Title: Have Smooth Walking Space with Floor Levelling Service
1Have Smooth Walking Space with Floor Levelling
2While walking, do you feel the floor service is
uneven? Do you notice that the furniture is
tilted to one side? These are indicators
that it's time for your floors to get even
surfacing. At Clique Floors, we provide floor
levelling service and help you maintain the
functionality of your living space.
3Our process is user-friendly. It begins by
thoroughly assessing your existing floor
conditions. We identify the areas with wear and
tear due to several factors. Using the
latest tools, we prepare the floor for this
process. Selecting our team of professionals for
this service is a wise investment. By creating a
smooth, flat surface, you reduce the costly
repairs and maintain the aesthetics of your
home. Furthermore, we ensure your floors
are structurally sound, allowing them to
withstand daily activities easily. Trust Clique
Floors to restore your floors to their original
glory while providing you with peace of mind.
4Clique Floors
7/200 Canterbury Rd Bayswater North Vic 3153
0413 463 560 www.cliquefloors.com.au cliquefloors_at_