Title: Environmental Technology
1Environmental Technology Verification Program
Evelyn Hartzell
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
European Forum on Eco-Innovation Boosting
Eco-technologies through Verification
November 27, 2007 Paris, France
Evelyn Hartzell, Environmental Technology
Verification Program, US EPA , Cincinnati, Ohio,
2Communicating verification results
- Transparency is a core ETV value
- All methods and results are made publicly
available - Verification Reports Detailed results of an
individual technology test. - Verification Statements - Summaries of results
- Test/QA Plans - The experimental approach used to
test a technology - Protocols Generic approach to testing a class
of technologies - Confidential business information kept private
3Communicating verification results (cont.)
- Vendors are provided with
- Electronic copies of the verification report and
statement to duplicate or post - Use of the ETV logo and name if they agree to
follow the logo use policy
- Logo use policy
- Identifies appropriate uses
- Language when writing or talking about ETV
- Prohibited uses
- To imply EPA endorsement, approval,
certification, guarantee, or warrantee of the
company, its products, its technologies, or its
services. - Consequences
- Performed at all levels EPA, verification
organizations, stakeholders, and collaborators - Venues
- ETV Web site
- Verification reports, test/QA plans, stakeholder
meeting minutes, fact sheets, technology briefs,
case studies, etc. - Over 3 million hits per year 10 international
- Conferences, workshops, meetings
- Presentations, papers, exhibits
- Face-to-face meetings with collaborators and key
clients - Also facilitates capacity building
5Case Studies
Case Studies Booklets
- 15 case studies
- Show actual and project likely outcomes of
verifications - Summarizes available info
- vendor sales
- regulatory responses
- pollutant reduction
- science innovation
- projected health outcomes
- resource conservation
- economic and financial
6Demonstrated ETVs usefulness as a marketing tool
- Vendors - use ETV as a marketing and sales tool
- Vendor survey responses, 1995 -2001
- Testimonials - Ex. ETV is a tremendous
advantage to a small business it creates
technology awareness and provides a quality,
credible referral Felicia Owens, MTI, 2004 - Self reporting Ex. PCI Membrane Systems Inc.
installed at least five new treatment systems (gt
1 million sales) based on ETV -
7Demonstrated ETVs usefulness as a marketing tool
Stakeholders - ready markets for ETV results
. . . The Association of State Drinking Water
Administrators (ASDWA) and its members have
consistently supported the . . . DWS Center . . .
ASDWA relies heavily on these evaluations to
support the use of technologies and products in
our industry and assure a proper standard of
care. Jim Taft, ASDWA, 2007
8Selected outcomes
Selected Outcomes
- Eductor Vapor Recovery Unit (for oil and gas
storage tanks) 1 verified, 11 installed since
verification - Emission reduction of 280 M std cubic ft/yr
methane, 1700 tons/yr hazardous air pollutants,
21,600 tons/yr volatile organic compounds - Gas recovered valued at 6.3 M/yr
- Diesel Retrofit - 7 technologies verified in
2003-5 - 6 reduce particulate matter (PM) by 21 to 95
- Verification makes eligible for EPAs National
Clean Diesel Campaign grants - 1,345 technologies installed as result of
verification and grants - At 10 market penetration, for 7 yr use
- reduction in PM calculated to be 9K to 31K tons
- avoided premature mortality calculated to be 683
2,380 fewer deaths - 5 -18B in monetary benefits calculated
9Contact information
- Evelyn Hartzell
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Environmental Technology Verification Program
- 26 West Martin Luther King Drive
- Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 USA
- hartzell.evelyn_at_epa.gov
- Tel 513.569.7728
- Fax 513.569.7165