Title: DIGMAP bla bla bla Presentation 1111
1Project Meeting6 December 2007Lisbon - Portugal
Project eContentplus ECP-2005-CULT-038042
- Review - Report
- Work performed during this year
- Generic work plan for the next period
- Administrative issues
3Review - Report
- It started smooth, it became hard, but it ended
VERY WELL (green flag)!!! - Main Recommendations (well receive a more
detailed written confirmation) - Drop the remaining of the WP8
- Focus in the data and the portal, to provide a
service earlier, which can be evaluated yet
during the projects time!!! - Focus on sustainability of the results
- For example, in order of not depend only from
TEL, install a DIGMAP Service in each partners
library... - Other issues...
- Provide more detailed Progress Reports
(especially, underline the positive impact
factors in the partners...)
- Review - Report
- Work performed during this year
- Generic work plan for the next period
- Administrative issues
5Work performed during this year
6Work performed during this yearWP1 Project
- Task 1.1 Organisational management
- DoW amendment (IMI became eligible partner in
January) - Task 1.2 Financial management
- Transfer of 1st instalment
- 1 Financial Statement
- Task 1.3 Technical management
- 4 project meetings
- 2 Progress reports
- We expect these tasks to proceed normally...
7Work performed during this yearWP2 - Thesauri
- Task 2.1 State of the art
- D2.1 Geographic and Historical Thesauri A
State of the Art - Task 2.2 Analysis and Design
- D2.2 DIGMAP Thesauri Analysis and Design System
- Task 2.3 Development
- work in progress as planned...
8Work performed during this yearWP3 - Catalogue
- Task 3.1 Authority File
- D3.1 Catalogue Requirements
- Task 3.2 Maps Harvester
- Prototype cat.on.map
- work in progress as planned...
- Task 3.3 Metadata cross mappings
- Defined the DIGMAP profile (based in the TEL
profile). - work in progress as planned...
- Task 3.4 Catalogue
- D3.1 Catalogue Requirements
- D3.2 Catalogue Design and Implementation
- work in progress as planned...
9Work performed during this yearWP4 - Indexing
- Task 4.1 Area Detector
- D4.1 State of the Art in Image Processing for
Digitised Maps - Task 4.2 Technical Features Extractor
- Task 4.3 Semantic Features Extractor
- Task 4.4 Areas Matcher
- Task 4.5 Indexer
- D4.2 Design of the Indexing System
- Task 4.6 Retrieving Interface
- work in progress as planned...
10Work performed during this yearWP5 User
- Task 5.1 Requirements and Analysis for the user
interface of the International Catalogue of
Digitized Old Maps - Task 5.2 Requirements and Analysis for the user
interface of the Authority Database of Maps
Engravers, Editors and Printers - Task 5.3 Requirements and Analysis for the user
interface of the Multilingual Geographic
Thesaurus - Task 5.4 User Interface Design of the DIGMAP
Information System - Task 5.5 User Interface Implementation of the
DIGMAP Information System - There are not expected results to report for this
period, but, concerning the D5.1 Requirements
and design of the DIGMAP public user interface,
previewed M14, it was agreed to postpone it to
M16, especially to take advantage of the results
of the workshop...
11Work performed during this yearWP6 Service
- Task 6.1 Internal Service Interface
Requirements and Design - D6.1 Requirements and Design for the internal
service interface - Task 6.2 Internal Service Interface
Implementation - Task 6.3 External Service Interface
Requirements and Design - D6.2 Requirements and Design for the external
service interface - Task 6.4 External Service Interface
Implementation - work in progress as planned...
12Work performed during this yearWP7 Assessment
and Evaluation
- Task 7.1 Assessment and Evaluation Thesauri
(WP2) - Task 7.2 Assessment and Evaluation Indexer
(WP4) - Task 7.3 Assessment and Evaluation Catalogue
(WP3) - Task 7.4 Assessment and Evaluation User
Interface (WP5) - Task 7.5 Assessment and Evaluation Service
Interface (WP6) - Actions performed
- Set up evaluation framework methodology
- Ongoing analysis of project documentation in the
Working Groups and based on this make the changes
within the documents - Evaluation of results (cooperation with WP8) and
feedback of the Advisory Group - work is expected to progress as planned...
13Work performed during this yearWP8 External
- Task 8.1 Advising Group Set Up
- done...
- Task 8.2 Advising Group Activities
- in progress...
- Task 8.3 Advising Group Report
- Done
- D8.1 Advising Group Recommendations (M09)
- In the future
- D8.2 Advising Group Final Report (M24)
14Work performed during this yearWP9 Awareness
and Dissemination
- Task 9.1 Project web site
- D9.1 DIGMAP Web Site
- Task 9.2 General dissemination
- Multiple participation in workshops and
conferences... - D9.5 Mid-Term Demonstration (proofs of
concept...) - Task 9.3 Newsletter
- D9.2 DIGMAP Newsletter (Two issues edited...)
- Task 9.4 Mid Term Workshop
- initially planned for September, will be held the
December 7! - Task 9.5 Final Workshop
15Work performed during this yearThe Global DIGMAP
Use Cases
16Work performed during this yearThe DIGMAP
Environment (simplified)
Main focus of the work during the first year...
17Work performed during this yearCatalogue
cat.on.map / collections of external resources
18Work performed during this yearCatalogue
cat.on.map / cataloguing and external resurce...
19Work performed during this year OAI-PMH servers
37 OAI-PMH servers (55 collections) identified
worldwide (excluding TEL members)
20Work performed during this yearIndexer System
21Work performed during this yearIndexer System
iconographic features...
22Work performed during this yearIndexer System
iconographic features...
The algorithm started by detecting 87 segments,
from which 23 were also automatically selected in
a second step. Human selection will select the
definitive relevant features...
23Work performed during this year Proof of Concept
of the Portal
24Work performed during this year Proof of Concept
of the Portal
Iconographic Features
Search and Browsing
25Work performed during this year Forum
- DIGMAP should promote discussions around the
indexed resources and enable active user
participation. For that we have the use cases
Asking expertsand Answering questions. - This service will reuse open-source software
26Work performed during this yearSearching...
27Work performed during this yearTextual Browsing
28Work performed during this yearTextual Browsing
Authors Index
Towards the Authority File...
29Work performed during this yearTextual Browsing
- Geoparser
Towards the Geographic Thesaurus...
30Work performed during this yearTextual Browsing
(simple) Time Index
- Review - Report
- Work performed during this year
- Generic work plan for the next period
- Administrative issues
32Work plan for the next period
- The design is done!
- The implementations are under way...
- Next priority will be for the contents (improve
and harvest metadata, thesauri, authorities,
georeferencing of the resources, cataloguing of
external resources, etc.)
33Work plan for the next period
34Work plan for the next period
35Work plan for the next period
- Task 6.2 Internal Service Interface
Implementation - Task 6.4 External Service Interface
36Work plan for the next period
37Work plan for the next period
38Work plan for the next period
- Partnerships to Explore...
- BN, BncF and NLE are already members of TEL
- KBR is a partner in EDL...
- NLE, IST and BN are partners in TELplus...
- Maphistoy - http//www.maphistory.info
- Afriterra - http//catalog.afriterra.org
- David Rumsey Historical Map Collection -
http//www.davidrumsey.com - Arquivo Virtual de Cartografia Urbana Portuguesa.
http//urban.iscte.pt/ - World Digital Library - http//www.worlddigitallib
rary.org/ - Humboldt project - http//www.esdi-humboldt.eu/hom
e/gmes_inspire.html - Technology
- Google Earth, Visual Earth, ECAI Timemap...
39Map History / History of Cartography (maintained
by Tony Campbell)(http//www.maphistory.info/)
40One more example to explore Afriterra(http//cat
41OAI-PMH servers
37 OAI-PMH servers (55 collections) identified
worldwide (excluding TEL members)
A service, similar to cat.on.map, will be
available during February to support the
registration and management of this information
(Diogo is working on it, Paula will help...)!!!
- Review - Report
- Work performed during this year
- Generic work plan for the next period
- Administrative issues
43Work performed during this yearIndicators
Financial Execution
The first period of the project was mainly
focused in the technical issues...
...For the second year the focus will be in the
contents and evaluation of the results!
44Work performed during this yearMaterial
BNP 6.033 BNCF 5.837 KBR 4.222 NLE 1.014
Maps 1.998 Collections 12 Others 87
3 papers (in this moment)
??? Unrealistic expectations, as these results
require technical infrastructure that only now is
- Review - Report
- Work performed during this year
- Generic work plan for the next period
- Administrative issues
46Specific Issues - Administrative
- What
- Review Project Report 2 (D1.2b) Provide new
version to the EC!!! - Answer to the ECs comments to the financial
report - Revise resources to be spent until the end of the
project - Review the flyers
- Who
- IST / Partners
- When
- As soon as possible!!! Before Christmas!!!!
- As soon as possible!!! Before Christmas!!!!
- Until the end of December!!!
- As soon as possible!!!
47Specific Issues - Records
- Process for IST to report errors in the records
and partners to correct them? - Libraries define the visualisation formats for
the records (in the indexes and in the search
engine it should be the same format!!) - Libraries revise the way the indexes are built
(are we using the correct MARC fields?) - Libraries define the limits of the collections
- Genres of works (maps, manuscripts? iconography?
bibliography?) - Dates (well include resources up which date?)
48Specific Issues - Portal
- Process to define the portal
- Services
- Layout
- Policy for highlights
- Resources from the partners
- External resources
- Translation of the interface
49Specific Issues Search Engine
- Define fields to search
- Define visualization format (the same of the
browsing indexes?) - Translation of the interface
50Specific Issues Maps Features
- Genres of features to consider?
- Process to approve features?
- Evaluation plan?
51Specific Issues cat.on.map
- Define the indexing language (genres of the
resources) - Workplan for the registration of more resources
(by the libraries) - Translation of the interface
- Evaluation plan?
52Specific Issues Next Meetings
- Periods
- February/March/April
- June/July
- September (closing of the project)
- It all depends of the Workshop Brussels
- July?
- September?
- Firenze?
- Sofia?