XML Technology in E-Commerce - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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XML Technology in E-Commerce


John Smith Jr. /student Entity 1. Entity 2. Entity 3 ... John Smith Jr. /student /students Logical View. Sheet 6. XML Technology in E-Commerce 2001 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: XML Technology in E-Commerce

XML Technology in E-Commerce
  • Lecture 2
  • Logical and Physical Structure, Validity, DTD,
    XML Schema

Lecture Outline
  • Logical and Physical Structure of XML Documents
  • Validity
  • DTD
  • Element declarations
  • Attribute declarations
  • XML Schema
  • Element and Attribute declarations
  • Simple types definitions
  • Complex types definitions

Logical and Physical Structure
  • By definition each XML document has logical and
    physical structure
  • Markups are used to describe the structures
  • Two structures must be properly nested according
    to the specification rules
  • See Logical and Physical Structure of XML

Logical Structure
  • An XML Document is an information item
  • Document Logical Structure represents the
    information in the way perceived by the user

Physical Structure
  • An XML Document is also a physical entity
  • The content that we logically perceive can be
    distributed across several physical entities.
    They form the physical structure

ltstudentgt John Smith lt/studentgt
ltstudentsgt ltstudentgt John Smith
lt/studentgt ltstudentgt John Smith Jr.
lt/studentgt lt/studentsgt
ltstudentsgt lt/studentsgt
Entity 2
ltstudentgt John Smith Jr. lt/studentgt
Entity 1
Logical View
Entity 3
Valid XML Documents
  • Well-formedness constraints dont specify element
    and attribute names and types and the instance
    document structure
  • Validity Constraints - specify element and
    attribute names and types and the document
  • DTD based validation and Schema based validation
  • Parsers
  • Non-validating parsers check documents for
  • Validating parsers check documents for
    well-formedness and validity constraints

DTD Validation
  • DTD - Document Type Definition
  • DTD is a grammar for a class of XML documents
  • Document Type Declaration
  • Contains the DTD for an XML document
  • External subset
  • lt!DOCTYPE root SYSTEM myDTD.dtd gt
  • Internal subset
  • lt!DOCTYPE root
  • markup declarations
  • gt

DTDMarkup Declarations
  • Element type declarations
  • Attribute list declarations
  • Entity declarations - declare the entities that
    form the document physical structure. See
    Logical and Physical Structure of XML
  • Notation declarations
  • Document Type Declaration can also contain
    Processing Instructions and Comments

DTDElement Type Declaration
  • Specifies the element type and content
  • lt!ELEMENT Name contentSpecgt
  • Elements Content
  • Empty
  • lt!ELEMENT homepage EMPTYgt
  • Any
  • lt!ELEMENT container ANYgt
  • Only elements (element content)
  • Mixed

DTD Elements Content Content Model
  • Content Model Building Blocks
  • Choice
  • (p list table form )
  • Sequence
  • (street, zip, city, country)
  • Occurrence Specifiers
  • ?
  • Example
  • lt!ELEMENT person (name, address,
    homepage?, note)gt
  • See also Deitel 6.4.1, page 139

DTD Elements Content Mixed Content
  • Elements with mixed content can contain other
    elements and character data or only character
  • lt!ELEMENT note (PCDATA em strong
  • lt!ELEMENT p (PCDATA em i b a
  • lt!ELEMENT street (PCDATA)gt
  • lt!ELEMENT city (PCDATA)gt
  • Other examples - Deitel 6.4.2, page 143

DTDAttribute List Declaration
  • Attributes are always associated with a
    particular element
  • Attribute list declaration format
  • lt!ATTLIST elName
  • attrName1 attrType1 attrDefault1
  • attrName2 attrType2 attrDefault2
  • gt
  • Attribute types
  • String type
  • Tokenized type
  • Enumerated type

DTD Attribute DeclarationsAttribute Types
  • String type
  • lt!ATTLIST person age CDATA REQUIREDgt
  • Tokenized types
  • ID, IDREF, IDREFS (Deitel 6.6.1 page 147)
  • ENTITY, ENTITIES(Deitel 6.6.1 page 150, Logical
    and Physical Structure of XML Documents)
  • NMTOKEN, NMTOKENS (Deitel 6.6.1 page 152)
  • lt!ATTLIST person id ID REQUIREDgt
  • Enumerated type
  • lt!ATTLIST person gender (M F) IMPLIEDgt

DTD Attribute DeclarationsAttribute Defaults
  • Provide information about the attributes
  • Attribute must always be present.
  • The attribute may be absent. There is no default
  • Default value
  • lt!ATTLIST list type (olul) ulgt
  • lt!ATTLIST list type (olul) FIXED ulgt

Summary on DTD validation
  • DTD is a grammar that specifies element and
    attributes types and names
  • DTD contains declarations for Entities and
    Notations that are used in the document physical
    structure (see Logical and Physical Structure
    of XML Documents)
  • Mixed element content can not constrain the order
    of sub-elements
  • Attribute value type set doesnt contain
    primitive data types like integer, date, time,
  • Demo - DTD validation with XML Spy

Read Deitel 6, Logical and Physical Structure
of XML Documents Assignment Deitel Ex 6.6 and
Ex 6.7, page 164
Lecture Outline
  • Logical and Physical Structure of XML Documents
  • Validity
  • DTD
  • Element declarations
  • Attribute declarations
  • XML Schema
  • Element and Attribute declarations
  • Simple types definitions
  • Complex types definitions

Schema Validation
XML Schema
  • XML Schema constrains the structure, element and
    attributes names and types of XML documents
  • There are several schema proposals. We will
    discuss W3C Schema
  • Schema specification defines an abstract data
    model for schemas and the correspondent XML
  • A schema is a set of components
  • There are 13 schema components divided into three
  • Primary components
  • Secondary components
  • Helper components

Schema XML Representation
  • schema element
  • ltxsschema xmlnsxs"http//www.w3.org/2000/10/XM
    LSchema" version1.0gt
  • ltxsattribute gt
  • lt/xsschemagt
  • Current namespace URI (30 March, no support in
    XML Spy 3.5)
  • http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
  • Components
  • Element declarations
  • Attribute declarations
  • Simple type definitions
  • Complex type definitions

SchemaElement Declaration
  • Syntax
  • ltelement namemyElement typemyType /gt
  • ltelement refmyElement/gt
  • Occurrence
  • minOccurs and maxOccurs attributes
  • ltelement refmyElement
  • minOccurs2
  • maxOccurs12/gt
  • ltelement refmyElement
  • minOccurs0
  • maxOccursunbounded/gt

SchemaAttribute Declaration (1)
  • Syntax
  • ltattribute namemyAttr typemyAttrType/gt
  • ltattribute refmyAttr/gt
  • Defaults
  • use and value attributes
  • ltattribute refmyAttr userequired/gt
  • ltattribute refmyAttr usedefault
  • value37/gt
  • ltattribute refmyAttr usefixed
  • value37/gt

SchemaAttribute Declaration (2)
  • Changes in attribute occurrence constraints
    syntax (made on 30 March, currently not supported
    by XML Spy 3.5)
  • Defaults
  • use, default, fixed attributes
  • ltattribute refmyAttr userequired/gt
  • ltattribute refmyAttr useoptional
  • default37/gt
  • ltattribute refmyAttr fixed37/gt

SchemaType Definitions
  • XML Schema provides two kinds of type definition
  • Simple types - specify constraints on strings
    that can be used as values of attributes and
    elements with only character data content
  • Complex types - specify attributes and content
    model of document elements
  • Type definition hierarchy
  • Types defined by restriction
  • Types defined by extension
  • Root type - anyType

SchemaSimple Types
  • Usage - for attribute values and content of
    elements without attributes and children
  • ltphonegt222-33-22-444-1lt/phonegt
  • ltagegt23lt/agegt
  • Set of built-in simple datatypes defined in XML
    Schemas Datatypes specification (see XML Primer,
    Appendix B, Table b1.a)
  • Each simple type is a restriction of another
    simple type

SchemaSimple Type Definition
  • Syntax
  • ltsimpleType namemySimpleTypegt
  • content (restriction union list)
  • lt/simpleTypegt
  • Restrictions
  • ltsimpleType namemySimpleTypegt
  • ltrestriction baseintegergt
  • ltminInclusive value25/gt
  • ltmaxInclusive value100/gt
  • lt/restrictiongt
  • lt/simpleTypegt
  • Facets (see XML Schema Primer, Appendix B)
  • List and Union Types (see XML Schema Primer 2.3.1
    and 2.3.2)

SchemaComplex Types
  • Complex type definition contains a set of
    attribute declarations and content model that
    specify the content and attributes of a set of
  • Complex type can be
  • a restriction of another complex type
  • an extension of a simple or complex types
  • a restriction of the anyType type
  • Extension mechanism adds additional content parts
    at the end of the content model of the base
    definition and/or adds new attribute declarations

SchemaComplex Type Definition
  • Elements with text-only content and attributes.
    Extension of simple types
  • ltheight unitsmgt125lt/heightgt
  • ltcomplexType namemeasurementgt
  • ltsimpleContentgt
  • ltextension basedecimalgt
  • ltattribute nameunits typestring/gt
  • lt/extensiongt
  • lt/simpleContentgt
  • lt/complexTypegt
  • ltelement nameheight typemeasurement/gt

SchemaElement Content Model
  • Model Group Elements (see XML Schema Primer 2.7)
  • sequence
  • choice
  • all
  • group
  • Mixed Content
  • ltcomplexType namenoteType mixedtruegt
  • ltchoice maxOccursunboundedgt
  • ltelement nameem typestring/gt
  • ltelement nameb typestring/gt
  • ltelement namei typestring/gt
  • lt/choicegt
  • lt/complexTypegt
  • Empty Elements (see XML Schema Primer 2.5.3)

SchemaAdditional Features
  • Anonymous Types (Primer 2.4)
  • Attribute Groups (Primer 2.8)
  • Namespace (Primer 3.1)
  • Deriving types by extension (Primer 4.2)
  • Schema modularization (Primer 4.1)
  • Annotations (Primer 2.6)
  • Relating schema and document instances (Primer
    5.6, Deitel 7.6)
  • Demo Schema validation with XML Spy

Summary on XML Schema
  • Expressed in XML
  • Based on the explicit notion of types for
    elements and attribute values
  • Provides namespace control
  • Uses extension and restriction for type
  • Lacks of support for entities

Read Deitel 7, XML Schema Primer (24.10.2000
version) Skip Deitel 7.3..7.5, Primer 5.1..5.3,
5.5 AssignmentWrite schema for planner.xml
(Deitel 5.9, page 126) and compare with the
syntax in Deitel 7.7. Validate with XML-Spy. Use
Chapter 2 and Appendix B from the Primer, Deitel
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