Title: Modeling Complex
1- Modeling Complex
- Real World Networks
- Or
- Do non-mathematicians do
- better mathematics?
- Dr. Eduardo Mendoza
- Mathematics Department Physics
Department - University of the Philippines
Ludwig-Maximilians-University - Diliman Munich, Germany
- eduardom_at_math.upd.edu.ph
Eduardo.Mendoza_at_physik.uni-muenchen.de -
- Department of Computer Science
- Munich University of Applied Science
- What are complex real-world networks?
- What have non-mathematicians achieved?
- Can mathematicians contribute and how?
- Some personal remarks
- Most of the nice slides are from Albert Barabasi
(University of Notre Dame) - www.nd.edu/networks
Nodes computers, routers Links physical lines
(Faloutsos, Faloutsos and Faloutsos, 1999)
World Wide Web
Nodes WWW documents Links URL links
800 million documents (S. Lawrence, 1999)
ROBOT collects all URLs found in a document
and follows them recursively
R. Albert, H. Jeong, A-L Barabasi, Nature, 401
130 (1999)
7Communication networks
The Earth is developing an electronic nervous
system, a network with diverse nodes and links are
-computers -routers -satellites
-phone lines -TV cables -EM waves
Communication networks Many non-identical
components with diverse connections between them.
8Bacon 1
Nodes actors Links cast jointly
Days of Thunder (1990) Far and Away (1992)
Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
N 212,250 actors ?k? 28.78
P(k) k-?
10The Erdös Number Project
- Erdös numbers have been a part of the folklore of
mathematicians throughout the world for many
years. - Facts about Erdös Numbers and Collaboration
- Statistical descriptions of Erdös number data, a
file of the subgraph induced by Erdöss
coauthors, Erdös number record holders, the
distribution of Erdös numbers (they range up to
15, but the average is less than 5, and almost
everyone with a finite Erdös number has a number
less than 8) - facts about collaboration in mathematical
research and the collaboration graph, including
some information about publishing habits of
mathematicians - And surely the most famous contemporary "computer
personality" with a small Erdös number is William
H. (Bill) Gates, who published with Christos H.
Papadimitriou in 1979, who published with Xiao
Tie Deng, who published with Erdös coauthor PAVOL
HELL, giving Gates Erdös number at most 4. - Famous Paths to Paul Erdös Fields Medalists and
Nobel Prize winners have small Erdös numbers. - Compute Your Own Erdös Number It may be smaller
than you think. - Related Concepts Six degrees of separation, the
Kevin Bacon game, Small Worlds, academic
genealogy, Hank Aaron, graph theory.
Nodes papers Links citations
Witten-Sander PRL 1981
1736 PRL papers (1988)
P(k) k-?
(? 3)
(S. Redner, 1998)
Nodes individuals Links social relationship
S. Milgram (1967)
Six Degrees of Separation
John Guare
Social networks Many individuals with diverse
social interactions between them.
Nodes chemicals (substrates) Links bio-chemical
Metabolic Network
15Prot Interaction map
Yeast protein network
Nodes proteins Links
physical interactions (binding)
P. Uetz, et al. Nature 403, 623-7 (2000).
One way to understand the p53 network is to
compare it to the Internet. The
cell, like the Internet, appears to be a
scale-free network.
18Food Web
Nodes trophic species Links trophic
R.J. Williams, N.D. Martinez Nature (2000)
R. Sole (cond-mat/0011195)
19A few structural invariants for complex networks
- Shortest path
- L(x,y) between two nodes x and y
- Average shortest path Lav of a network (also
called diameter of a network) this determines
the effective linear size - Maximal shortest path Lmax
- Small world property Lav is small, despite
(large) network size (given by number of nodes)
- Examples
- Lav(Kn) 1 if Kn is complete
- Coauthorship networks
- Math 9.5
- HEP 4
- Neuro 6
20Degree k, degree distribution P(k)
- Degree total number of connections (edges) from
a node - In- and out-degrees for directed graphs
- Average degree ltkgt
- Degree distribution P(k) function expressing
the probability that a node has degree k - Log distribution (log P(k) as function of log k)
is also often used
21Clustering coefficient C (Watts-Strogatz 98)
22Clustering coefficient C (2)
- C is also the probability that if a triple of
nodes of a network is connected by at least two
edges, then the third edge is also present ? -
Examples C(Kn) 1 if Kn is complete
C(T) 0 if T is a tree, etc
23Mathematicians are people who turn coffee into
Erdös-Rényi model (1960)
Pál Erdös (1913-1996)
Also known as random graphs
24Structural invariants of random graphs
- Diameter/shortest path length
- Lav ln N/ln z1 (z1 average no of nearest
neighbors) - random graphs are small worlds
- Clustering coefficient
- Crand p ltkgt/N
- ? random graphs have low clustering
25Are complex networks random?
26Highly clustered small worlds
Nature June 4, 1998
August 1999
27Between1999 2001, researchers found out that
most real world networks have the same internal
Scale-free networks ie P(k) k-r r constant
What does it mean?
28Scale-free complex networks
29Random vs. Scale-free
3019 degrees
19 degrees of separation The WWW is very big
but not very wide
l152 1?2?5 l174 1?3?4?6 ? 7 lt l gt ??
31Nature July 27, 2000
32H. Jeong et al Nature, May 3, 2001
Nodes people (Females Males) Links sexual
4781 Swedes 18-74 59 response rate.
Liljeros et al. Nature 2001
34Halting Viruses in Scale-Free Networks
- Classical Epidemiology epidemic threshold T
exists, such that transmission probability lt T
implies disease will die out - Recent Results
- T 0 in scale free networks (Pastor-Satorras
Vespigniani 01) - Network of sexual contacts is scale-free
(Liljeros et al 01) - ? spread of AIDS will not be stopped by
traditional methods - Solution immunizing hubs (with degree gt k0)
restores positive T )
35Public/Press reaction
- General science press
- Nature, News Views Unspinning the web
- National Geographic Herculean Internet and Web
Have Achilles' Heels - American Scientist Graph Theory in Practice
Part I,Part II - Scientific American The Post-Genome Project
- Science, Science News, Discover, Discovery,
Microelectronics Tech Alert,. - Daily press
- New York Times First Cells, Then Species, Now
the Web - CNN Scientists spot Achilles heel of the
Internet - BBC Unweaving the world wide web
- USA Today Only 19 degrees of Web separation
- Washington Post The Net, the Web, the Catch
- Boston Globe, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and
many more - Le Monde Le diamètre de la Toile est revu à la
hausse - articles in Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Dutch,
German,,.Korean, Japanese, ..
36Rita Colwell (NSF Director and well-known
microbiologist) in a recent (Oct 11, 2002) speech
Braiding Mathematics and Statistics with Life
Sciences Weaving the Future's Tapestry
- Networks offer a powerful example. From the
World Wide Web to the citation network of
scientific papers, and from metabolic networks to
the complex food chains, mathematics has been
central to unraveling this ever-changing and
evolving connectedness. - Barabasi captures it concisely in his new
book, Linked The New Science of Networks. He
writes, "all networks have a deep underlying
order and operate according to simple but
powerful rules. This knowledge promises to shed
light on the spread of fads and viruses, the
robustness of ecosystems, the vulnerability of
37Traditional modeling Network as a static graph
Given a network with N nodes and L links
Create a graph with statistically identical
RESULT model the static network topology
PROBLEM Real networks are dynamical systems!
Evolving networks
OBJECTIVE capture the network dynamics
- identify the processes that contribute to the
network topology - develop dynamical models that capture these
BONUS get the topology correctly.
38Origins SF
(1) The number of nodes (N) is NOT fixed.
Networks continuously expand by the addition of
new nodes
WWW addition of new documents
Citation publication of new papers
39BA model
Scale-free model
At every timestep we
add a new node with m edges (connected to the
nodes already present in the system). (2)
The probability ? that a new node will be
connected to node i depends on the connectivity
ki of that node
A.-L.Barabási, R. Albert, Science 286, 509 (1999)
40More models
Other Models
- Non-linear preferential attachment
?(k) k? ? P(k) no scaling for ??1 - ? ?lt1 stretch-exponential
- ? ?gt1 no-scaling (?gt2 gelation)
- (Krapivsky et al (2000).)
- Initial attractiveness ?(k) Ak?
- P(k) k-? where ?2 A/m
- (Dorogovtsev et al (2000).)
- Aging each node has a lifetime
? node cannot get links
after retirement. (actor) - P(k) power-law with exponential cutoff
- (Amaral et al (2000).)
41Other Models (continued)
- Saturation each node has maximum link number.
- node cannot get links after finite of links
- P(k) power-law with exponential cutoff
- (Amaral et al (2000).)
42 Can Latecomers Make It?
Fitness Model SF model k(t)t ½
(first mover advantage)Real systems
nodes compete for links -- fitnessFitness
Model fitness (h )
b(h) h/C G. Bianconi and A.-L.
Barabási, Europhyics Letters. 54, 436 (2001).
43Bose-Einstein Condensation in Evolving Networks
G. Bianconi and A.-L. Barabási, Physical Review
Letters 2001 cond-mat/0011029
442 Excellent Reviews
- R. Albert, A. Barabasi
- Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks,
Reviews of Modern Physics 74 (2002) - avail www.arXiv.org cond-mat/0106096
- S.N. Dorogovtsev, J.F.F.Mendes
- Evolution of networks, Advances in Physics 51
(2002) - avail www.arXiv.org cond-mat/0106144
45Interpretation of the clustering coefficient as
geometric curvature (J.Eckmann, E. Moses PNAS
April 02)
Key developments 2002 (1)
Jost-Joy Aug 02
46Map of C. Elegans brain
47Key developments 2002 (2)
- A step towards an encompassing model (Jost-Joy,
Evolving networks with distance preferences
preprint Aug 02, www.santafe.edu ) - Distance preference a new node xn forms first
link randomly, then according to distance
preference function p(d(xn,x)) up to a fixed
number m - Special cases preferredshortest, longest, equal
- Advantage over previous models (eg scale-free
model) need only to evaluate local information
48Key developments in 2002 (3)Hierarchical
- Problem scale free model did not explain recent
discovery of Dorogovtsev et al (in the
deterministic scale-free case, 12/01) that - C(k) k -1
- A new hierarchical model in recent papers by
Ravascz, Barabasi et al (Science Sep 02, Phys Rev
E in press) integrates modularity and
49Hierarchical growth
50Hierarchical vs. classical scale-free models
51Measurements for some networks
524. A major step forward in effective treatment
for HIV/AIDSby C Kamp and S BornholdtOctober 7
2002 issue of Proc Royal Soc London B )
Using computer simulations to map the
'predator-prey' dynamics between viruses and the
immune system, the research offers a better
understanding of the conditions that inhibit the
progression of the virus into AIDS and the points
at which HIV may be most effectively
defeated.Commenting on the research, Christel
Kamp, from the Institute of Theoretical Physics,
University of Kiel, says "Our research findings
are a step ahead in understanding conditions that
promote a non-progression to AIDS, suggesting
vaccination and receptor blocking/fusion
inhibition as efficient ways of overcoming an HIV
infection. Receptor blocking is a process by
which the HIV strains are blocked from attaching
to markers on the T-helper cells which are
necessary to start the process of cell membrane
fusion. The first clinical trials are also
showing these strategies to be very promising."
53Mathematics, yes. But mathematicians?..
- All recent models (with one exception) from
non-mathematicians (mostly physicists) - Few efforts (up to now) by mathematicians
- P. Erdös, A. Renyi (1960,)
- Papers by Juergen Jost (well-known expert on
dynamical systems), 2002 - Reka Albert (one of the pioneer physicists) hired
by U Minnesota Mathematics Department (2002) - Dont really understand why
- Too real? (have to analyze data)
- not elegant enough? (I find the simple
underlying principles discovered till now quite
elegant) - Involves more than one research area (how about
collaborating) - Too shy to compete with physicists? (how about
54How can mathematicians contribute?
Wuchty-Stadler, preprint 2003
- Apply extensive graph theory knowledge to find
new structural invariants - Example 1 Spectral properties of scale-free
networks (Farkas et al 2001). Extensive numerical
analysis and computational tools discovered new
phenomena (s. next slide)
55Spectral density of scale-free networks
- Open Problems
- Find a simple closed expression for small-world
and scale-free networks (or sub-classes) as in
the case of random graphs - What other results of Spectral Graph Theory can
be applied?
56Example 2 Centers of Complex Networks
- preprint by S. Wuchty (Theoretical Biochemistry)
and P. Stadler (Bioinformatics) on
www.santafe.edu - Main notion of centrality used till now vertex
degree - Authors introduce and investigate the following
graph-theoretic concepts - Essentiality (? center )
- Status (? median)
- Centroid value (? centroid)
57Further examples?
- Try to apply theory of infinite graphs
(considering complex networks as sequences of
finite graphs appropriately embedded in
/related to an infinite graph) - Is there a way to factorize certain classes of
scale-free networks in order to see the
functional module structure (eg in
intra-cellular networks)?
58How to contribute (2)
- 2. Extend the models to other interesting
variants - Directed networks
- Weighted networks, optimization, allometric
scaling - Specific questions on the Internet and WWW
- .
59How to contribute (3)
- Evolving complex networks are dynamical systems
(as seen from the models) - Which results from (discrete) dynamical systems
can be applied appropriately? - Which questions?
- Example preprint from J. Jost M.F. Joy on
Evolving networks with distance preferences on
www.santafe.edu - Same for stochastic dynamical systems!
60How to contribute (4)
- 4. Expand on geometric concepts and introduce
other relevant ideas
Eckmann-Moses Apr 02
Jost-Joy, Aug 02
61How to contribute (5)
- 5. Work on joint projects with experimental
scientists on specific complex networks or
systems - For biological systems, we have started an
interdisciplinary Mathematical and
Computational Biology Intiative cf.
www.engg.upd.edu.ph/compbio - Could also be on novel social networks (perhaps
together with the Institute for Communications
Research on specific Filipino phenomena like
texting (or SMS comms) - There is an active complex systems modeling group
at NIP (some projects model social behavior) - cf www.nip.upd.edu.ph/ipl
62Continued high level of (public) interest
Spring 02
Fall 02
63Nature Immunology Editorial (Oct 2002)
- Examination of the interrelationships among the
elements of the immune system, in the manner
described in Linked could provide us with
another approach. Taking such a broad view may
shape the information into previously
unrecognized hubs, clusters of interactions or
regulatory circuits. - Historically, immunologists rarely turn to models
for answers or inspiration, as the complexity of
the immune system invalidates and thwarts most of
them. But as Barabasis book indicates, it is now
becoming a more approachable endeavor, with
massive amounts of data collected and centralized
into public databases . Although we may not like
it, we can little afford to ignore a structure as
all pervasive as scale-free networks.
64An emerging fieldwith lots of opportunities for
- Barabasi et al
- Scale-free and hierarchical structures in complex
networks - Preprint 2003 (avail www.nd.edu/networks)
65The New Generation?Fan Chung Graham
(professional name Fan Chung) is the Akamai
Professor in Internet Mathematics at UC San
- Her main research interests lie in spectral graph
theory and extremal graph theory. These topics
provide powerful methods in dealing with problems
arising in a wide range of areas. She has about
200 papers, in areas ranging from pure
mathematics ( e.g., differential geometry, number
theory) to the applied (e.g., optimization,
computational geometry, telecommunications and
Internet computing). She has about 100 coauthors
including many mathematicians, computer
scientists, statisticians and chemists. - She is the author of two books -- Erdös on Graphs
and Spectral Graph Theory. She is the
Editor-in-Chief of a new journal Internet
Mathematics and she is also a Co-Editor-in-Chief
of Advances in Applied Mathematics. In addition,
she serves on the editorial boards of a dozen or
so journals. She was awarded the Allendoerfer
Award by Mathematical Association of America in
1990. Since 1998, she has been a fellow of
American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
66Some personal remarks
- My conviction great mathematics comes from
working on great problems (challenges). Real
world phenomena like complex evolving networks
are a great source of such challenges. - My personal focus complex biological networks
(this area of research is also part of systems
67Caveat on mathematicians involvement
- Active in the area of biological networks
- Mikhael L. Gromov
- and biological systems (in general)
- David Mumford (math of perception)
- Sergi Novikov (topology of condensed matter,
incl biomolecules) -
68Rita Colwell Quote (Oct 02)
- The very scale of scientific quests - cures
for disease and cancer, environmental
preservation, and scientific literacy, to name a
few-beckons the interweaving of science itself...
- The progression of mathematical modeling,
statistical methods, and computational algorithms
has lifted many fields of science to new levels
that brim with promise. The biological sciences
are not immune. Complex challenges call for novel
mathematical, statistical, and computational
approaches. ..
69Lots of opportunities to make a difference...
(Nature, Jan 23 2003)
70 My version of Erdös
- Mathematicians are people
- who turn coffee
- into theorems for a better world.
- also tee.
- Thanks for your attention!