Title: The TEVASPOT Toolkit
1The TEVA-SPOT Toolkit
- William E Hart1, Jonathan W Berry1,
- Regan Murray2, Cynthia A Phillips1,
- Lee Ann Riesen1, Jean-Paul Watson1
- 1Discrete Algorithms and Mathematics Department,
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM - 2NHSRC, Environmental Protection Agency,
Cincinnati, OH
2CWS Design
- Goal design an online contaminant warning system
to protect against contamination events - Challenge placement of sensors for the CWS
within a budget - Sensor placement issues
- How do sensors work?
- What is the design basis threat?
- How does a utility respond to detection events?
- What performance measures are used to evaluate
the CWS? - What are the potential sensor locations?
3SPOT Sensor Placement Optimization Toolkit
- TEVA-SPOT A GUI interface for vulnerability
assessment and sensor placement - Development led by EPA and ANL
- TEVA-SPOT Tookit The sensor placement library
used by TEVA-SPOT - Development led by EPA and SNL
- Academic collaborators UC, CU Denver, IBM, PNNL,
- but Ill just call this SPOT for convenience.
4Motivations for SPOT
- Flexible solvers that can optimize many different
objectives - Scalable solvers for large-scale problems
- 10,000s junctions and pipes
- Limited-memory problem representations
- Flexible specification of problem formulation
- Flexible specification of performance constraints
- Fast, flexible solvers
- Methods for rigorously evaluating solver
Application Driver The EPA needs a robust sensor
placement capability for ongoing water security
analyses (TEVA Program).
5A Canonical Problem Formulation
- Minimize expected impact of contamination events
- Over a selected set of times and locations
- Cost constraint
- Limit number of sensors
- Limit cost of installation
- Note
- This is the formulation considered by most of the
literature - This assumes the adversary has no knowledge of
how event time/location relates to impact of the
6An Integer Programming Formulation
- Variables
- a event likelihood
- w event impact
- b event witness indicator
- s sensor placement indicator
- IP model
- Objective is to minimize the expected impact of
all events - Very general formulation
- Can capture different objectives/networks
- Can be solved with COTS software
7(A) Performance Objectives
- This formulation can capture a wide range of
performance objectives - Extent of contamination
- Population exposed
- Population Sickened
- Response time
- Mass of contaminant in the network
- Volume of contaminant in the network
- Number of sensors
- Total cost (weighted by sensor lcoation)
Key Idea These performance objectives are
derived from external contaminant transport
calculations and impact assessments, which can be
arbitrarily complex.
8(B) Scalability
- IP Size
- n junctions (10,000s)
- m contamination times (100s)
- Up to nm contamination locations
- Up to n2m contamination impact values
- Observations
- A 64-bit workstation is required to solve
applications with 1000s of junctions and many
contamination times - Need ability to solve applications with 10,000s
of junctions
9(B) Scalability Techniques
- Witness Aggregation
- Combine witness indicator variables (e.g. if they
are equal or nearly equal) - Can compute a bound on the aggregated problem
- Scenario Aggregation
- Combine scenarios that could contaminant sites in
the same order - This allows the optimal sensor placements for
multiple types of contaminants - Representative Sensor Locations
- Select representative or candidate sensor
locations - The problem representation only needs to reflect
those locations
10(C) Alternative Problem Formulations
- Minimize Worst-Case Performance
- Mathematically equivalent to the p-mean problem
- Difficult to solve with IP or heuristic solvers
- Robustness Formulations
- Can handle data uncertainties with min-max
formulations - Are solvable as IPs in some cases, but they are
harder - Can handle uncertainty in contamination
location/time explicitly - Risk measures Value at Risk, Tail-conditioned
expectation - Solving these formulations is still difficult
- Can reduce worst-case impacts while maintaining
good expected-case performance
11(D) Performance Constraints
- Observations
- Different performance objectives need to be
considered in practice - Cannot generally minimize all objectives
- Idea iteratively optimize different objectives
- SPOT can use side-constraints to constraint
secondary objectives - Solver performance is poor with more than one
constraint - Solvers can cache nearly feasible solutions to
illustrate the trade-off between the new
objective and the constraint
12(E) Fast, Flexible Solvers
- SPOT Solver Options
- PICO integer programming solver
- CPLEX integer programming solver (commercial)
- GRASP heuristic
- Lagrangian heuristic
- Optimizes with multiple local searches
- Can rapidly solve problems with 10,000s of
junctions (minutes) - Heuristic solutions are often optimal
- Lagrangian
- Optimizes with iterative penalties on constraint
violations - Uses very little memory
- Provides a bound on the value of the final
13(F) Confidence Bounds
- Goal find near-optimal solutions AND quantify
how close to optimum they are - IP Solvers find a globally optimal solution (but
only for modest-scale problems) - Heuristic
- Often finds globally optimal solutions
- Can bound the global optimum with a LP-relaxtion
of the IP - Lagrangian
- Finds near-optimal solutions
- Provides a bound on the value of the global
14How SPOT Works
TEVA-SPOT performs optimization to find a sensor
placement. The sensor placement minimizes the
potential impact of the ensemble of contamination
events defined in Impact files. One or more
sensor placements are generated.
TEVA-Sim executes an ensemble of EPANET
simulations. This ensemble is defined by
characteristics of the contamination events that
are relevant for sensor placement (e.g. when and
where contamination events might occur.) TSO
files are formatted in a generic manner to
encompass a wide range of water quality
statistics about contamination events.
TEVA-CAT computes consequences from water quality
simulations. Consequence analysis varies based
on the type of impact being measured. Some
analyses use water quality statistics, while
others simply use the extent of
contamination. Impact files are formatted in a
generic manner they summarize how the impact of
events can be minimized by placing sensors that
can observe them.
15Future Directions
- Ongoing applications to large-scale water
utilities - Especially within the USEPAs TEVA Program
- Academic collaborations to integrate other sensor
placement techniques - E.g. include multi-objective optimization
capabilities - Planning public release of TEVA-SPOT Toolkit in
2008 - Some consequence assessment capabilities may be
limited to water utilities with a business need - An upcoming TEVA webpage will include a link to
TEVA-SPOT when it is released!