Experimental Ecology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Experimental Ecology


2. Direct lysis of microbial cells in the environmental matrix followed by ... acids - cells subjected to enzymatic lysis and/or phenol-chloroform extraction ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Experimental Ecology

The following slides are provided by Dr.
Vincent OFlaherty.
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Experimental Ecology
  • What is present, where is it and what is it
  • Numbers, Biomass and Metabolic Activity are the
    fundamental basic biotic parameters of microbial
  • Much needs to be done to improve our accuracy and
    sensitivity in measuring key parameters -
    especially re scale.

  • All approaches that are currently used have
    advantages and disadvantages - if these are
    appreciated the best use can be made of data

What do we want to know??
  • What microbes are present? Detection/identificatio
  • Where are they? Detection/localisation
  • How many of each population are present (No.s of
    cells or mass of cells) Numbers/biomass
  • What are they doing and how is activity
    influenced by changes in the environment?

Methods - Summary
  • Detection and Numbers
  • Culture-based methods for detection and
  • Non-culture and non-DNA based methods for
    detection, enumeration - immunology and lipids
  • DNA(molecular)-based methods for detection,
    localisation and enumeration
  • 2. Methods for determination of Biomass
  • 3. Activity and metabolism determinations

  • Need to know limitations of each measurement
    procedure e.g. knowing that a total viable
    count typically enumerates around 1 of a
    microbial community
  • A combination of methods usually gives the best
  • In some cases numbers, biomass and activity show
    proportional correlations - mostly they do not -
    how to interpret this??

  1. Destructive sampling - removing a sample from the
    environment for analysis in the lab. -very
    important to be as non-invasive as possible e.g.
    soil cores, tissue biopsies, sea water, sediment,
    rumen fluid etc etc.
  2. Micro and mesocosms -model systems
  3. Field studies - at present very difficult and
    expensive to undertake

1. Detection and Enumeration of Microbes in the
  • Culture-based
  • Immunology-based
  • Membrane lipid
  • Genotypic Methods

Culture-based detection methods
  • Organisms must be recovered from environmental
    samples - recognisable and specific phenotypes
    must be expressed during in vitro culture
  • Classical approach - selective plating and
    enrichment procedures - useful because they may
    provide physiological information useful in
    analysing microbes ecological function

Culture vs Counts
Habitat Typical microscopic counts Typical cultivability ()
Soil 109-1010 cells/g 0.01-0.1
Lakes/rivers 106-107 cells/ml 0.01-0.1
Ground water 104-105 cells/ml lt1
Marine (surface) 104-106 cells/ml 0.001-0.1
Marine (depth) 104-105 cells/ml ND
Sediments 106-109 cells/g lt1
Why cant we grow environmental bacteria?
  • Little is known about the specific growth
    requirements of most microbes - e.g. O2 levels,
    nutrients, co-factors, cross-feeding with other
  • Many microorganisms in the environment will have
    a very low metabolic activity or are quiescent
  • Most aggregates contain a zone of proliferation
    and a zone of quiescence e.g. biofilms -these
    microbes are not growing but are not dead -
    waiting for favourable conditions

BioLOG System
  • Method of rapid testing of environmental samples
    - can simultaneously assay for a range of
    metabolic characteristics
  • Results are based on a colour-change and thus can
    be read automatically - rapid

  • Based on the pattern of substrate utilisations -
    a statistical analysis can be carried out - gives
    a physiological profile of the sample
  • Available for G(-) , G() specific or general use
  • Most frequently used culture-based method in
    ecological studies - labour, time and money

  • Advantages Cultivation media are formulated to
    take advantage of specific traits of organism
    i.e. nutritional capabilities and/or resistance
    to specific antibiotics - target microorganisms
    are favoured over others
  • Can detect growth automatically in broth - more
    sensitive than plates
  • Only viable bacteria will grow
  • Can work further with isolated bacteria

  • Problems - unculturability, totally artificial
  • Cant examine interactions of mixed group of
  • Lab. and in vivo phenotype may well be different

Immunological detection methods
  • Based on the fact that bacterial cell wall
    polymers such as proteins and lipopolysaccharides
    have strong antigenic properties
  • Can be used to raise antibodies, usually in

  • After repeated exposure to antigen counts of
    antibody become very high
  • Can be harvested from serum for use to detect
    antigens in samples

  • Labelled with either fluorochrome, biotin or gold
    and analysed using fluorescence or electron
    microscopy - can be very specific if monoclonal
    antibodies are used - specific for one bindng
    site, polyclonal antibodoes are more common
  • Usually cells immobilised on slides and
    antibodies added - observe using a microscope or
    detect electronically. Also Direct
    immunofluorescence used to detect organisms in a
    variety of environments - water, soils, root
    surfaces etc.

  • Advantages Can be used to detect viable but
    non-culturable microorganisms can be used to
    count microbes can be automated can be used in
    situ in samples
  • Problems cross-reactivity, cant raise
    antibodies if you dont have a pure culture and
    so cant predict if any other microbe will also
    react change of antigenic properties is response
    to environment sometimes not very sensitive can
    be very time-consuming

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Membrane lipid analysis
  • Bacteria can be characterised on the basis of
    different lipids that are found in their
    membranes - Number of carbons, saturation,
    branching all characteristic of different
  • The fatty acids that are important for bacterial
    identification are the branched chain fatty acids
    containing from 9 to 20 carbons
  • Lipids are extracted from the sample and treated
    by attaching an ester group- so they can be

  • Methylated phospholipid ester-linked fatty acids
    - (PL)FAME or PLFA profiles
  • Consists of esterification of the lipids and
    injection, separation, identification and
    quantitation (using known standards) of the fatty
    acid methyl esters by gas chromatography (GC)
  • Can read the outputs as peaks - profile of
    community structure - individual microbes will
    have individual profiles ( again can do stats)

  • Using this approach a signature profile can be
    obtained for samples
  • Community members are identified also some info
    on their physiological state e.g. - a ratio of gt
    1 of trans to cis- isomers of monosaturated PLFAs
    is indicative of starvation or other
    environmental stress

  • Advantages Important chemotaxonomic approach,
    culture independent Statistically valid
    straightforward and rapid, many samples can be
    processed, and change can be observed over time
  • Problems Organisms which lack signature profiles
    will not be distinguished, not very sensitive and
    environmental conditions (substrate, temperature
    etc.) can cause major changes in the patterns

Genotypic Detection Methods
  • Based on the ability to detect specific signature
    gene sequences of organisms in the environment -
    detect sequence unique to a microbe gt detect
  • Extremely valuable in detection of the microbial
    communities present in the environment
    increasingly being used to infer function - main
    method of community analysis currently employed
  • Also used in phylogeny - determination of the
    evolutionary relationship between microbes

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Principals of genotypic detection methods
  • Methods are based on the fact that nucleic acids
    are made up of 4 bases arranged in a specific
  • Base sequences are conserved from one generation
    to the next
  • DNA molecules are double-stranded

  • A nucleic acid sequence will only stick or
    hybridise to a complimentary sequence
  • DNA and RNA can be made single stranded or
    denatured by raising the temperature
  • Two detection approaches used Nucleic acid
    Probes and DNA Amplification

  • Probing and Amplification are linked as you need
    to know the target sequence before you design a
  • Must recover sequence information, analyse it and
    use it to produce probes
  • Sequences got from the environment through 1.
    Extraction of nucleic acids and 2. Amplification
    via PCR

Extraction of Nucleic Acids
  • Two approaches to isolating DNA from the
    environmental samples
  • 1. Isolation of microbial cells followed by cell
    lysis and purification of nucleic acid (Cell
  • 2. Direct lysis of microbial cells in the
    environmental matrix followed by nucleic acid
    purification (Direct extraction)

  • For water samples cells can be collected by
    filtration and then lysed to obtain nucleic acids
    - cells subjected to enzymatic lysis and/or
    phenol-chloroform extraction
  • Cell extraction methods also developed for soils
    - normally combine vortexing, centrifugation
  • Direct DNA extraction increasingly favoured for
    environmental studies - more representative of
    populations present - crude extracts purified to
    remove interfering substances

  • Mimics the natural DNA replication in microbes
  • Uses polymerase to synthesise a complimentary
    strand of DNA/RNA from a single strand
  • Small sequences (primers) added to create double-
    stranded template
  • A series of amplification cycles used to increase
    initial target

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  • Target sequence amplified can detect very low
    initial numbers
  • Amplified DNA can be used for probing or can be
    cloned and/or sequenced
  • Sequencing and comparison with known sequences
    provides information on diversity and types of
    microbe present and also can be used to design

  • Advantages of PCR no culture, allows detection
    of very low starting numbers, applicable to a
    wide range of samples, allows the sequencing of
    amplified target
  • Problems sampling is destructive, need to know
    some sequence information on target, does not
    distinguish between viable and non-viable, can be
    inhibited easily, absolutely dependent on success
    of nucleic acid extraction

Nucleic acid Probes
  • Probes and nucleic hybridisation techniques used
    to detect target sequences diagnostic of specific
    groups of organisms in environmental samples
  • Probe is a relatively short nucleotide sequence
    that can hybridise with a homologous sequence in
    the target micro-organism
  • Can be designed to target either DNA (chromosome)
    or RNA (usually the rRNA)

How probes work
  • Sequence of events is that nucleic acids are
    extracted from the sample, denatured and
    immobilised - e.g. on a nitrocellulose filter
  • Labeled probe is then added and allowed to
  • Unbound probe is then washed off and finally
    hybrids are detected

  • Normally carry out hybridisation on an
    immobilised target or probe on a solid phase e.g.
    - nitrocellulose or nylon filter surface
  • Normally probe is labelled (32P) and after
    hybridisation and washing can detect target
    binding by autoradiography
  • Relative amounts of nucleic acid can be
    quantified by comparison with signal obtained
    with universal probe - variations include use of
    Dot blot manifold etc.

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  • Advantages Do not require culture, applicable to
    a wide range of samples, can be quantitative
  • Problems destructive, requires some sequence
    information, may not detect low-numbers very well
    (combination with PCR overcomes this), no
    distinction between viable and non-viable

In-situ hybridisation
  • Alternative approach is to carry out specific
    hybridisation between labelled probe and specific
    target sequence inside intact cell with minimum
    sample disturbance
  • Most direct method - morphology of the cell
    fixed, membrane made permeable to allow
    penetration of probe (usually with

  • Fixed cells bound to glass slide and hybridised
    with oligonucleotide probe in a moist chamber -
    probes can be labelled with radioactivity, biotin
    combined with antibodies etc
  • Most commonly labelled with a flourescent dye
    like fluorescein (green) or rhodamine (red)

  • Fluorescent signals detected by epifluorescence
    or confocal laser scanning microscope (much more
  • Excellent technique for detection of
    unculturables e.g. symbionts of protozoa etc.
  • Very useful for identifying bacteria in complex
    environments - soil, biofilms, activated sludge

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  • Advantages no culture, can detect both
    culturable and unculturable organisms, localise
    specific cells within a community, estimate
  • Problems difficulties in getting clean
    hybridisation with some samples, cells have to be
    fixed to get probe in, need sequence information
    on target microbes

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Reporter Genes
  • Genetic markers used to track specific
    genetically modified microbial populations in the
    environment - genetic element that permits
    detection of an unrelated biological function
    e.g. lacZ gene useful and commonly employed - can
    cleave X-gal to create a blue pigment readily
    visable on plates - versatile biomarker
  • Also green fluorescent protein and
    bioluminescence genes used for this purpose

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1 (b) Determination of numbers
  • Direct counts - either stains or nucleic acid
  • Viable Counts

  • Numbers obtained by direct counts typically 2
    orders of magnitude higher than counts obtained
    by cultural techniques and applicable to a
    variety of habitats without culture-based biases
  • Numbers of specific microbes can be estimated
    using fluorescent antibody or gene probes
  • Multiple populations in the same sample can be
    counted by using several probes with different

Stains used for direct counts
  • Acridine Orange (water) - nucleic acid
  • DAPI (water/solids) - DNA stain
  • Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) - protein stain

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Dead or Alive?
  • Very important to determine if cells that you are
    counting are viable - are they alive or dead -
    number of procedures attempt to do this
  • i.e. use of 2-p-indophenyl-3p-nitrophenyl-5-ph
    enyl tetrazolium chloride (INT) which deposits
    red dye in cells that have active dehydrogenases
  • Similar respiration assay involves the use of
    5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC)

  • Also membrane potential-sensitive fluorochromes
    can distinguish between active, injured (dying)
    and dead cells
  • rRNA targeted probes - bind to ribosomes - these
    are present in live cells only

  • Using such methods it appears most of the cells
    observed by direct microscopy are alive - viable
    but non-culturable, concept first introduced by
    Rita Colwell in 1987
  • Demonstrated organisms carry out active
    metabolism and retain virulence
  • Use of gene probes/PCR etc. can classify
    unculturables - can infer properties based on
    cultured homologues - need to be careful!

  • Otherwise, Plate count and MPN the two basic
    approaches used to cultivate viable organisms-
    both rely on separation of microorganisms into
    individual reproductive units
  • All viable count procedures are selective - the
    degree of selectivity varies with the particular
    viable count procedure - impossible to get a
    Total Viable Count
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