Title: Download The Pacific Way: A Memoir
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2The Pacific Way A Memoir
3Ratu Sir Kamisese's thoughtful and entertaining
memoir of his personal and political
life candidly outlines significant events in the
development of Fiji, a plural society for which
The Pacific Way holds a special and evocative
meaning. The phrase inspired his 1970
partnership with the Indian opposition leader to
produce a constitution whereby, in his own
words, people of different races, opinions and
cultures can live and work together for the good
of all, can differ without rancour, govern
without malice, and accept responsibility as
reasonable people intent on serving the
interests of all. After leading Fiji through 17
years of
multiracial harmony, he found it ironic that his
defeat in 1987, opposed dominated coalition and a
fervid Fijian Nationalist Party, was provoked But
this same multiracial vision enabled him, after
the military coups in
by an Indian- by his multiracialism. 1987, to
lead an
interim government that restored stability and
economic progress. As the appointed President of
Fiji, he is sustained by wide popular acclaim and
affection. Very few Pacific leaders have
published their opinions and perspectives on such
a wide range of issues and topics. In addition
to his long and distinguished political life, he
tells of his chiefly heritage, his early
education and medical studies at Otago
University, his years at Oxford University, and
his career as a colonial administrator. His
memoir will be of outstanding interest to
Pacific historians, political scientists, and
anthropologists, as well as the general reader.
The Pacific Way A Memoir
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