Title: Midterm%20Wednesday
1Midterm Wednesday
- Chapter 1-3
- Number /character representation and conversion
- Number arithmetic
- Combinational logic elements and design
(DeMorgans Law) - Sequential logic elements and design (State
machines) - Memory organization and implementation
- Clocks and timing
The von Neumann Machine - The programmable
digital computer (both program and data are
stored in the computer memory) - Computer
comprised of processing unit, memory, control
unit, input(s), and output(s) Introducin
g the LC-3 Computer - A toy computer for us
to learn from 16 bit machine, word
addressable, 64K or 65,536 locations
(Could it have an address space of 1 Gig? 1 Gig
needs 30 bits of addressing) Computer Machine
Instructions Computer native instructions
- The basic instructions that all programs use on
that computer (The atomic unit of work
done by a computer) The Instruction Cycle
- The steps in the execution of a machine
language instruction (Fetch, Decode,
Evaluate Address(es), Fetch operand(s), Execute,
and store results)
3The LC-3 Computera von Neumann machine
4From Logic to Data Path
- Data Paths
- The data path of a computer is all the logic
used to process - information.
- See the data path of the LC-3 on next slide.
- Combinational Logic
- Decoders -- convert instructions into control
signals - Multiplexers -- select inputs and outputs
- ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit) -- operations on
data - Sequential Logic
- State machine -- coordinate control signals and
data movement -
- Temporary (scratchpad) Memory
- Registers and latches -- storage elements
5LC-3 Data Path
Combinational Logic
State Machine
6Data Path of the LC-3
7Computer Machine Instruction Formats
- What is IN an instruction?
- Specifies the operation to be performed
- Where to get the operands
- Where to put the result
- What are the major instruction types?
- Data Movement (load, store, etc.)
- Operate (add, sub, mult,OR, AND, etc.)
- Control (branch, jump to subroutine, etc.)
8The Machine Instruction
- Necessary information
- Operation code
- Input Operand(s)
- Output Operand(s)
- Typical Operation formats
- 1 operand
- 2 operands
- 3 operands
- Alternative Instruction Design Strategies
- Cisc (Complex Instruction Set Architecture)
- Risc (Reduced Instruction Set Architecture)
9The LC-3 Instruction
- FORMAT generally 2 operand
- Operation code
- Input Operand(s)
- Output Operand(s)
- Where are the operands?
- Memory
- Registers