Title: Discrimination%20of%20disabled%20people
1Discrimination of disabled people in Poland and
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4Disabled people are like us!
5Disabled people in Poland and Hungary
6You have just become the parent of disabled child!
7 - As estimated 1.2 million pupils have special
educational needs (14 of all pupils) of whom
250,000 have statements of special educational
need (3 of all pupils).
8Education for the disabled in Hungary
Institutions 175 191 196 197
Separate classes in normal general schools 440 462 459 462
Classrooms 3,262 3,415 3,498 3,443
Teachers 6,163 6,238 6,405 6,433
Students 39,393 40,890 41,696 41,924
in nursery schools 821 901 1,129 1,188
in general schools 35,921 34,594 35,021 36,069
in special short vocational schools 2,651 5,395 5,546 4,667
year 1990/91 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96
9Education for the disabled in Poland
Special schools 85,8 67,7 64,6
Special classes in schools 6,8 6,1 5,9
Integrative schools 2,1 2,1 2,8
Normal schools 4,3 4,9 7,8
Theraphy schools 0,9 2,8 3,0
Equalizative classes 2,8 16,4 15,7
Total 100 100 100
year 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98
10 - Streets are useful for us, but what about
disabled people?
11 - The high rate of unemployment of disabled people!
- the lack of integration of disabled people into
society - disabled people are not welcomed on the streets,
nor can they gain access to public buildings or
public transportation. - there are no state-run training or employment
programs - hight rate of unemployment within the disabled
in Poland one person is employed out of 12-15
13 - the families of disabled children are left to
their own coping devices, because there is no one
to whom they can turn. - lack of policy on support, discrimination and
intolerance, difficulty in getting information - social allowance limitation or deprivation
- ignorance of disabled in social life
14 - The situation of disabled people in diifferent
countries is similar like disabled are similar to