Class Information Introduction to Remote Sensing Our Earth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Class Information Introduction to Remote Sensing Our Earth


Geoid ... The Earth Geoid changes over time ... From March through about July the geoid in the Amazon is somewhat higher than ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Class Information Introduction to Remote Sensing Our Earth

Class InformationIntroduction to Remote
SensingOur Earth
  • Guido Cervone EOS 121- Lecture I

  • Class Information
  • Introduction to Remote Sensing
  • Our Earth

  • Guido Cervone
  • Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Geography and
    Geoinformation Sciences (GGS)
  • ContactsOffice Research 1, room 221Telephone
    703.993.1799email gcervone_at_gmu.educlass
    website http//
    N gcervone_at_gmu.edugtalk gcervoneYahoo
    gcerv1AIM gcerv1

Our Home
  • How well do you know it?
  • How big is it?
  • Whats its mass?
  • How far away is from the Sun? and from the Moon?
  • How fast does it spin on itself? Clockwise or
    Counter clockwise?
  • How fast does it revolve around the sun?
  • How much surface is covered by land? And by
  • Is it a perfect sphere?
  • What is it composed of?
  • Does it have a magnetic field?

Earth Characteristics
  • Earth is the third planet in the solar system in
    terms of distance from the Sun
  • The diameter of the Earth at the equator is
    12,756 km (7,926 miles), and its circumference at
    the equator is 40,075 km (24,901 miles)
  • The Mass of Earth is approximately 6 1024 kg.
    Its density is 5,515.3 kg/m³
  • 70 is covered by oceans, 30 by land
  • The Earth's shape is that of an oblate spheroid
  • Earths gravitational constant is equal to 6.67 x
    1011 newton m2/kg2

Earth-Sun Distance
  • Sun-Earth distance is on the average 150 million
    kilometers (Identified with AU)
  • Scientists were able to measure the distance to
    Venus very precisely using radar.
  • Then a simple trigonometry problem gave the exact
    Sun-Earth distance.
  • Why cant we use radar directly to measure the
    Earth-Sun distance?

Moon-Earth Distance
  • The actual Earth-Moon distance ranges from about
    360,000 to 405, 000 kilometers, depending on the
    position in the Moon's orbit.
  • A full lunar cycle is 29 days

Earth Interior
  • The Earth formed about 4.6 billion years ago,
    along with the other solar planets and the Sun
  • The planets built up by accretion of rocky and
    gaseous debris (asteroidal, planetesimal
    meteoritic materials and comets) through
    collision of orbiting bodies.
  • The Earth's materials are diverse and variable.
    Most variation occurs in the outermost 200
    kilometers, in the lithosphere.

Earth Interior
Types of Rock
  • Igneous rocks form directly by crystallizationof
    hot melts made up of silicates (SimOn) combined
    with Fe, Mg, Ca, Al, Na, K, Ti, H2O). Minerals
    formed from these make up nearly all the mantle
    and crust.
  • Rocks at the surface decompose/disintegrate by
    reaction with the atmosphere/hydrosphere to
    produce solid debris and soluble chemicals that
    are transported/deposited to form sediments, that
    upon burial are converted to Sedimentary rocks.
  • Previously formed rocks that are heated and
    pressurized when buried to shallow to moderate
    depths (5 to 70 km) of the crust recrystallize as
    solids to form Metamorphic rocks

Rock Lifecycle
Earth Composition
  • The Earth consists of a solid and liquid portion
    and an atmosphere of gaseous portion.
  • The percentage composition of the Earth's solid
    and liquid materials (by mass) is
  • 34.6 Iron, 29.5 Oxygen, 15.2 Silicon, 12.7
    Magnesium, 2.4 Nickel, 1.9 Sulfur, 0.05
  • Oxygen is chemically combined with many
    substances to produce liquid and solid compounds.
    Although water (H2O) is a dominant compound on
    Earth, Hydrogen is not listed above because of
    its small mass.
  • Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) is sand, and that compound
    makes up a large portion of the Earth's mass.
    Much of the Iron is in the Earth's core and is
    responsible for the Earth's magnetic field.
  • Although most people think air is mainly Oxygen,
    the atmosphere of the Earth actually consists of
    79 Nitrogen (N2), 20 Oxygen (O2) and 1 of
    other gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

Earths Atmosphere
  • Troposphere This layer is characterized by a
    decrease in temperature with respect to height,
    at a rate of about 6.5ºC per kilometer, up to a
    height of about 10 km. All the weather activities
    (water vapour, clouds, precipitation) are
    confined to this layer. A layer of aerosol
    particles normally exists near to the earth
    surface. The term upper atmosphere usually refers
    to the region of the atmosphere above the
  • Stratosphere The temperature at the lower 20 km
    of the stratosphere is approximately constant,
    after which the temperature increases with
    height, up to an altitude of about 50 km. Ozone
    exists mainly at the stratopause. The troposphere
    and the stratosphere together account for more
    than 99 of the total mass of the atmosphere.
  • Mesosphere The temperature decreases in this
    layer from an altitude of about 50 km to 85 km.
  • Thermosphere This layer extends from about 85 km
    upward to several hundred kilometers. The
    temperature may range from 500 K to 2000 K. The
    gases exist mainly in the form of thin plasma,
    i.e. they are ionized due to bombardment by solar
    ultraviolet radiation and energetic cosmic rays.
  • Many remote sensing satellites follow the near
    polar sun-synchronous orbits at a height around
    800 km, which is well above the thermopause.

Earth Rotation
  • The Earth rotates on itself counter clockwise
    approximately 1500 km per hour.  The actual speed
    depends on the latitude of the observer. 
  • The Earth orbits the Sun at a speed of 29.79 km
    (18.51 miles) per second, or 107,870 km (67,000
    miles) per hour.
  • The entire solar system is orbiting through our
    Milky Way Galaxy at nearly half a million km per
  • And as if that wasn't enough, the Virgo Cluster,
    of which our galaxy is a member, is moving at
    nearly a million km per hour towards a point in
    interclusteral space known as the Great

Think about it the next time you feel tired to go
Earth Seasons
Why is the Northern Hemisphere warmer during the
summer than during the winter?
Earth Magnetosphere
  • The iron-nickel core of the Earth acts as a giant
    magnet, comparable to a dipole bar magnet.
  • The Earth's magnetic field is like a dipole
    magnet only close to the surface.
  • The Earth's magnetic field extends far out into
    space for thousands of miles

Compass readings
Earth Magnetosphere
  • The extremely hot atmosphere of the Sun is a
    plasma (a gas consisting of charged particles,
    mostly electrons and protons)
  • Solar plasma streams radially into space at high
    speed and pulls the Sun's magnetic field with it

Earth Magnetosphere
  • The electrified particles and the solar magnetic
    fieldare called the solar wind.
  • These bits of the Sun come streaming at us at
    velocities of 450 km/second or more.
  • While light travels from Sun to Earth in about 8
    minutes, the solar wind usually reaches Earth in
    2 or 3 days.
  • The solar wind particles flowing directly from
    the Sun toward the Earth encounter the
    magnetosphere much as water in a swift stream
    comes upon a large rock.

Earth Magnetosphere
  • Passage through the bow shock region reduces the
    speed and changes the motion of the particles
  • Most of the shocked solar wind particles are
    deflected around the magnetosphere
  • The magnetosphere effectively shields the Earth
    from most of the direct solar wind

Earth Magnetosphere
  • Some solar wind plasma can, however, travel along
    the Earth's magnetic field lines
  • When the solar wind enters the polar cups, it
    follows the magnetic field lines toward Earth.
  • Through the polar cusps, high-speed charged
    particles from the solar wind bombard our upper
  • This allows more particles to reach the the upper
    atmosphere which cause aurora borealis in the
    northern hemisphere and the aurora australis in
    the southern hemisphere

Earth Magnetosphere
  • Earth Magnetosphere was discovered by one of the
    earliest satellite missions!
  • Explorer 1, on January 31, 1958, four months
    after the Soviet Union launched Sputnik I

Van Allen Radiation Belts
  • A Geiger counter mounted Explorer 1, provided
    surprising evidence that the Earth is surrounded
    by intense particle radiation
  • Two huge zones of trapped electrons and protons
    encircle the Earth like donuts

Van Allen Radiation Belts
  • The Inner V.A. Belt reaches its maximum intensity
    at 5000 km (3000 miles) but extends inward to
    about 1000 km (600 miles). the inner belt is
    marked by protons brought in mainly as cosmic
  • The Outer Belt starts at 1500 km (9300 miles) and
    peaks at 22000 km (15500 miles). The outer belt
    is dominated by trapped electrons from the solar
  • Important about Van Allen Belts
  • They provide protection from potentially
    devastating particle bombardments - a fact
    critical to the successful development of life on
  • Both spacecraft and humans would need to be
    shielded effectively when passing through the

Aurora Borealis and Australis
  • The Van Allen Belts become much weaker above 75N
    and 75S.
  • This allows more particles to reach the upper
    atmosphere and collide with oxygen, nitrogen and
    argon atoms in the air to generate ions that in
    their excited states give off constantly moving,
    colorful, wavy displays
  • This geophysical phenomenon occurs mainly at the
    higher latitudes but sometimes extends below 40

View of the Auroras from Space
  • A satellite named SOHO whose job is to monitor
    solar activity reported intense solar storms
  • This was predicted to produce a spectacular
    aurora borealis
  • A NASA satellite called Polar (launched in 1996)
    designed to monitor just such phenomena produced
    this view in the visible from space

  • The geoid is an equipotential surface which
    (approximately) coincides with the mean ocean
  • It represents the departure from the ellipsoidal
    surface caused by differences in gravitational
    attraction caused by variations in density

  • Over the years gravity measurements have led to
    both generalized and regional models of the

How can we Compute Gravity?
  • The prime use and successes of gravity satellites
    have been in surveying the topography of oceans
    and other large bodies of water.
  • Because of their high rates of orbital velocity
    and other complications, satellites do not
    normally carry accelerometers to measure direct
    changes in gravitational attraction along their
    orbital tracks.
  • Instead, gravity variations can be calculated
    from changes in the position (shifts in orbital
    height) of a satellite as it orbits

Grace Mission
  • GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)
    launched on March 17, 2002
  • GRACE is actually a pair of satellites in the
    same orbit at 500 km but 220 km apart (formation
  • Each GRACE satellite uses microwave signals to
    determine very precisely the vertical distance
    between spacecraft and points on the surface

Grace Results
Grace Results
  • The Earth Geoid changes over time
  • Such variations suggest what is known as
    isostatic adjustments
  • Isostasy refers to the tendency for the Earth's
    outer sphere to experience forces that cause its
    surface to rise or fall as loads are added or
  • The response is not instantaneoous but occurs
    over time

Grace Results
  • From March through about July the geoid in the
    Amazon is somewhat higher than average but this
    elevation transitions into lower heights from
    September through December
  • The added load, leading to the blue stage, is the
    accumulation of water in the Amazon Basin during
    the rainy season

What is the Atmosphere
  • Envelope of gases, energy, particles, and liquids
    held to earth by gravity, which varies slightly
    by latitude and longitude and varies greatly by
    elevation and extends up to 10,000 km.
  • Shields earth from the full range of solar and
    cosmic radiation, traps heat in natural
    greenhouse effect
  • Has mass and exerts pressure
  • A unit of pressure (14.72 lbs/sq in, c.105
    Pascals, 1013 mb) mean pressure at sea level at
    45 deg. lat ( 1 Newton .225 lbs, N m-2
  • 1/2 atmos. mass below 5,500 m. 99 below 30 km

Nebular hypothesis that the solar system formed
by gravitational contraction of an enormous cloud
of largely helium and hydrogen (minor amounts of
other elements).
  • Nebula, the large cloud of dust and gases.
  • Rotation of the cloud causes it to flatten into a
    disk. Most material in the cloud was pulled
    toward the center of rotation.
  • Gravitational attraction in the center of the
    cloud causes it to become denser and to heat up
    (forming the protosun).
  • Small "eddies" in the cloud undergo similar
    rotation and contraction, concentrating material
    in the cloud. Results in the formation of the
  • As the cloud clears the heat of the sun drives
    light gases off the inner protoplanets. 
  • The process complete by about 4.5 billion years
  • Earth experienced a period of internal melting
    (due to initial
  • high temperatures and heat from radioactive

Differentiation of the early Earth
  • When melting of the Earth began dense elements
    sank towards the center of and light elements
    rose towards the surface (forming minerals that
    make up the crust).

Earth Forms
  • Lighter material rose to surface crust denser
    sank to the core bollide collisions
  • As the Earth cooled and differentiated, the crust
    became thicker and continents began to "grow" by
    plate tectonics
  • First crust likely basaltic (like modern oceanic
    crust) and lacked continents
  • At zones of subduction, intrusion of magma into
    overlying crust would have caused thickening to
    form continental crust.

Earth Age
  • Oldest continental igneous rocks are 3.8 billion
    years old.
  • Oldest sedimentary rocks (sandstones) are 4.2
    billion years old.
  • Therefore, granitic continental crust must have
    been present by 4.2 billion years ago.
  • By 2.5 billion years ago, large continental
    masses were present.

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First Atmosphere
  • Composition - Probably H2, He, neon, Ar
  • These gases are relatively rare on Earth compared
    to other places in the universe and were probably
    lost to space early in Earth's history because
  • gravity is not strong enough to hold lighter
  • Earth still did not have a differentiated core
    (solid inner/liquid outer core) which creates
    Earth's magnetic field (magnetosphere Van Allen
    Belt) which deflects solar winds.
  • Once the core differentiated the heavier gases
    stayed anchored

Second AtmosphereProduced by volcanic outgassing
and bollides.  
  • Gases were similar to those of modern volcanoes
    (H2O, CO2, SO2, CO, S2, Cl2, N2, H2) and NH3
    (ammonia) and CH4 (methane)
  • Comets bearing H2O
  • No free O2 at this time (not found in volcanic
  • Ocean Formation - As the Earth cooled, H2O
    produced by outgassing could exist as liquid in
    the Early Archean, allowing oceans to form.
  • CO2 is 12, where does it go?

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  • Oxygen cycle
  • Oxygen Production
  • Photochemical dissociation - breakup of water
    molecules by ultraviolet
  • Produced O2 levels approx. 1-2 current levels
  • At these levels O3 (Ozone) can form to shield
    Earth surface from UV
  • Photosynthesis - CO2 H2O sunlight organic
    compounds O2 - produced by cyanobacteria, and
    eventually higher plants - supplied the rest of
    O2 to atmosphere. Thus plant populations
  • Oxygen Consumers
  • Chemical Weathering - through oxidation of
    surface materials (early consumer)
  • Animal Respiration (much later)
  • Burning of Fossil Fuels (much, much later)

Atmosphere by 4 billion years ago
  • Virtually no O2
  • Carbon dioxide CO2
  • Water vapor H2O
  • Nitrogen N2
  • Hydrogen H2
  • Hydrogen Chloride HCl
  • Sulfur Dioxide SO2

Origin of O2
  • Some O2 came from
  • 2H2O ultraviolet rays 2H2 O2
  • Lost to space 2H2
  • (Early sun with gt UV)
  • More came from photosynthesis
  • CO2 H2O light ( chlorophyll) (CH2O) O2

Evidence for O2 and Cyanobacteria
  • Photosynthesis requires chlorophyll, produced by
    some organisms (e.g., plants)
  • The oldest that could produce chlorophyll are
    cyanobacteria single celled sea organisms that
    lacked an organized nucleus
  • First cyanobacteria appeared about 3.5 bya and
    were anaerobic
  • But very common in rocks lt about 2.5 bya
  • There is strong correlation between O2 levels in
    the atmosphere and the development of life, on

Cyanobacteria or"blue-green algae" go back to 3.5
Oldest Fossil 3.5 bya
  • Stromatolite Colony
  • either blue-green algae or bacteria

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Oxygens Rise
  • As Oxygen levels increased, aerobic organisms
    developed ? even more Oxygen
  • Oxygen levels became high enough to support more
    complex life ? more oxygen
  • By 600 million years ago Oxygen levels had almost
    reached modern levels, about 20 and O3 starts to
    form in stratosphere ?
  • The evolution of land plants, resulted in a
    modest increase in O2
  • Variation in O2 levels over the past 500 million
    years reflect changes in plant cover on Earth

Variation in O2 over last 500 million years
reflects plant cover
Carboniferous warm, moist, tropical settings O2
levels almost doubled. Permian and Triassic arid
conditions on land O2 levels dropped to below
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Rock Record O2 in the atmosphere has increased
with time
  • Iron (Fe) is extremely reactive with oxygen. Fe
    in the rock record tells us much about
    atmospheric evolution.
  • Archean - Find minerals that only form in
    non-oxidizing environments Pyrite (FeS2),
    Uraninite (UO2).
  • Banded Iron Formation chert iron oxide, iron
    carbonate, iron silicate, iron sulfide. Major
    source of iron ore magnetite (Fe3O4), common in
    rocks 2.0 - 2.8 B.y.
  • Red beds (continental siliciclastic deposits) are
    never found in rocks older than 2.3 B. y., but
    are common during Phanerozoic time. Red beds are
    red because of the highly oxidized mineral
    hematite (Fe2O3), that probably forms secondarily
    by oxidation of other Fe minerals that have
    accumulated in the sediment.

American Museum of Natural History 2 billion
year old banded iron formation, Ontario
Garden of the Gods, Colorado Springs, CO
Biological Evidence of O2 buildup
  • Chemical building blocks of life could not have
    formed in the presence of atmospheric oxygen.
    Chemical reactions that yield amino acids are
    inhibited by presence of very small amounts of
  • Oxygen prevents growth of the most primitive
    living bacteria such as photosynthetic bacteria,
    methane-producing bacteria and bacteria that
    derive energy from fermentation. Conclusion -
    Since today's most primitive life forms are
    anaerobic, the first forms of cellular life
    probably had similar metabolisms.
  • Today these anaerobic life forms are restricted
    to anoxic (low oxygen) habitats such as swamps,
    ponds, and lagoons.

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  • An important atmospheric ingredient to make
    terrestrial life (land-based) possible was the
    formation of the Ozone layer, to protect life
    forms from ultraviolet radiation
  • In the upper atmosphere, UV radiation breaks up
    O2 into singular oxygen atoms, these recombine
    with O2 into a strong structure of O3, Ozone
  • Increase of plants on land increased
    photosynthesis increased O2 production CO2

Geologic Time Climate Questions
  • 1. In Precambrian
  • Weak sun paradox (standard model of solar
    physics 70-80 luminosity of early sun), which
    means a temp 10-15 K below today, but evidence of
    similar T
  • increase retention of IR (CO2) change in
    spectral output model is wrong Iceball Earth
  • 2. Long-Term controls on climate
  • Solar Radiation variation in atmospheric gases
    Mountain Building Milankovich Cycles plate
    tectonics ocean-atmosphere interactions

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