Title: Breast Cancer Treatment In India - GoMedii
Cancer Treatfients
Bieast cancei is a common type of cancei that
affects women. Foitunately, with advancements in
medicine, theie aie many tieatments available
today to effectively manage and combat this
by Healthcare Treat
2Breast Cancer Signs and Syfiptofis
Lufip or Thickening Feel a lump oi thickening in
the bieast oi undeiaim aiea, which may be
Skin Changes Notice any changes in the skin,
such as dimpling, iedness, oi scaling.
Nipple Discharge Expeiience unusual nipple
dischaige, especially if it's bloody oi cleai.
Pain Feel pain oi tendeiness in the bieast oi
nipple, not ielated to menstiuation.
3Treatfient Options Eor
Breast Cancer
Surgery Suigical pioceduies involve iemoving the
canceious tumoi, and in some cases, the
suiiounding tissue and lymph nodes.
Radiation Therapy Radiation theiapy uses high-
eneigy iays to kill cancei cells and shiink
Chefiotherap y Chemotheiapy uses diugs to
taiget and destioy cancei cells thioughout the
Horfione Therapy Hoimone theiapy uses
medications to block the effects of hoimones
that can fuel the giowth of ceitain types of
bieast cancei.
4Surgery Breast-Conserving and Mastectofiy
Breast-Conserving Surgery Removes the tumoi and
some suiiounding tissue, pieseiving the majoiity
of the bieast. This is often used foi smallei
Mastectofiy Removes the entiie bieast, along with
lymph nodes undei the aim. It's often used foi
laigei tumois oi when theie is a high iisk of
cancei spieading.
5Radiation Therapy Targeted and EEEective
Planning A seiies of images is taken to deteimine
the exact location of the tumoi and suiiounding
Treatfient Delivery The patient ieceives
iadiation tieatments, typically foi a few weeks,
while lying on a table.
Follow-up The doctoi monitois the patient foi any
side effects and makes suie the tieatment is
6Chefiotherapy Advances in
Intravenous Chefiotherapy Chemotheiapy diugs aie
administeied diiectly into a vein, allowing the
medications to tiavel quickly thioughout the body.
Oral Chefiotherapy Chemotheiapy diugs aie taken
in pill foim, offeiing a moie convenient option
foi patients.
Targeted Therapy Chemotheiapy diugs aie
specifically designed to taiget specific cancei
cells and minimize damage to healthy cells.
7Outcofie Recovery
Complete Response The cancei is gone, and theie is no sign of it ietuining.
Paitial Response The cancei shiinks, but it is not completely gone.
Stable Disease The cancei neithei giows noi shiinks.
Disease Piogiession The cancei continues to giow and spiead.
8Call to Action
Early Detection Regulai self-exams and
mammogiams aie ciucial foi eaily detection.
Consult a Physician If you notice any unusual
changes in youi bieast, talk to youi doctoi.
Stay InEorfied Leain about the latest
advancements in breast cancer treatment and
Seek Support Join suppoit gioups oi connect with
otheis who have been thiough similai expeiiences.