing the new
bíidge píogíam will be íequiíed befoíe they
conduct Bíidge Suíveys. lo schedule this
bíidge tíaining.
It gives paíticipating Authoíities
Bíidge Suíveys aíe done by ceítified Aids
Veíifieís, who have been tíained foí the bíidge
lhe bíidge suívey íequiíes a huge back díop of
expeíience as well as a keen eye to minute
4DOLPHINE ENGINEER B3 C49,Vidya Apartment ,Paras
Marg , Bapu Nagar Jaipur , Rajasthan 91-141-043
6515 info_at_dolphinengineers.com