Title: Optical properties of IIInitride compounds
1Optical properties of III-nitride compounds
- Bernard Gil
- Groupe dEtude des Semiconducteurs
- Université Montpellier II
- 34095 Montpellier cedx5 - France
2Identification of the bandgap of GaN
Ilegems Dingle (1971)
3High quality heteroepitaxies come into the play
(mid nineties)
4The band gap of GaN and the lattice parameter
5Hypothesis a biaxial strain splits the valence
band states
- The crystal field splitting varies with c/a
- Gil, 1995
- Shikanai, 1995
- Kim 1997
6Treating it more seriously requires text book
quantum mechanics
- One parameter to account of the crystal-field
splitting - two parameters to account for the matrix elements
- of the spin-orbit interaction
- Four deformation potentials
Igt -(px ipy)/2 -
I-gt (px - ipy)/2
7Evolution of band to band transitions with stress
8Excitonic corrections
- I?5gt I?5gt I?5 gt
- ?1 ?2 ?1 ?2 -1/2? -?
0 - -? ?1 - ?2 ?1 ?2 -1/2? ?2?3
- 0 ?2?3 ?1 1/2?
- ?exc?5 ?I?5gt ? I?5gt ??5 gt
- ??exc?5 ?2 ( ? ? )2 / 2.
? 0.6 meV in GaN
9It works!
10The excitonic binding energies in GaN films
- Effective masses are anisotropic
- Schrödinger equation should include this
anisotropy - The hydrogenic series in 1/n2 is lost
11Orthorhombically strained GaN films in-plane
13Photoluminescence and reflectance
14The excitonic polariton in GaN films
15Neutral-donor bound excitons / Rotational excited
statesCourtesy G.Neu
Almost strain free GaN
16GaN/SiC heterostructures (0001) Courtesy G.Neu
- ? resonant lines are observed over more than 10
meV - ?the energy difference between the resonant picks
and the excitation is no more strictly constant - a pick b is rapidly shifting
- by extrapolation it corresponds to D0XB
17Rotational excited states of D0XA Courtesy G.Neu
18Donor spectroscopy two electron transitions
Courtesy G.Neu
HVPE grown free-standing layer
2K - the D0X initial state is the ground state
- the final state is D0(n2,..)
- Above 2K
- The initial states are the
- D0X excited states
I2a (2p)
19Donor bound excitons in semiconductors a three
decade-long storyB.Gil et al , to be published
? Ed / 30
Jtot Lrot Jhole
20Wave functions of the rotator and two electron
transitions B.Gil , B. Monemar , to be published
- The angular momentum of the topmost valence band
Bloch state J is 3/2. - For the ground state 0,0gt, the total hole wave
function has the symmetry of the valence band,
Jtot 3/2. The ground state of the donor bound
exciton complex has odd parity. When one of the
electrons and the hole recombine leaving the last
electron in a nS state, the ground state has even
parity. This recombination process is dipole
allowed and efficiently couples with the
electromagnetic field.
- The first excited state correspond to the first
excited state of the hole rotator. The total
wave function of the complex is even and the most
probable recombination process is a complex
process leaving the remaining electron in a 2 p
21Zinc oxyde?
- Olivier Briot,
- Nicolas Grandjean,
- Marc Ilegems,
- Mathieu Leroux,
- Bo Monemar,
- Hadis Morkoç,
- Gérard Neu,
- Shuji Nakamura,
- Sandra Ruffenach,
- Magloire Tchounkeu,
- Andenet Alemu