Title: Estonian National ID Card
1Estonian National ID Card
Jüri Voore Agu Kivimägi Estonian Citizenship
and Migration Board
2National chip-based Identity Card
Issuing authority Estonian Citizenship and
Migration Board Service contractor TRÜB
Switzerland Start of issueJanuary 1,
2002 Conformance with ICAO Doc. 9303 part 3
Inside 16 Kb RSA crypto chip are 2 private
keys authentication certificate digital
signature certificate personal data file
3Project Milestones
- Nov 1999 - Working group was established for the
project - May 2000 - Government approved the guidelines-
Tender for manufacturing of the cards 2000-
Tender for certification services 2000-2001-
Start of issuance December 2001 - June 2000 -Tender for manufacturing and
personalization of cards - Dec 2000 - TRÜB Switzerland was announced the
winner - March 2001 - Government approved the signing of
the contract - July 2001 - Tender for finding Certification
Service Provider - Sept 2001 - AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus was
announced the winner - Dec 2001 - contract was signed with AS
Sertifitseerimiskeskus - 28 Jan 2002 - the first ID card was issued
- 1 April 2002 - over 15 000 people have submitted
their application 7000 cards are handed over
4Starting point assumptions/questions
- It is reasonable to set up only one commonly used
PKI -one trust chain in co-operation with
business community - Political debate Do we need ID cards at all?
- Is ID card compulsory or voluntary ?
- Why do we need digital signatures at all when
there are no services ready. - Questions to ask Are there services to appear
when there are no digital identities? What is it
going to cost later? - We must start ID issuance now where the passports
start to expire in 2002. - Later implementation of digital signature will
become more costly or wont be reasonable at all.
5Legal Basis of ID Card
- Identity Documents ActPassed on 15 February
1999Entered into force on 1 January 2000 - Digital Signature Act Passed on 8 March
2000Entered into force on 15 December 2000 - Amended together on 12 June 2001
6Amendments on 12.06.2001
- A certificate which enables digital
identification and a certificate which enables
digital signing shall be entered on an identity
card. - Certificates on ID card shall be recognised by
all authorities - public and private
7Scope of legislation
- Digital Signature Law gives legal effect to
digital signatures and digitally signed
documents. - Digital signatures will have the same legal
validity as manual signatures if created in
accordance with the law - The scope of regulation of the law includes
certification service providers, their rights and
obligations, the procedure of certification, - the use of certificates (including international
ones), - the accreditation and supervision of
certification service providers.
8Security of the ID Card
The visually apparent safety features ? Chip
containing digital signature information ?
Microprint Eesti Vabariik visible through
magnifying glass ? Guilloche fine-line pattern
? UV-overprint in green and blue ?
UV-fluorescent Guilloche ? OVI? optically
variable ink shifting from golden to green ?
Shadow image the boarder line of Estonia ?
Production series, marked in UV
ID card front
9Security of the ID Card
The visually apparent safety features ?
Kineprint the image EST is visible
alternatively on white and national color
background ? MLI? Multiple Laser Image, which
screen base includes the moving and alternating
personal code and expiry date of the card ?
Guilloche fine-line pattern fluorescent ? LFI
? Latent Filter Image, upon turning the card
the image EST alternates between positive and
negative. ? Card number ? Microprint A poem
visible through magnifying glass ? Safety
thread, fluorescent ? Machine-readable OCR code
? Kinegram? upon turning the card the image of
the map of Estonia and the image of the
abbreviation EST changes
ID card back
10EstEID card application objects
Data objects Cardholders personal data
file Certificates and key objects authentication
private key authentication certificate signing
private key signing certificate Authentication
objects PIN1 PIN2 PUK Secure messaging key
objects Card management key objects
11ID Card Issuance
CMB Gets application from the citizen, verifies
the data and sends the request for card
personalization to TRÜB.
2. Requests for Personalization
TRÜB Baltic AS
Trüb Engraves the visual data to the card,
generates the user keys and PIN codes, sends the
personal data to the CA, writes certificates to
the card , sends personalized card and PIN codes
to RA.
3. Requests for Certificates
5. ID Cards with Private Keys PIN code envelopes
are sent by courier
7. Personalized ID Cards with Certificates
and PIN code envelopes are handed over
4. Certificates
AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus
Certification Service Provider Provides the
services according to the Digital Signature
Act. CA Generates and publishes the
certificates, transfers certificates to TRÜB.
Over 150 Bank Offices of Hansapank and Ühispank
RA Identifies the person, verifies his knowledge
of the PIN code, hands over the card the
instructions to the person.
Public Directory www.sk.ee Ldap.sk.ee
12Lessons learned (personal)
- Only simple systems work
- Standard solutions give you at least predictable
problems - Technology is not a security risk - people are
- You can not avoid bad publicity ( scandal is a
mother of brand-making) - Demo crazy is just a form of enthropia to live
with - You can learn only from your own mistakes
- Learning from others - get wisdom for free
- If you have small budget, do not worry - time is
a resource - Murphys laws works as the standards not always
- Do not forget about laws of nature
13Sample views of applications from www.pass.ee
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18Why Two Certificates?
Digital signing
Authentication, secure messaging, encryption
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28Useful links
- Passport ID-card http//www.pass.ee
- CMB http//www.mig.ee
- PKI CA http//www.sk.ee
- E-government http//www.riik.ee/infosystems