Digestion and Nutrition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Digestion and Nutrition


Accessory organs secrete substances used in the process of digestion ... Connected at posterior to the hyoid bone. Palate. Forms the roof of the oral cavity ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Digestion and Nutrition

Digestion and Nutrition
  • Digestion the mechanical and chemical breakdown
    of foods and the absorption of the resulting
    nutrients by cells
  • Digestive System
  • alimentary canal (extends 9 meters from mouth to
  • Accessory organs secrete substances used in the
    process of digestion
  • The digestive system is a tube, open at both ends
    which supplies the body cells with nutrients
  • alimentary canal (extends 9 meters from mouth to
  • Accessory organs secrete substances used in the
    process of digestion

Alimentary Canal
Accessory Organs
  • Mouth
  • Pharynx
  • Esophagus
  • Stomach
  • Small Intestine
  • Large intestine
  • Anal canal

Salivary glands Liver Gallbladder Pancreas
General Characteristics of the Alimentary Canal
  • Muscular tube that passes through the bodys
    ventral cavity
  • The wall of the alimentary canal consists of four
    distinct layers
  • Mucosa
  • Submucosa
  • Muscular layer
  • Serosa (serous layer)

  • Surface epithelium, some connective tissue and a
    small amount of smooth muscle
  • Developed into folds and tiny projections in some
    areas which extend into the lumen
  • These folds increase the surface area for
    increased absorptive surface
  • Contains glands which secrete mucous and
    digestive enzymes
  • Serves as a protective layer

  • Contains mostly loose connective tissue
  • Glands
  • Blood vessels
  • Lymphatic vessels
  • Nerves
  • Function carries away absorbed materials

Muscular Layer
  • Layer which produces movements of the tube
  • Two layers of smooth muscle
  • Inner layer encircles the tube (contraction
    decreases the diameter of tube)
  • Outer layer longitudinal fibers which shorten
    the tube when contracted

  • AKA Visceral peritoneum
  • Outer covering of the tube
  • Secrete serous fluid moisten and lubricate
    outer surface to allow free movement of organs

Movements of the Tube
  • Two types of movements
  • Mixing movements occurs when smooth muscles in
    small segments of the tube contract rhythmically
  • Propelling movements wavelike motion called
    peristalsis, the wave pushes the contents through
    the tube

  • Where food is received
  • Begins both mechanical (chewing)and chemical
    (saliva) digestion
  • Includes
  • Lips, cheeks, tongue, and palate
  • Chamber between the palate oral cavity
  • Space between the teeth, cheeks and lips -

  • Fills most of the oral cavity
  • Covered by mucous membrane
  • Frenulum connects the midline of tongue to the
    floor of the mouth
  • Body of tongue composed of skeletal muscle
  • Papillae rough projections on surface provide
    friction and contain taste buds
  • Connected at posterior to the hyoid bone

  • Forms the roof of the oral cavity
  • Hard palate anterior
  • Soft palate posterior
  • Muscular arch connects to uvula
  • During swallowing, prevents food from entering
    nasal cavity
  • Palatine tonsils and pharyngeal tonsils both
    located at the back of the mouth closely
    associated with the soft palate
  • Read Blue Box pg 397, what is tonsillitis, how
    is it treated?

  • Two different sets of teeth form during
  • Primary teeth (deciduous teeth) 10 in each jaw
  • Shed in the same order they appeared
  • Roots are resorbed before pressure from new tooth
    pushed tooth out of socket
  • Secondary teeth (permanent teeth) 16 in each
  • Usually appear 6 years of age, finish in late
    teens to 20s

Tooth Structure
  • Read pg 398, summarize structure of teeth
  • Draw diagram of a tooth, figure 15.9, pg 399

Salivary Glands
  • Secrete saliva
  • Glands contain both serous cells and mucous cells
  • Serous cells produce water fluid that contains
    amylase which begins chemical digestion of
  • Mucous cells secrete thick mucus which binds food
    particles and lubricates during swallowing

Major Salivary Gland
  • Three pairs of major salivary glands (there are
    many other minor ones)
  • Parotid
  • Submandibular
  • Sublingual
  • Each secretes varying proportions of serous and
    mucous fluids

Pharynx and Esophagus
  • Do not digest food, but both serve as important
  • Summarize the steps to swallowing on pg 400-401
  • Esophageal hiatus where esophagus penetrates
    the diaphragm
  • Lower esophageal sphincter closes the entrance
    of to the stomach preventing regurgitation of
    stomach contents

  • J-shaped pouch that lies under the diaphragm
  • Capacity of approx. 1 liter or more of food
  • Begins protein digestion as food mixes with
    gastric juices
  • Four regions cardiac, fundic, body, pyloric
  • Pyloric sphincter muscular valve that controls
    gastric emptying

Gastric Secretions
  • Read pg 402-403 and summarize
  • Tissues involved in secretion of gastric juices
  • Composition and function of gastric secretions

Regulation of Gastric Secretions
  • Gastric juice is continuously produced and is
    controlled by hormones and neural signals (taste,
    smell, sight).
  • Signals stimulate release of acetylcholine which
    stimulates gastric glands to secrete gastric
    juice (hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen and
    gastrin a hormone that increases gland secretion)
  • In the small intestine, acid triggers inhibition
    of gastric juice secretion while causing the
    intestinal wall to secrete another hormone which
    decreases gastric motility

Gastric Absorption
  • Gastric enzymes begin breaking down proteins, but
    the stomach is not well adapted to absorbing
  • The stomach can absorb small quantities of water,
    salts, alcohol and some lipid-soluble drugs.

Mixing and Emptying Actions
  • Chyme semi-fluid paste of food particles and
    gastric juice produced in the stomach
  • As the chyme is pushed toward the pyloric
    sphincter, the muscle begins to relax and stomach
    contraction pushed the chyme a little at a time
    into the small intestine
  • The rate at which the stomach empties depends on
    the fluidity of the chyme and type of food
  • Fatty foods 3-6 hours
  • High protein foods faster
  • Carbohydrates faster than fats and proteins

  • Endocrine gland that also functions as an
    exocrine gland by secreting digestive juice
    (pancreatic juice)
  • Closely associated with the small intestine
  • The pancreatic duct connects to the small
    intestine in the same place as the bile duct

  • Located in the upper right quadrant of the
    abdominal cavity, inferior to diaphragm
  • Partially surrounded by ribs
  • Reddish-brown color well supplied with blood

Liver Structure
  • Connective tissue divides the lobes of the liver
    right (large) and left lobe (smaller)
  • Each lobe is separated into tiny hepatic lobules
    (functional units of the liver)
  • See diagram on pg 407
  • Blood from the digestive tract, which is carried
    in the hepatic portal vein, brings newly absorbed
    nutrients to the hepatic cells
  • Bile canals located in the hepatic lobules empty
    into larger ducts which merge into the common
    hepatic duct.

Liver Function
  • Carbohydrate metabolism by maintaining blood
  • Respond to hormones like insulin and glucagon
  • Oxidizes fatty acids to synthesize lipoproteins,
    phospholipids and cholesterol
  • Transports fat to adipose tissue for storage
  • Protein metabolism synthesizes plasma proteins
    for clotting, forms urea
  • Removes toxic substances such as alcohol form
  • Secretes bile

What is bile?
  • Yellowish-green liquid secreted by the hepatic
  • Contains water, bile salts, bile pigments
    (bilirubin and biliverdin), cholesterol, and
  • Bile salts digestive function

Function of Bile Salts
  • Aid digestive enzymes
  • Affect fat globules, like soap/detergent
  • Emulsification - break down fat globules into
    smaller droplets which aides the enzyme lipase in
    digesting the fat molecules more effectively.
  • Aid in the absorption of fatty acids, cholesterol
    and fat-soluble vitamins
  • Lack of bile salts results in poor lipid
    absorption and vitamin deficiencies.

Small Intestine
  • Tubular organ, extends form pyloric sphincter to
    the beginning of the large intestine
  • Receives secretions form the pancreas and liver
  • Completes digestion of nutrients in chyme
  • Absorbs the products of digestion
  • Transports the residues to the large intestine

Parts of the Small Intestine
  • Consists of three portions
  • Duodenum
  • About 25 cm long, follows a C-shaped path
  • Jejunum
  • Mobile and lies free in the peritoneal cavity,
    largest section of the small intestine
  • Ileum
  • Lowermost portion of the small intestine, not
    distinctly separate from the jujunum, but smaller
    in diameter than the jujunum
  • Mesentery membrane of supportive blood vessels,
    nerves, lymphatic vessels

Structure of the Small Intestine Wall
  • Inner wall appears velvety due to many tiny
    projections called intestinal villi,
  • Most numerous in the duodenum and the proximal
    portion of the jejunum
  • Increase the surface area of the intestinal
    lining aiding in the absorption of digestive

Secretions of the Small Intestine
  • Goblet cells secrete mucus
  • Cells in the proximal portion of the duodenum
    secrete large quantities of alkaline mucus
  • Enzymes located in the intestinal mucosa include
  • Peptidase (digests proteins)
  • Sucrase, maltase, lactase (spilt disaccharides
    into monosaccharides like fructose and glactose)
  • Lipase (splits fats)
  • Summarize the table on pg 414 in your notes

Lactose Intolerance
  • Occurs in people who do not produce enough
    lactase to digest lactose (milk sugar)
  • Lactose remains undigested
  • Increases the water content in the intestines
  • Intestinal bacteria metabolize the undigested
    sugar which produces acids and gases
  • Leads to bloating, intestinal cramps and diarrhea

Absorption in the Small Intestine
  • Villi increase the surface area of the intestinal
  • The small intestine is extremely efficient at
    absorbing digestive products that very little
    absorbable material reaches the distal end.

Movements of the Small Intestine
  • Like the stomach, the small intestine carries on
    mixing movements and peristalsis
  • Chyme moves slowly through the small intestine,
    taking anywhere from 3 to 10 hours to travel its
  • At the distal end of the small intestine, the
    ileocecal sphincter joins the small intestine to
    the large intestine

Large Intestine
  • Has a greater diameter than the small intestine
  • Begins where the ileum joins the cecum
  • Functions
  • absorb water and electrolytes form chyme that
    remains in the alimentary canal
  • Forms and stores feces

Parts of the Large Intestine
  • Cecum beginning of large intestine, pouch-like
  • Veriform appendix projects downward as a narrow
    tube with a closed end, it has no known digestive
    function, but does contain lymphatic tissue
  • Colon four portions
  • ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid
  • Rectum lies next to the sacrum, ends about 5 cm
    below the tip of the coccyx where it becomes the
    anal canal
  • Anal Canal last 2.5-4.0 cm of the large
    intestine, open to the outside at the distal end
  • Two sphincter muscles
  • Internal anal sphincter muscle smooth muscle
  • External anal sphincter skeletal muscle

Function of the Large Intestine
  • Contains many tubular glands composed mostly of
    goblet cells which secrete mucus
  • Mucus protests the intestinal wall against the
    abrasive action of the matter passing through it
  • Absorption takes place in the proximal half of
    the tube, storage occurs in the distal half
  • Intestinal flora bacteria that inhabit the
    large intestine and break down some of the
    molecules that are not already digested (ie.
    cellulose, pg 418)
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