Title: Shakin Things Up
1Shakin Things Up
3I love the monkey bars!!
4This is going to be fun!
Were going to beat Paul in four square!!
5OUCH!!!! That really hurt! Why did you do that?
6I cannot believe that Paul hit you in the face
with the four square ball! Were going to get him
back for that.
7If we shake up his soda, it might explode at
lunch all over him!
This is so much fun!
8My stuff is all wet. What am I going to do?
9Lauren and Lainewhat did you two girls do to
Pauls bag?
I am very up set with you and I am going to have
to call your parents!
It was an accident Mrs. Biggs
10My mom is going to be so mad. What am I going to
do. Well, I think that I know what to do. I
know that I should not have done that to Paul,
even if he did hit me with the ball. So I am
going to apologize to him.
11Its alright. I am sorry too. I shouldnt have
hit you in the face with the ball.
Paul, we are so sorry about what we did to your
backpack. We hope that you will still be our
Would you like to play some more four square?