Title: Biology and Ecology of Algae on Tropical Reefs
1Biology and Ecology of Algae on Tropical Reefs
- Jennifer E. Smith, Ph.D.
- National Center for Ecological Analysis and
Synthesis - University of California Santa Barbara
2Slime ?
3Incredible Diversity
- gt 500 species of marine algae in Hawaii, many new
species and genera collected every year - gt 60 species of corals
- Many exciting research opportunities
- Contact me later for more info
4Degraded Reef
Healthy Reef
5Overview of Lecture
- General information
- Taxonomy morphology
- Importance
- Ecology
- The reef environment
- Human impacts
6General Info
- Algae are photosynthetic autotrophs
- Through the process of photosynthesis, they
convert sunlight into chemical energyglucose,
starch other carbohydrates
7General Info-cont.
- Kingdom Protistanot true plants
- No real tissues or organs
- Older evolutionary lines
- Huge diversity
- Taxonomic dumping ground
8General Info cont.
- Air vs. water habitat, organisms utilize
different strategies
Land Plants
Marine Plants
9Importance of Algae
- Primary Producers
- Shelter and Habitat
- Cement and Structure
- Sand
- Nitrogen fixation
- Bioindicators
- Biomedical uses
- Economics
10Primary Producers
- Capture energy from the sun
- Chlorophyll and other photosynthetic pigments
- Use this energy to fix carbon into complex
carbohydrates - Serve as the base of the food web
- Supply energy for entire ecosystems
11Shelter Habitat
- Three dimensionality
- Complexity
- Commercially important species (lobster, crab,
fish, etc. - Endangered species
- Juveniles
12Cement Protection
- Crustose coralline algae (heavily calcified
crusts) are the glue of coral reefsfill in the
gaps and meld together - The algal ridge/reef crest continually grows
upward towards the sun - Provides physical protection to islands
- Prevents erosion from wave action
13Sand Producers
- Up to 90 of the sand in the tropics is produced
by algae - Halimeda
- Crustose coralline algae
14Nitrogen Fixation
- Cyanobacteria
- Specialized structure Heterocyst that fixes
atmospheric Nitrogen (N2) into useable forms - Available for uptake by reef species
- Important source of new nitrogen on reefs
15Medical Other Uses
- Novel Compounds
- Micosporine-like Amino Acids sun screens
- Antifouling compounds
- Ship hulls
- Medical Supplies (contact lenses, pace makers,
pins, etc.) - Antioxidants
- Cure diseases cancer
- Resistance to bacteria, antibiotics
seaweeds in the ocean can avoid infection by
fungi and bacteria by producing their own natural
antibiotics. The seaweeds live in constant
contact with potentially dangerous microbes,
suggesting they are under pressure to evolve some
kind of resistance
16Commercial Uses Economics
- 145 species of algae are cultivated for food-Nori
(Porphyra, etc.) - 101 cultivated for phycocolloids (agar and
carageenan) - Each year 13 million tons of seaweed produced in
farms yields an excess of 6.2 billion dollars - 50 produced in the tropics
- Kappaphycus and Eucheuma
- Algae are like all plants and require nutrients
(nitrogen and phosphorous) to grow - What happens when you add fertilizer to your
garden? Weeds? - Algal blooms can be the result of
eutrophication-nutrient pollution, runoff, sewage
- Three major groups of marine algae
- Division Chlorophyta-green algae
- Division Phaeophyta-brown algae
- Division Rodophyta-red algae
- Many other obscure groups that photosynthesize
but do not form large multicellular marine plants - Blue-green Algae
- Bacteria-Division Cyanophyta
- Dinoflagellates
- Division Pyrrophyta-zooxanthellae, and many more
- Most diverse group of algae-over 7000 species
worldwide - Approximately 60 species in Hawaii
- Range in size from a few microns to over 3 meters
long - Single to multicellular
- Fresh water and marine species
- Very simple to very complex
- From less than a centimeter to over 30 meters
long - No unicellular representatives
- Mostly all species are marine
- 3000 species worldwide
- Approximately 40 species in Hawaii
- Alginate and Alginic Acid are important
commercial products
- Single to multicellular
- Few millimeters to few meters
- Fresh water and marine
- Approximately 5000 species, 360 in Hawaii
- Carrageneen and agar are important commercially
- Deepest alga ever found at 364 meters was a red
22Taxonomic Divisions and Photosynthetic Pigments
Taxonomic Group Photosynthetic Pigment
Cyanobacteria chlorophyll a, allophycocyanin, phycocyanin, phycoerythrin
Green Algae (Chlorophyta) chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, siphonoxanthins
Red Algae (Rhodophyta chlorophyll a, allophycocyanin, phycocyanin, phycoerythrin
Brown Algae (Phaeophyta) chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c, fucoxanthin and other carotenoids
Dinoflagellates (Pyrrhophyta) chlorophyll a, chlorophyll c, peridinin and other carotenoids
Vascular Plants chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b
23Light in the Marine Environment
Form Simple Complex
25Morphology Cont.
Branching Patterns
26Algal Functional Form
Functional Form Size Division of species in Hawaii
Macroalgae gt 2 cm C, P, R gt225
Crustose Coralline Algae Variable (lt1cm/year) R gt25
Turf Algae lt 2 cm C, P, R gt275
Coral/Zoox lt cm to gt5m Anthozoa, Pyrrophyta Coral 60 Zoox ?
27Algal Functional Forms
28Algal Ecology
- Factors that can influence growth
- Water motion
- Disturbance
- Temperature
- Salinity
- Substrate
- Competition
- Predation
- Factors necessary for growth
- Light
- Nutrients
Physical factors
Biological interactions
29Coastal Marine Ecosystems
- Temperate (cold water)
- High nutrient levels-upwelling, cold nutrient
rich seawater - Dominated by producers
- Algae form the ecosystem
- Productive
- High herbivory
- High net export of energy
- Tropical (warm water)
- Low nutrient levels-no upwelling
- High herbivory
- Corals form the ecosystem
- Highly productive
- Low algal abundance
- Low export of energy from system
30Where are all the producers???
31The Paradox of Tropical Reefs
Extremely diverse and highly productive
ecosystems thriving in nutrient poor seashow
does this work??? and where are all of the
32The Coral/Algal Symbiosis
- Self-contained unit
- Highly efficient nutrient cycling
- Coral fertilizes the zoox (with NH4 as excretion)
and the zoox feeds the coral (translocation of
complex sugars-photosynthate) - Evolved to thrive in nutrient poor waters
- Very little outside energy needed
33The solution for other algae
- Low Nutrients
- Slow growth rates, high efficiency (high surface
to volume ratio), grow in areas where nutrients
are relatively high - Herbivory
- Intense diverse-keeps standing stock low
- Avoid consumption by herbivores
- Chemical (toxins) or physical defense (calcium
carbonate, or cryptic growth form), - Grow fast
Nitrogen Phosphorus-low
34Relationship between functional form and ecology
Functional Form Nutrient Efficiency Herbivore Defenses Adaptations to Exposure
Macroalgae Low Some, chemical occasional CaCO3 Some
Crustose Coralline Algae Low Yes, CaCO3 Yes, crust
Turf Algae High None, fast growth rates No, fragile
Coral High Physical CaCO3 Some
35Functional Forms the Reef
36The Reef Flat
- Refuge from herbivory
- Intense solar radiation
- Shallow, nutrient rich, moderate hydrodynamic
forces - Substrate basalt, limestone, rubble, sand and
mud - Macroalgae dominate
37Reef Flat Algae
38The Reef Crest Algal Ridge
- Extreme hydrodynamics
- High Flux-nutrient delivery
- Intense herbivory
- Severe physical conditions light, temp.,
desiccation - Crustose coralline algae
39Reef Crest Algae
40Reef Slope
- Intense herbivory
- Low hydrodynamic forces
- Low nutrients, mild fluctuation in physical
factors - Corals dominate
- Algae are cryptic, fast growing (turfs) or
chemically defended
41Reef Slope Algae
42Keeping the Balance on Reefs
- Intense grazing of algae by fish and
invertebrates keeps algal standing stock
low-helps to maintain the competitive dominance
of corals - Clear, low nutrient water prevents algae from
growing overly fast favors the abundance of
nutrient efficient species-symbioses
43Coral Reefs are Fragile Ecosystems
- Because these unique ecosystems have evolved
under specific conditions they are susceptible to
small changes - Global population 6.3 billion
- 3.8 billion live within 100 km of the ocean, gt
60 of total - This number is expected to double in the next 30
years - Tremendous pressure on marine resources
associated ecosystems
44Coral Reef Loss Causes
- Natural
- Storm disturbance, hurricanes, tsunamis
- Predation COT
- Changes in sea level
- Disease
- Anthropogenic
- Overfishing
- Eutrophication
- Sedimentation
- Pollution
- Global warming
- Destructive fishing practices
- Trampling
- Exotic species
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- Phase shifts can be the result of coral death
where algae simply settle on open space - Or the algae may actually kill coral as a result
of overgrowth, shading and smothering - Reduced herbivory increased nutrients
47Things that kill coral
- Localized
- Sedimentation (smothering), disease outbreaks
(coral death), Acanthaster blooms, trampling
(abrasion) etc. - Global
- Global warming-increased temperature (coral
bleaching) and carbon dioxide (reduced
48Things that enhance algal growth/abundance
- Nutrient addition Eutrophication
- Overfishing or loss of grazers
49Nutrient Pollution
50Overfishing Reduced Herbivory
51The Relative Dominance Model(Littler and Littler
- Phase shifts from coral to macroalgal dominance
can occur when both nutrient levels and herbivore
numbers are altered - Reefs across the globe are experiencing these
phase shifts - ResultMacroalgal dominance reef loss
Smith et al. 2001. Coral Reefs
52Case Study Kaneohe Bay, OahuDictyosphaeria
- During the 1970s, 3 sewage treatment outfall
pipes were put in Kaneohe Bay - In the years following this event D. cavernosa
A.K.A. the bubble alga began growing
extensively in the bay - First large-scale evidence of what nutrients can
do - What is the current situation?
53Case Study Diadema antillarum Caribbean Reefs
- The sea urchin D. antillarum was extremely
abundant - Early 1980s massive mortality due to disease
- Algal overgrowth of coral occurred across the
Caribbean - First large-scale evidence of herbivore effects
on reefs
54Phase Shifts Case Studies in Hawaii
- Numerous cases
- Each situation is unique
- Often difficult to determine exactly what the
causes are - Multiple and interactive effects
- Each situation needs to be studied
- Exotic/alien species
55Alien Algae in Hawaii
- 19 species of non-indigenous seaweeds since have
been introduced since 1950s - 5 have become established in Hawaiian waters and
pose threats to reefs
56Alien Algae in Hawaii
Species Year Origin Vector
Acanthophora spicifera 1950 Guam Hull Fouling -Accidental
Hypnea musciformis 1974 Florida Aquaculture -Intentional
Gracilaria salicornia 1971 ?, Native to NW SW Pacific, Indian Ocean, Australasia Aquaculture -Intentional
Eucheuma denticulatum 1974 Philippines Aquaculture -Intentional
Avrainvillea amadelpha 1981 Native to NW SW Pacific Unknown
Smith et al. Pacific Science 2002
57Hypnea musciformis
- Introduced in the 1970s for experimental
aquaculture - Forms massive blooms on south shore of Maui
- Responding to high nutrient inputs
- Smothers benthos
- Economic losses-20 million per year to Maui
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59Gracilaria salicornia Gorilla Ogo
- First appeared in Hilo Harbor in early
1900s-shipping/whaling industry, native to
Philippines - Introduced to Oahu and Molokai for aquaculture
- Localized spread, not good at spreading b/w
islands - Ecological dominant in some places Waikiki and
Smith et al. Pacific Science. 2004
60Waikiki Alien Algae Clean-up Events
Time Volunteers Wt. Removed
gt20 volunteer events, 2002 gt1000 people gt100 tons algae
- Underwater vacuum cleaner to remove alien algae
- Kaneohe Bay
- Ask DAR divers (Cass and Josh) for more info
62Eucheuma denticulatum
- Cultivated around the tropics has been
introduced to more than 23 countries - Introduced to in Kaneohe Bay 1970s
- Fish dont prefer to eat it
- Moderate response to nitrogen
- Once establishedvery competitive
- Out competing native species
- Killing coral, reducing diversity
- Changes habitat3D
- Eradication???
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64Native Invasive Species Cladophora sericea
- Forms large ephemeral blooms on west Maui
- Summer months
- Some years
- Large-scale, wide depth range
- Causes impacts unknown
- Algae are a diverse and important component of
coral reefs - They are the base of the ecosystem that supply
energy for higher trophic levels - They are important sand producers and reef
cementers - Important indicators of reef health
- Human impacts can shift the competitive edge away
from coral and in favor of the algaePhase shifts
(less diverse, less complex and potentially
66What can be done???
- Better land management practices
- Reduce runoff, manage sewage, time release
fertilizers, prevent deforestation, etc. - Better management of fisheries
- Create no-take marine reserves
- Increase fish and other herbivore populations
- Prevent introduction of non-native species
- Reef restoration
- Education
- Conduct research
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