Title: Migrant Integration Policy Index MIPEX Press briefing pack
1Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX)
Press briefing pack
This project is co-financed by the European
Community under the INTI Programme Preparatory
Actions for the Integration of Third-Country
2MIPEX assesses migrant integration policies and
laws across Europe and Canada
- Bi-annual assessment of migration policy across
28 countries - The largest study of its kind examining 140 areas
of policy - A wide community was consulted to construct the
study, experts in 28 countries across Europe and
Canada - Study is almost four times the size of the pilot
in 2004 - From EU15 countries to 28 countries
- From 80 indicators (specifics on policy) to 140
in this study - The study assesses immigrants/migrants (from
outside the EU) opportunities to participate in
our societies, under six strands, to - Access the labour market
- Settle with their families
- Become long term residents
- Participate politically
- Become nationals
- Be protected from racism and discrimination
- The study covers the enlarged EU prior to
Romania and Bulgaria joining and selected third
countries - 25 EU states
- Switzerland, Norway and Canada (because Canada is
often taken as a model)
3Who is MIPEX? Who are the partners
Who is MIPEX? The Partnership
- A community of stakeholders who are supported by
the European Commission - Under INTI Preparatory Actions for the
Integration of Third-Country Nationals - The Managing Partners.
- The Scientific Partners were involved in
designing the content of the index - 2 European-wide research partners (University of
Sheffield Université Libre de Bruxelles) - 5-person Scientific Advisory Committee (J.
Arango, R. Bauböck, V. Guiraudon, G.
Kolanciewicz, M. Martiniello) - 28 national correspondents and 28 peer reviewers
- And 21 national partners in 19 countries help us
set up the debates in each country
4Why do this study? Why is it interesting?
5Whos running the study?
6More on the scope
7Each of the 140 indicators has been scored by
experts in each of the countries
How the Study Works
An Example.
Country Y, aft. peer review
Country Y, bf. peer review
Country X
Age limits and/or Other conditions
Spouse only
Both. No conditions apply
ILPA/MPG Proposed Directive on Family Reunion,
Ch.II, Art. 6.1 EC Directive on the right to
family reunification, Ch.II, Art.2.1(a) and 2.3
EC Directive on the right to family
reunification, Ch.II, Art.5
8 www.integrationindex.euSee the overall
resultsExplore profiles for your country and
for 27 othersSee more detailed results than are
published in the book, answers to individual
questions on legislation (more detail will be
provided in the coming weeks)
9Central Press Contacts
- Policy Analyst (for detailed content questions)
- Thomas Huddleston THuddleston_at_migpolgroup.com,
- 44 771 365 3382
- Central press contact for the project
- Julian Morgan, British Council Brussels 32 484
989 115 - Julian.morgan_at_britishcouncil.be
- Other central press contacts
- Jonathan Brennan 32 498 725 131
Jonathan.Brennan_at_britishcouncil.be - Andrew Manning 32 473 297 605
- UK Press Contact
- Ellen Miller 44 7733 308 487
10Local Press Contacts
- Belgium Nele Verbruggen, King Baudouin
Foundation (partner), 3225111840 - Canada Jack Jedwab, Association for Canadian
Studies, 015149253098 - Czech Republic Monika Klimentova, British
Council, 420221991114 - Denmark Martin Lassen-Vernal, Danish Institute
for Human Rights, 4531573153 - Estonia Julian Morgan, British Council,
32484989115 - EU Media Julian Morgan, British Council,
32484989115 - Finland Kata Kreft-Burman, British Council,
358977433320 - France Stephanie Vigne, British Council,
3314955 - Germany Detlef Thelen, British Council,
493031109964 - Greece Katy Yakoumaki, British Council,
302103692342 - Hungary Julian Morgan, British Council,
32484989115 - Ireland Tony Reilly, British Council
35316764088 - Italy Gisella Desiderato, Fondazione Iniziative
e Sulla Multietnitcit (partner), 393353395695 - Latvia Julian Morgan, British Council,
32484989115 - Lithuania Julian Morgan, British Council,
32484989115 - Luxembourg Serge Kollwelter, ASTI (partner),
3524383331 - Malta Julian Morgan, British Council
32484989115 and Ronnie Micallef, British Council
35621226377 - Netherlands Ben Harris, British Council,
31205506061 - Norway Elisabeth Boe, British Council,
11List of partners
- Belgium Nele Verbruggen, King Baudouin
Foundation, 3225111840 - Canada Jack Jedwab, Association for Canadian
Studies, 015149253098 - Denmark Mandana Zarrehparvar, DIHR, Danish
Institute for Human Rights, 4532698888 - Finland Leena Koivisto, Think Tank e2,
358445181251 - France Catherine Daurèle, INED, Institut
national détudes démographiques, 33156062278 - Germany Stephan Thalhofer, Friedrich Ebert
Stiftung, 3222346293 - Greece Miltos Pavlou, HLHR, Hellenic League for
Human Rights/Greek Ombudsman, 302106990258 - Hungary Andras Kovats, Menedék, Hungarian
Association for Migrants, 3613221502 - Ireland Kate Morris, National Consultative
Committee on Racism and Interculturalism,
35318588000 - Italy Laura Davi, Fondazione ISMU Iniziative e
Studi Sulla Multietnicit, 39267877945 - Luxembourg Serge Kollwelter, ASTI, Association
de Soutien aux Travailleurs Immigrés, 3524383331 - Netherlands Vera Marinelli, FORUM, Instituut
voor Multiculturele Ontwikkeling, 31302974321 - Norway Eamonn Noonan, KIM, the Contact Committee
for Immigrants and the Norwegian Authorities,
4724168992 - Poland Justyna Frelak, Institute of Public
Affairs, 485564274 - Portugal Hugo Seabra, Gulbenkian Foundation,
351217823547 - Spain Gemma Pinyol, CIDOB, Centro de
Investigación de Relaciones Internacionales y
Desarrollo, 34933026495 - Sweden Birgitta Ornbrant, CEIFO Centrum för
forskning om internationnell migration och
etniska relationer, University of Stockholm,
468162687 - Switzerland Denise Efionayi, Forum suisse pour
létude des migrations et de la population,
41327183933 - United Kingdom Keith Best, Immigration Advisory
Service, 442079671221, Roisin Donarchie, the
former Commission for Racial Equality