Title: Effects of Earth atmosphere on groundbased transit spectroscopy
1Effects of Earth atmosphere on ground-based
transit spectroscopy
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3In-transit observations 3 hours Out-of-transit
typ lt 3 hr on the same night another sequence
another night
Additional observation of a telluric std (hot
rotating ) before and after the transit Double
differential calibration 8m teltexpfew min3 hr
transit2A bandpass10-3 det
4- Brown 2001 transmission spectra as diagnostics
of extrasolar giant planet atmospheres
Expected from HIRES Photon-noise limited SNR1250
/pix R20,000 Core of NaI lines detected
5many attempts
- 1 transit on Keck/HIRES (2 hrs)
- 5 transits on the VLT/UVES (18 hrs)
- 1 transit on SUBARU/HDS (5hrs)
- 1 transit on WHT/UES (5 hrs)
- 1 transit on CFHT/ESPaDOnS (5 hrs)
- 1 transit on VLT/ISAAC (8.5 hrs)
- 3 transits on Keck/NIRSPEC (14.5 hrs)
- 11 transits on HET/HRS (27 hrs)
- 1 transit on SUBARU/HDS (5hrs)
6Keck HD 209458 51 Peg
7- During commissioning of UVES
- Partial transit
- Detection limit0.5-1
8- Rauer et al (2000, 2004)
- 1 sigma1/140 continuum in 5min exp
- Photon statistics only (in 5min)
- 4 nights on WHT necessary
- (but never performed)
9- 5 transits of HD 209458 with VLT/UVES
- spectral rossiter stellar line profile is the
reference - NaI line not detected at a level 7-5 10-4
10- Search for HeI at 1083nm
- VLT/ISAAC 1 transit
- Limit0.5
11- Expected signature 10-3
- Non detection x3 larger than needed to test theory
12Another 0.1-1 detection limit
13 14What limits detection?
- Instrumental short-term fluctuation
- Telluric lines
- Airmass variations
- Seeing (photons in slit)
- Out of transit reference (gtgttransit)
15Deming et al 05 NIRSPEC data in K from Brown 02
Telluric CO lines
telluric H2O lines
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18Successful detections!
- More photons (HET)
- A cleaner way to use the telluric standard
- A cleaner way of correcting for instrumental
defects - wave calib, blaze, non-linearity effects
19- Blueshift? planet motion high speed wind from
hot dayside - 3x signature of NaI in HD 209458
- Against the presence of high altitude clouds
20- Consistent with HST/STIS results
- Variation in the apparent NaI radius is the same
for both planets (750 km) - Symmetrical line
21- Empirical correction of HDS data for
non-linearity effects (line depth corr w count
level) - 0.056 (0.007) 5sig det
- Residual noise10-30 higher than Poisson stats
22How to decrease the threshold?
- Data acquisition
- Several transits averaging of systematics
- Systematic use of a telluric standard
- Out-of-transit spectra during the transit night
(long baseline) - Data reduction
- Special care for instrumental defects telluric
removals - Origins of systematics continuum normalization,
?-calibration, removal of stellar IS lines from
standard, differential limb-darkening
calculation, stellar activity, RM effect,
seeing/resolving power variations (slit spectrog)
23Perspectives (1)
- More visible echelle spectra of other bright
transiting planets - HD 189733
- HD 209458
- HD 17156
- HD 149026
- HAT-P-2b
- Extend GB detections in the near-IR
- CRIRES obs of HD 189733 on Sept 17th
24Perspectives (2)
- Get back to all previous observations and beat
systematics! (see HDS 3rd try) - Search for more components than easy NaI!
- Ionised species from more extended exosphere
- How does it complete the space obs?
- Resolving power
- Multiple visits over years
- Larger spectral coverage
- HST/STIS (7hr) HDS/HDS (5hr) for NaI HD209458
- Will theoricians ever believe in ground-based