Title: Delivering Value in a Competitive Environment
1Delivering Value in a Competitive Environment
- Olufemi Adefope, Managing Director, HRG Nigeria
2Value What is it?
- Knowledge
- Benchmarking
- Supplier Management
- Control
- Information
- Process Management
- Cost Efficiency
- Global Ability
- Outsourcing
- Consultancy
- Procurement
- Risk Management
3Is this how we are valued?
- Sometimes. But often not.
- Often it is
- The perceived Cost of a ticket/hotel room
- The Cost of our booking fee and does it represent
money well spent
In truth it should be the VALUE the ticket and
feerepresents which is often hidden to those
that pay
4Price versus Value
Who pays? They determine value!
5Managed Travel Cost or Value?
82Travel Expenditure
3Card Fees
10Internal Costs
Is this a cost or a value?
6- We keep our Value as our best secret and often
give it away.
7Is travel becoming easier?
- No.
- More choice
- More complexity
- More players
- More stakeholders
- More risks
- More change coming
8Market forces impacting your business
Decline in demand for some products services
Market innovation delivers new products and
Speed and capability of new technology
The Internet brings faster exchange of better
Clients responding to market forces on their
Your Business
Quicker and broader communications plus
increased mobility
New competitors and sales channels emerging
New markets emerging for buying and selling
Elimination ofairline commissions
9New fee structure
Rebate Deal
10Market forcesimpacting your business???
- Change brings
- Opportunitiesto deliver VALUE
11HRG Value Model
12HRG Value Added Services